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Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
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Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует
Homa Tawk (Extreme Right Wing Golf Squad) avatar
Homa Tawk (Extreme Right Wing Golf Squad)
Homa Tawk (Extreme Right Wing Golf Squad) avatar
Homa Tawk (Extreme Right Wing Golf Squad)
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Now here's a Jewish bombing I support.

The release date for this latest bit of Jewish propaganda is set for March 14th, the Jewish holiday of Purim, in which they celebrate slaughtering 75,000 of their ancient ethnic rivals

Framed by them as a tale of self defense, but over the last two years we've seen that when Jews say "self defense" they really mean slaughtering civilians.

A black woman is speaking, you should sit down and listen (for real this time.)
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
The Aureus Press avatar
The Aureus Press
Because for now some Jews still understand the need for subtlety and the charade of fairness in media.

Thankfully those Jews seem to be on the way out, being replaced with tactless, bloodthirsty Chabad types, like this demon here.

This will make our jobs much easier in the future.
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Spectre™️ avatar
Come for the peasant accelerationism, stay for the righteous blasphemy it's Third Rail #354

Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Jqhnny's neighborhood avatar
Jqhnny's neighborhood
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
So far, so good avatar
So far, so good
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Bellerophon's Autism Plantation avatar
Bellerophon's Autism Plantation
^Vance joined blood tribe?!
I am once again asking where are my Soros checks? I could really use it right now.
Give your guns to a liberal. Maybe they'll actually do something.
Look at the size of it...
So the Epstein files have been released to a handful of conservative influencers with all of the kosher amendments and redactions we'd expect.

This will allow figures like Tim Pool and Glen Beck to thump their chests, talk about civil war and keep the focus on how the nameless deep-state is just so uncooperative with Trump. "He wants to show us everything guys! Really! It's just that damned deep state again! Ahhh shucks!"

This will be hot & heavy through March, maybe half of April, then it'll be on to the next retarded distraction.

If only liberals could be counted on to hold firm and demand real transparency... Oh that's right! Liberals have been completely dissuaded from caring about the Epstein case thanks to years of Q-Anon lunatics associating it with every one of their ridiculous fantasies.

Conservatives are the absolute worst of humanity, both ends of their spectrum work to create a retarded leviathan that stands in the way of any positive change for White society.
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Bellerophon's Autism Plantation avatar
Bellerophon's Autism Plantation
🚨 Hot take alert: the meme of photoshopping Vance’s face was a top-down psyop to make an AI deepfake impossible because there’s so much garbage visual data out there now. Wake up sheeple

(Also here’s Vance as a juggalo)
Lol so the Holocaust story is still being slammed into the global psyche, but just not hard enough.

I understand this Jew's frustration, the Holocaust is the one and only pillar that modern Jewish power stands on, it has no other justification for itself, so yeah it would need to be CONSTANTLY promoted.

I hope gentile servants get paid extremely well because I can't imagine putting up with these people IRL for years on end.
Not true. I mean Republicans too.
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Working Men Memes avatar
Working Men Memes
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