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Chris Hood Official

Father, Nationalist, New Englander
Host of @NationalistReport
TGlist рейтинг
Канал түзүлгөн датаSep 26, 2023
TGlistке кошулган дата
May 27, 2024

"Chris Hood Official" тобундагы акыркы жазуулар

Unironically so much winning.

Texas Rancher killed by Cartel IED near US/Mexico Border.

Imagine if this proliferates into a real issue. The Cartels have a presence in almost all 50 states through the Latino communities that live in them. When 9/11 happened less than 1% of the country was Arab Muslim. This could turn into a wild situation. Political assassinations, cop killings, basically terror attacks.

We’re ready! Are they?
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
The Nationalist Report avatar
The Nationalist Report
Ep. 4 - The Trump Administration, A Message for Nationalists

Welcome back to The Nationalist Report Podcast for our 4th Episode! We are hosted by Christopher Hood and James Ambrose for an in-depth analysis of the Trump Administration after one month in office.

Watch on Rumble:
New episode of @NationalistReport just dropped where we provide an in-depth analysis of month one of the Trump Administration from a true Nationalist perspective.

Episode will be out on Telegram later today and on RSS feeds by tomorrow.

We love to hear it.
“And you’re blackpilling?”
Reminder: If you wanted Kamala to win you’re retarded and your opinions are nullified.
🇺🇸✋📹 — Former White House Strategist Steve Bannon performs a clear Roman salute at the end of his CPAC speech
🇺🇸❌🇨🇦 — American hockey fans return the favor and boo Canada's National Anthem in Boston

🔗 End Wokeness (@EndWokeness)
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Revenge of the MAGA King avatar
Revenge of the MAGA King
Trump has signed an executive order cutting all taxpayer-funded benefits for illegal aliens.
In case you don’t understand how substantial this is, we will be spending around 2x as much money for border security & mass deportations as Russia does for their entire military.
40% decrease in military spending by 2030. Can’t wait to see Democrats shill for more military spending.

For the, “No wars for Israel” crowd this is an incredible sign.

A lot more money freed up for deportations too.



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Chris Hood Official популярдуу жазуулары

Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Thermopylae avatar
🇺🇸 🇿🇦 🇿🇦 - President Trump announces sanctions on South Africa due to the ANC regime's mistreatment of the country's Afrikaner population, will allow Boers fleeing SA to settle in the US.

Follow: @ThermopylaeNews
For us, masked activism with NS aesthetics was really the only political option we felt we had in the age of George Floyd Riots and Antifa, and the only concoction of aesthetics/attitudes to sufficiently counter these forces.

The landscape changes quickly though, and if your focus is actually improving the country for your children, we’ve all got to grow up a little bit.

Becoming a father has opened my eyes to many realities. “Metapolitical” wins are simply not enough, we need large-scale public support for policy that helps secure our children’s future in the country our forefathers built. Anything less than that, packaged or presented in a way that’s supposedly more, “hardcore” or, “ideologically pure” isn’t going to make our children’s lives better. That’s just the way it is, and because of that it has no real value.

It may be noble to pick a hill and die on it, but it’s not going to make anything better. If thats not your primary goal, what are you here for then?

It’s not exciting, but at this point I think the most effective thing we can do is simply talking with our friends and family about Trump, press the need for better policy, and echo these sentiments online. We speak to Trump through his supporters, Republican political agents are more tuned-in and present than you may think. Many want the reforms that we do, they were just smarter about it than we were as teenagers and young men starting out on this path.
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
South Africa Reports avatar
South Africa Reports
🇺🇸🇿🇦 Spokesperson for the U.S. State Department on X:

"The United States stands ready to help the descendants of settlers in South Africa who are being expropriated and abused by the South African government.

Pursuant to President Trump’s Executive Order, the State Department is suspending all non-life saving aid to the Republic of South Africa.

Persecuted South African farmers and other innocent victims being targeted solely based on their race who choose to resettle in America will be welcome.

The United States will also defend the rights and interests of those remaining descendants of settlers threatened with expropriation without compensation and other intolerable abuses.

We will no longer stand by while God-given rights are so cruelly violated."

Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Based Book Excerpts avatar
Based Book Excerpts
A Fly in the Hive by Nathaniel Williams is a fun read for kids and parents.

The illustrations are wholesome and funny and the allegory is clear without being hamfisted. We need a lot more like this.

Texas Rancher killed by Cartel IED near US/Mexico Border.

Imagine if this proliferates into a real issue. The Cartels have a presence in almost all 50 states through the Latino communities that live in them. When 9/11 happened less than 1% of the country was Arab Muslim. This could turn into a wild situation. Political assassinations, cop killings, basically terror attacks.

We’re ready! Are they?
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
/CIG/ Telegram | Counter Intelligence Global avatar
/CIG/ Telegram | Counter Intelligence Global
🇺🇸 ❌️ 🇲🇽 Congressman Tim Burchett on X:

🔶️ "I'll be introducing the "Cartel Marque and Reprisal Authorization Act of 2025" which would authorize lDonald Trump to commission privately armed and equipped individuals or groups to seize persons and property of any cartel, cartel member, or cartel-linked organization."

🔗 Rep. Tim Burchett
Have kids. If you think it’s not feasible for you right now, just know other groups don’t think that way. They make it work, we can too. Our future depends on it.
🇺🇸✋📹 — Former White House Strategist Steve Bannon performs a clear Roman salute at the end of his CPAC speech
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Alt Skull's Charnel House avatar
Alt Skull's Charnel House
The USAID funding exposure has revealed that, in order to even exist, almost everything we hate required billions upon billions of dollars in taxpayer money stolen from American citizens. There are no leftist causes that are organic and all of them, even anti-White race issues, must be propped up by a constant flow of money or they disappear basically overnight.

Meanwhile, ourside is deplatformed, debanked, slandered, unpersoned, excoriated, and censored to the point of near totality and we STILL manage to influence well over half the country to our message. That’s because we speak the truth, and the truth isn’t something that has to be taught, only heard and recognized, while lies must be drilled in over and over, combined with threats and trauma, in order to even hope to exist as a fleeting message that sputters and dies the moment all of this pressure is suddenly relieved.

With the equalization of the playing field we're now entering a new era, an advantage we haven't enjoyed in well over a century. Absolutely anything is possible.

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