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FLOOD -DeepFakes- avatar
FLOOD -DeepFakes-
I'm a lot of things, but I'm not wrong.

By the way "what they did to us" nobody did anything to you, you got banned because odysee was watching your dumb ass the entire time... you even banned the odysee boss when he came into your chat to warn you. because you are retards... and white traitors.

Cope and seethe.
Myself and @OMGitsFlood were scapegoated for the behavior of about 20 people. All from the communities of Tuber/AIS and Randbot/Pond.

Once their stream-daddies got demonetized by Odysee, they literally ran to Odysee's payment processor, to try to destroy it for everyone else.

If their degenerate scumbag can't have it, nobody else can, you see. Once they did this economic sabotage crime, they then tried to cover their tracks and pin the crime on myself and @OMGitsFlood.
lil' Pistil reporting on people even in his little video game world, before he became a tough alpha "cyber nazi".
Weston made this in late 2022. This concept was being discussed in reference to Jewish power. Somehow it applies perfectly to the two clowns who destroyed the online WN space in the last five months.
yea, could have just asked dude. I'm not hard to get ahold of, and never blocked you Brian. I don't really know what you do, I only knew of your channel as a guy that was a staunch anti-HT/GDL guy, other than that had no idea what you're about. I shouted out your Tuber confrontation video the other day in the show actually, so that's hardly 'freezing you out' either. I don't think I blocked you from anything either. Could have just asked dude, I probably would have done it.

The obvious and practical reason is, I don't tend to line up guests I don't personally follow, and I tend to avoid guests that are going to cause a ton of drama and issues when their haters get big mad I had the guy they're obsessed with on. I've always avoided this "policing the scene" internal politics, because it works against the interests of having a stable show, and it starts feuds. It's been very annoying to have this shit forced on me by this situation in the past 5 months by other people and illegitimate actors and their mob starting shit to cover up his secret. At that point the only choice it to look the other way, or deal with it and tell the truth. I chose the truth, many turned coward and looked the other way, in fact most did.
This seems completely normal, nothing weird about this scene at all. Whatever this trauma is Whitedog is talking about, it must be super messed up for this be what your social life looks like at 30yrs old, ice skating around with pre-teens and young kids.

The nigcel mob told this is what the "real nazis" look like. Seems legit bro.

(Audio clip from TASOWN S02E19)
As far as I'm concerned, anyone who still believes the narratives put forth by a mestizo to undermine our community and those within it are still on his side. Even if they get offended by his brown-ness for racial reasons. Just leaving the ranks of the spicwaffen, is not enough to gain credibility with me, if you repeat their made up stories.
Esther-ites still on a warpath for a mestizo who’s still big mad because one if his anon enemies (one of hundreds) of his took away his easy gig, of collecting $70,000+ per year from scummy teenagers and day drinkers, while burping into the mic and having a daily fundraiser for his “six keeedz”, who turned out to be very brown, not White as marketed. His donors literally funded WHITE REPLACEMENT by funding his mestizo kids.

They’re still ignore this. But it can’t be ignored. Ask them why they are so happy to literally fund White replacement.

Why is he still neglecting his “familia” and “ninos” to sit on a stream with his bottom boy all day? What kind of father does that? I guess a mestizo one.
This really adds a lot of context to the broney slipup.
Tonight's star faggot is White_Is_Right, the person who introduced me to Speakfree Radio, Gman, and Gahary. White is Right knows damn well the relationships and backgrounds of these people and how they all met each other, because we all met through him... yet here he is, feeding trogs info in order to doxx and harass Whites.
This is the kind of brain damage that you can’t even properly address. You could explain to them why what they said is Sub-Saharan Africa tier intelligence, and they just wouldn’t understand what you said.

Talking to these types is like talking to someone that doesn’t speak the same language.
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No BS it's the Jews®️
A Clear conscience: PriceLess
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