There is once again a need in our cause for a prisoner outreach organization. People are falling through the cracks and being left out to dry. The last group that was doing this work fell apart. The best person for this work is someone who is retired and financially anti-fragile.
If you are someone who wants to take on this project, it must be for White advocates only and regardless of the organization they were with or the severity of the charges. One of the problems that constantly arises with this type of work is that individuals who start such groups often don't want to support the movement's fanatics. They want to do what they feel is safe, which effectively neuters the project.
They often end up supporting people who aren't even in our movement, like the J6ers, who were able to get plenty of support from Trump's massive pool of supporters. In many cases, most J6ers refused our help because they were afraid being associated with a pro-White group would hurt their legal prospects and they openly stated they did not agree with our politics.
That is not to say we shouldn't reach out to such prisoners, as their experience can often be more radicalizing and we should be looking to reach our people wherever they are, but our primary obligation is to that of our people, White advocates who have put their lives on the line for the benefit of our people.
So if you aren't willing to support someone like David Lane or Brandon Russell, don't even bother starting such a group. You'll be wasting your's and everyone else's time.