"It doesn't hurt me so it's no business of mine" is a libertarian fallacy and an extremely dangerous one at that. No, what you do may not directly affect me in the moment and vice versa. However, if it poisons your standards and health and it makes you a less orderly and less effective member of society (your local community which affects the greater whole of your state, country, nation and race) then it is my problem. If I'm doing it, it is your problem. Society is like a great length of chain and when a link is weak from lack of maintenance, is weak from a lack of good forging, and is left 'to its own devices' as it were, it'll give up on you when you need it most.
Discipline, shame, introspection, and real drive to do the right thing can help to make a better link in the chain. Of course there's more to it and an exhaustive list of what's necessary would take up more space than telegram allows. But the truth remains the same: If you poison yourself in private, you'll fall when most needed in public.
Your people need you. Can you really allow yourself to fail them? Could you stand for them to fail you when you need them most?