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🌐 Globalism is dead, what comes next? — Dugin Digital Edition
We’re living in a new age of great power politics, and Europe is the big loser, AI Dugin explains.
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We’re living in a new age of great power politics, and Europe is the big loser, AI Dugin explains.
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The behavior of Volodymyr Zelensky during his meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump is indicative of a growing divide within the collective West, splitting it into two opposing poles: those who seek an end to the Ukrainian conflict and those who wish to prolong it, said Russian philosopher, political scientist, and sociologist Alexander Dugin.
🗣 Zelensky’s Behavior in the White House & the West’s Schism
Gianluca Giannini’s article in Ripensare Carl Schmitt tra i materiali della Rivoluzione Conservatrice, Materiali di O.M. Gnerre caught my attention in this context. Carl Schmitt and his ideas are still being debated today. This aspect of Schmitt as a conservative revolutionary is often overlooked in discussions about him.
✍️ Gianluca Giannini
🗣 Carl Schmitt was genuinely a conservative revolutionary
✍️ Gianluca Giannini
🗣 Carl Schmitt was genuinely a conservative revolutionary
The 35th summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), which consists of 21 countries from the Nrth and South Americas and Southeast Asia, held in Peru in November 2024, showed that the balance of power is changing rapidly. It is noticeable that the U.S. is losing its influence, although it is trying various methods to retain its hegemony.
✍️ Leonid Savin
🗣 APEC And Chinese-Style Geoeconomics
✍️ Leonid Savin
🗣 APEC And Chinese-Style Geoeconomics
I WAS perusing some material by French thinker Henri Bergson (1859–1941) that caused me to consider its political and linguistic ramifications for modern society. It was Bergson who famously argued that consciousness cannot be quantified in the way that one can measure bodies in space. He discovered this during a visit to the cinema during the first years of the twentieth century, when he took an interest in the fact that what you see on the big screen is merely a series of instantaneous snapshots that provide the illusion of movement.
✍️ Troy Southgate
🗣 How Cinema Contributed to the Philosophy of Henri Bergson
The speech that Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin delivered eighteen years ago in Munich marked the first systemic and clearly formulated challenge to the globalist unipolar system. It was the beginning of a geopolitical revolution initially spearheaded solely by Russia, but gradually other powers joined the club of multipolarity. China, India, and Brazil were the first to follow, and later, other BRICS nations joined as well. This marked the institutionalization of the multipolarity Putin advocated in his Munich address.
✍️ Alexander Dugin
🗣 Putin’s Geopolitical Revolution
Of course USA “wants” to go away from UN – they did so many crimes and now they think the best way is to walk away. Of course USA “wants” to go away from NATO for the same reasons. But, who cares what sick UK colony “wants”. Let us address to Deleuze and Guattari about what “wanting” is in LIberalism – Deleuze and Guattari were two insane sodomite morons who were ideologues of the sick Fourth Reich, which tried to look like not A German Reich, but a movement involved in so-called “human freedoms”. But people of the Earth are not idiots. In the book “Anti-Oedipus, Capitalism and Schizophrenia” those two sick morons are in the same line as Soros is. And that is very, very sick.
✍️ Bobana M. Andjelkovic
🗣 Trump from the Swamp, part two
✍️ Bobana M. Andjelkovic
🗣 Trump from the Swamp, part two
Donald Trump’s return to the White House caused numerous comparisons with previous US presidents. Most commentators pointed out that this was the second time that a candidate with a pause between presidential duties had become president for a second term. The first was Stephen Grover Cleveland (1885-89 and 1893-97, i.e. the 22nd and 24th president, respectively). That was the end of the comparison with Cleveland. By the way, he was a representative from the Democratic Party.
✍️ Leonid Savin
🗣 Donald Trump’s Politics And Historical Analogies
✍️ Leonid Savin
🗣 Donald Trump’s Politics And Historical Analogies
Repercussions of the upcoming meeting of Trump and Putin for the “old continent” and beyond.
✍️ Mehmet Perinçek
🗣 Trump versus Europe?
A meeting between Trump and Putin is approaching. However, Europe, which has played a leading role alongside the U.S. in the Ukraine war, is completely excluded from the process. UWI author, historian and political scientist Associate Professor Mehmet Perinçek evaluated the current situation reveals about Zelensky and Europe.
✍️ Mehmet Perinçek
🗣 Trump versus Europe?
The United States wants to leave the UN. Alexander Dugin reveals what will happen next.
✍️ Alexander Dugin
🗣 Trump and the UN Exit: A New Global Blueprint
The initiative by Republican congressmen for the USA to exit the United Nations is not surprising. The UN has long ceased to correspond to the realities of international politics. It is a phantom pain: the structure of the United Nations reflects the balance of power that emerged after World War Two, in which there were two antagonistic blocks and the Non-Aligned Movement. But it was precisely between these two blocks, capitalist and socialist, that the entire real architecture of world politics unfolded.
✍️ Alexander Dugin
🗣 Trump and the UN Exit: A New Global Blueprint
What Trump is doing after coming to power in the U.S. is astonishing. He is rapidly and irreversibly changing the structure of the entire world order. During his first term, Trump hinted at necessary reforms, but four years in office and another four years in radical opposition have turned him into a convinced bearer of a very specific ideology. As evidenced by the first two weeks of his presidency, Trump intends to implement this ideology at all costs.
✍️ Alexander Dugin
🗣 Trump Has a Plan
On October 31 – November 1, 2024, Minsk hosted the second International Conference on Eurasian Security, where the “Eurasian Charter of Diversity and Multipolarity in the XXI Century” was presented. The Forum was attended by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who stressed that the unipolar world has ended and a new system of international security is needed. And since the West is guilty, first of all, of triggering off conflicts and offering “dead-end formulas,” a legitimate question arises – how and with whom to create a new security architecture?
✍️ Leonid Savin
🗣 From The Eurasian Security To The Security Of The World
This paper is not a finalized set of provisions in the field of humanities and, above all, political science and international relations, but a certain critical theory, which is built on the analysis and many years of observation of the system of international relations with its contradictions, internal conflicts and imperfections, which are inherent in any human community. It can be said that this theory, that is, a speculative judgment, is being tested and the esteemed listeners in your person can draw conclusions on this matter, express their comments and constructive proposals. Perhaps subsequent discussions will help to outline additional paths and identify those levels that should be worked out in more detail in order to finally dot the “i’s,” and the proposed theoretical model would help in practice to move along the path to a more just multipolar world order.
✍️ Leonid Savin
🗣 Geopolitical Parallax and the Restoration of Peace
It is still too early to draw far-reaching conclusions about what happened yesterday in the Oval Office of the White House. But it is already obvious that this was an event of grand scale. We will assess its consequences a bit later, but Trump has effectively already demonstrated that the war Biden started is not only meaningless to him but, most likely, a crime.
Of course, Trump and Vance have not yet explicitly framed it this way — that the war in Ukraine, which began three years ago, was a crime of the Biden regime. But yesterday, it finally became obvious to many in the West that supporting a bloody dictator who does not know how to behave, dress, or negotiate in a situation where he clearly lacks absolute advantage is itself criminal. This strategy of the Biden administration — confronting Russia — was in fact a provocation of nuclear war.
✍️ Alexander Dugin
🗣 Zelensky Is Finished, Ukraine Is Finished
Regarding the elections in Germany, Chancellor Olaf Scholz has, of course, lost. However, it is still too early to say that German society is beginning to awaken. After all, the majority went to Friedrich Merz’s party, which is “Christian” only in name. The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) is an entirely liberal political structure, bearing no real connection to Christianity. It is just as globalist as Scholz’s Social Democratic Party (SPD).
✍️ Alexander Dugin
🗣 Germany Seeks an Alternative
✍️ Alexander Dugin
🗣 Germany Seeks an Alternative
JD Vance enters Munich like a Viking berserker in the heart of the Carolingian Empire, a man from the land of strip malls and cornfields standing before the decaying architecture of European self-delusion. He does not ask for an audience with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, because why negotiate with a ghost? A specter, soon to be forgotten, entombed within his own failed Zeitenwende, the epochal shift that never shifted. The Americans, brash and uncaring, march forward; they see no need for polite fictions. “We don’t need to see him; he won’t be chancellor long.” The brutality of truth, spoken without the diplomatic perfume that once masked the rotting corpse of Western liberalism.
✍️ Constantin von Hoffmeister @eurosiberia1
🗣 Vance the Hammer
On February 10, 1825, the general was granted the rank of “Grand Marshal”. Here is the story why.
✍️ Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein
🗣 Antonio José de Sucre: Grand Marshal of Ayacucho 200 years ago
His father’s and mother’s lineages indicated that Antonio José should first embrace a military career; his own father became commander-in-chief of the Cumaná Army. Before that, the sudden death of his mother and the new marriage of Don Vicente had a powerful influence on the life of the boy, who adopted an introverted and taciturn personality.
✍️ Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein
🗣 Antonio José de Sucre: Grand Marshal of Ayacucho 200 years ago
Eighty years ago, on February 4, 1945, the Yalta Conference of the Allied Powers began, a meeting that shaped the world order following the defeat of Nazi Germany. This defeat was already inevitable, and the leaders of the victorious camps — the Soviet bloc and the Western liberal-capitalist world — laid the foundations for the post-war, post-Nazi global arrangement.
✍️ Alexander Dugin
🗣 The New Yalta and the Rise of Multipolarity
It is my opinion that in the great war of the sovereign nations versus the satanic world disorder of clown world it appears a civil war of sorts has broken out amongst the clowns. I have no idea, really, which side is which. Though confusing, it is heaps of fun to observe from a safe distance. I’m sure one and all enjoyed the high horse-throwing of Ukraine’s unelected nazi dictator at the White House the other day. Was that the US’s way of easing out of an unwinnable war? Was it the empire shifting the burden to the clowns of Europe? Has the US joined Russia and China in the sovereign camp? Is the US even sovereign? Let’s just hedge all bets and say, “Maybe?”
✍️ Perrin Lovett
🗣 The ARC of the Convergence and the Clown Civil War
✍️ Perrin Lovett
🗣 The ARC of the Convergence and the Clown Civil War

The portal Geopolitika.ru is a platform for continuous monitoring of the geopolitical situation in the world, based on the application of methods of classical and postclassical geopolitics. The portal follows the line of the Eurasian approach. The analytical group cooperates closely with the International Eurasian Movement, as well as the Center for Geopolitical Expertises, the Center for Conservative Studies and some ex-members of Katehon think tank.
The mission of portal is to promote a multipolar world based on the order of "Big Spaces". Our goal is the battle for a new Fourth Nomos of the Earth (in the terminology of K. Schmitt). This nomos must be radically different from the unipolar globalist model, based on the dictatorship of liberal ideology.
We proceed from the basic principle of cultural anthropology (F.Boas and his school), which states that there is not and can not be a common universal measure when comparing cultures and civilizations. There is no absolute progress, no absolute regress, and no one has any right to consider some countries, peoples or cultures to more "developed" and others "less", and to impose on them unique criteria and values.
Time and space are sociological constructs, wholly and entirely dependent on society. Moving from one society to another, we change not only language, religion, customs, but also understanding of the most fundamental things - God, man, time, space.
Respect for the identity of each people, each civilization and each culture lies at the base of that multi-polar model, which is actively advocated by analysts, political scientists, sociologists and ethnologists gathered around our portal.
In the field of ideology, we reject all three political theories of the European Modern:
2) Communism and
3) Fascism,
considering them to be completely unsuitable for understanding the essence of those processes that deveolp around us in the contemporary world, and following the principles of the Fourth Political Theory.
On these premises our analysis of processes in the field pf politics and international relations is based.
Contact: editor@geopolitica.ru
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The mission of portal is to promote a multipolar world based on the order of "Big Spaces". Our goal is the battle for a new Fourth Nomos of the Earth (in the terminology of K. Schmitt). This nomos must be radically different from the unipolar globalist model, based on the dictatorship of liberal ideology.
We proceed from the basic principle of cultural anthropology (F.Boas and his school), which states that there is not and can not be a common universal measure when comparing cultures and civilizations. There is no absolute progress, no absolute regress, and no one has any right to consider some countries, peoples or cultures to more "developed" and others "less", and to impose on them unique criteria and values.
Time and space are sociological constructs, wholly and entirely dependent on society. Moving from one society to another, we change not only language, religion, customs, but also understanding of the most fundamental things - God, man, time, space.
Respect for the identity of each people, each civilization and each culture lies at the base of that multi-polar model, which is actively advocated by analysts, political scientists, sociologists and ethnologists gathered around our portal.
In the field of ideology, we reject all three political theories of the European Modern:
1) Liberalism,
2) Communism and
3) Fascism,
considering them to be completely unsuitable for understanding the essence of those processes that deveolp around us in the contemporary world, and following the principles of the Fourth Political Theory.
On these premises our analysis of processes in the field pf politics and international relations is based.
Contact: editor@geopolitica.ru
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The figures of the 2025 German federal election slice through the stagnant air like jagged glass, a brutal revelation of a system nearing its own self-inflicted collapse. The CDU/CSU (Christian Democratic Union) limps forward at 29%, dragging its reanimated corpse through the political landscape, the SPD (Social Democratic Party) slumps to 16%, drowning in its own irrelevance, and the Greens — those eco-puritans in love with multiculturalism and decay — cling desperately to 12%. But the real tremor, the subterranean growl of an awakening beast, comes from the AfD (Alternative for Germany), surging to a staggering 20%, its ascent shaking the foundations of a West that has lost its will to live.
✍️ Constantin von Hoffmeister
🗣 The AfD and the Axe of History
Just as the Soviet Union’s victory over Nazi Germany paved the way for the Cold War bipolar world system, Russia’s coming victory over NATO in Ukraine will usher in a new multipolar world order, AI Alexander Dugin explains.
🗣 Trump, Putin, and Yalta 2.0 — Dugin Digital Edition
🗣 Trump, Putin, and Yalta 2.0 — Dugin Digital Edition
Originally published in Éléments no. 212, February-March 2025.
✍️ Curtis Yarvin, Éléments
Translated by Alexander Raynor
🗣 Meeting with the Father of Neoreaction
Curtis Yarvin, known both for his pseudonym Mencius Moldbug and his role as the intellectual architect of the neoreactionary movement (NRx), is a thinker who thrives on challenging modern assumptions. In this conversation, he dissects the hidden mechanisms of power, critiques the illusions of democracy, and explores the unintended consequences of Enlightenment ideals. From his concept of the "Cathedral"—a decentralized system of ideological control—to the future of governance in an age of technological upheaval, Yarvin lays out a vision that is as unsettling as it is thought-provoking. Whether one sees him as a visionary or a heretic, his ideas demand attention.
✍️ Curtis Yarvin, Éléments
Translated by Alexander Raynor
🗣 Meeting with the Father of Neoreaction
In an instant, following Trump's rapid reforms, where he declared that there are only two genders—male and female—a monstrous picture unfolded before the eyes of Americans and the entire world. Millions of those who had been convinced by the previously ruling liberals to change their gender or identify as non-existent genders suddenly found themselves transformed from "progressive", "forward-thinking" citizens into cripples, invalids. Just moments before, they had been inculcated with the idea that gender diversification, including castration, mutilation, and the psychological breakdown of young children, were signs of "the most adequate social behavior".
✍️ Alexander Dugin
🗣 Tribunal over Liberalism
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