Christians think that because Christianity is under attack, it is legitimate. Not at all. Internationalist bodies used whichever tool they needed during times it was most suitable to the population. Now they have communism, capitalism, and everything else they need in today's time they no longer need the form of proto communism that helped them deal with the backward mentality of the past.
One day, they won't need capitalism, and it will receive the same. They’re all detrimental to society. The people who were once entirely faith-based hadn't seen migration or any of the new age madness we know today.
You're not under attack. You're no longer needed. Christianity said anyone can join its club, making it inherently internationalist. There is nothing "based" or nationalistic about it. In fact, it helped label and group every creed and culture before it under a ridiculous word like "Paganism" suggesting an ancient Spartan is the same as an ancient Chinaman.
You couldn't tell people, before technology, that you were intending to create this world we know today, or people would revolt. Thus, the family policies (which are actually not family orientated) weren't truly traditional but obvious facets of mamal survival.
Today, they need to go.
Christianity got us here. Now, the things they sold our ancestors in a time that was socially neccessery are no longer needed to con a public they can control with drones and much else.
I say this not to offend or hurt you, but anyone can go with the grain for pats on the back.
Faith-based, wishful thinking is how we all fell to those without it. The fact is, what we want never matterd in the face of truth, or we'd not be here.
The only way to take europe is through our hearts and minds. We could never be defeated militarily. Once you have our hearts and minds, we take the world for you. From the crusades to internal wars, none of this was good.
We pay our ancectors more respect by not repeating their mistakes than carrying guilt for not continuing them.
Today, what could they need Christianity for when they've complete control and no longer need our hearts and minds. Nothing, that's why it's being attacked, not because it is real, but because it never was.