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Aus News Alerts avatar

Aus News Alerts

Australian News, politics and analysis. Whatever the mainstream media don't want you to know.
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Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Joel Davis avatar
Joel Davis
So it came out last week that the Maroubra Synagogue arsonists were organised crime not political "antisemities" who according to the AFP were being paid to do it in crypto by foreign actors. MOSSAD HELLO

And now today a random van was found in Sydney filled with explosives and notes inside with an address for another synagogue and "fuck the Jews" written on it.. GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE LMAO, the Jews are so fucking dumb thinking they can get away with this bullshit - even top Sky Jews yidsucker Andrew Bolt isn't buying this 🤣🤣🤣
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Joel Davis avatar
Joel Davis
Watch the most controversial podcast of recent Australian history!

Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Joel Davis avatar
Joel Davis
The boys training in the park like they do every Saturday was the first story on the evening news tonight lmao

Jews kvetching demanding that White dudes who like Hitler should be thrown in jail for boxing at the park, what a nonsense

Anyway cheers channel 9 for the free advertising
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Joel Davis avatar
Joel Davis
Rare reasonably decent coverage from the ABC (aka Aboriginal Bum Cleaners)

The other stations weren't publishing Sewell's quotes in court
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Tom Sewell Alerts avatar
Tom Sewell Alerts
The ABC aired a slanderous segment on our organisation this evening, baselessly insinuating that we are grooming children for terrorism and stealing boys and girls from their families. We have known about the production of this documentary for some time.

Three months ago, the ABC contacted us to ask if they could film and interview our organisation for this documentary. We agreed. They then ignored us and continued their project without any of our input.

Last year, we celebrated Australia Day in Sydney and were mass detained by NSW Police. A 17-year-old called Rob was one of the Victorians who attended. Rob is a good kid who sees where the country is going and wants to help our cause, but he has a mentally unwell and domineering mother.

Rob's mother was aware he was attending our Australia Day celebration in Sydney and initially supported it. But she called me shortly after NSW Police detained Rob for "threatening behaviour" (using public transport to go to a political demonstration). Rob's mother was rightfully upset that her son was detained and asked if I could arrange for him to get a flight home to Melbourne, and I did so. Rob's mother found it easier to blame me rather than the police for their unjust actions. Nonetheless, I was patient and caring with her.

When we returned to Melbourne, there was a mix-up with some of the training bags and Rob's deodorant was left in someone else's bag, Rob's mother then threatened me, stating that if I did not return his deodorant she was going to "declare war on me". I ignored the text messages as I was busy contacting lawyers regarding the police’s mistreatment of us on Australia Day. I then received a phone call from my wife saying that Rob's mum is at my house gesticulating and violently threatening her and one of our member’s girlfriend.

Rob's mother threatened that if we did not pay her $200, she would tell the whole world where we live and that "there would be hell to pay". She vowed to contact Channel 9 and Jewish journalist Nick McKenzie, who has done hit pieces on us in the past. When we spoke to Rob about this, he reiterated that she’s “literally insane and is ruining his life".

The media threatened Rob, telling him that if he did not comply with their requests, they would dox him and ruin his life.

Within a month, we started noticing obvious stake-out tactics at the house. There were covert cameramen in the street with telephoto lenses and even a drone flew over the backyard. This is only a couple months after Tim Lutze's house was firebombed by a communist terrorist. We were on high alert.

During this stressful time on everyone, one of our members who was struggling mentally took his own life. We held a funeral for him. He was only 25 years old. Rob attended the funeral and went home with one of the cards from the memorial. When he got home, his mother searched him, found the card, and promptly contacted the media, falsely accusing our organisation of grooming and killing a man, a friend whom we dearly loved.

For months, the media harassed the family members and girlfriend of our deceased friend, pressuring them to engage in this slander campaign against us. I’m proud to say that every single one of them refused. The media then started hounding the families of dozens of our other members, pressuring them to make statements against them and us. Countless mothers, aunties, sisters, brothers, cousins and even ex-girlfriends were contacted. I can’t tell you how many of them reached out to me and my colleagues asking why they’ve received messages from ABC Journalists regarding us.

After a long campaign to try and dig up dirt on our organisation, the ABC only managed to find two communist freaks and a mentally ill single mum who were prepared to sell out their families on national television. What a pathetic attempt at a hit piece!
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Joel Davis avatar
Joel Davis
Ok everyone get in the replies of this dude and tell him to debate Joel Davis, if debating White Nationalists is as easy and important as he claims.

Also credit to him for saying we shouldn't have been censored but should instead be debated. So I'm proposing a gentlemanly exchange with a mutually trusted moderator host. (Post a screenshot of this in his replies so he sees it)

Also I found it funny that he chose to play some obscure Richardo Bosi clip rather than a clip from my total destruction of Drew Pavlou, which in terms of raw views was the biggest political debate in recent Australian history. I've put the call out to debate me to Jammal many times over the past couple years and got nothing so maybe he fears the Davis? But if my ideas are so ridiculous and extreme like he claims, that fear is quite irrational and he should front up and feel confident that he can school me surely..

Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Joel Davis avatar
Joel Davis
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Joel Davis avatar
Joel Davis
Blair and I will be LIVE at the usual time (in about an hour)

Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Joel Davis avatar
Joel Davis
WE ARE DOING THE SHOW EARLY TONIGHT - 6:30PM AEDT (2hours earlier than usual)
Then immediately after the Joel & Blair Show I will then be jumping on the stream with Australians Vs. the Agenda

Spread the links around on X in my absence, cheers

Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Joel Davis avatar
Joel Davis
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Joel Davis avatar
Joel Davis

Please spread the links far and wide, especially on X

Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Australians vs. The Agenda avatar
Australians vs. The Agenda

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