Indeed, our Sages declare that in the days of Mashiach no would-be converts to the Jewish faith would be accepted (Yevamoth 24b; Avodah Zarah 3b.), because they might be swayed by the glory of Israel rather than by wholehearted conviaion. Unlike certain other faiths which dream of converting the whole world to their religion, the Jewish religion has no such ambition, and Jews have not engaged in missionary work. We only look forward to the time when the nations of the world will live up to the basic laws of justice and morality which G-d has made obligatory upon them since the covenant which He made with Noah and his descendants after the Flood.
G-d/Hashem, Satan
G-d/Hashem, Satan
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
The JQ

Jewish Rabbi gives an extraordinary information prior to the 9/11 attack.
POV: When you openly talk about your future plans but people won’t believe anyway.
OP: https://x.com/BATMAN_SPOTTED/status/1897409520508526677
POV: When you openly talk about your future plans but people won’t believe anyway.
OP: https://x.com/BATMAN_SPOTTED/status/1897409520508526677

The sash, worn from left to right, is of broad black ribbon; and the jewel, a full moon or a golden equilateral, may be traversed by an arrow, point downward ; on the jewel is an arm upraised, holding a naked sword. Early French rituals inform us that this degree was translated, in 1757, from the German by M. De Beraye, Inspector-General of Prussian Lodges in France. It was probably introduced about that time, and the substitution of Noah for Solomon, and Peleg or Phaleg for H. A. B., and the Tower of Babel for King Solomon’s Temple, marks it as a more recent invention. The legend of the degree narrates the journey of Peleg, the architect of Babel, to the north, and ends with this statement:—“In trenching the rubbish of the salt mines of Prussia was found, in A.D. 553, at a depth of fifteen cubits, the appearance of a triangular building, in which was a column of white marble, on which was written, in Hebrew, the whole history of the Noachites.
Everyone should start calling Jerusalem Aelia Capitolina 🤣
Shliach Teaches Catholic Pupils
More than a thousand Catholic High School students from the Greater Toronto area came to Chabad Rabbi Meir Gitlin to learn.
January 13, 2011
Just in the past two months, more than a thousand Catholic High School students from all over the Greater Toronto Area have come to Chabad of Markham to learn.
Rabbi Meir Gitlin, a Shliach in Markham for over 20 years, has been following a clear directive of the Rebbe to create opportunities to teach the seven Noahide laws to non Jews.
Judeo Christians
More than a thousand Catholic High School students from the Greater Toronto area came to Chabad Rabbi Meir Gitlin to learn.
January 13, 2011
Just in the past two months, more than a thousand Catholic High School students from all over the Greater Toronto Area have come to Chabad of Markham to learn.
Rabbi Meir Gitlin, a Shliach in Markham for over 20 years, has been following a clear directive of the Rebbe to create opportunities to teach the seven Noahide laws to non Jews.
Judeo Christians
Merkos L'inyonei Chinuch Kehot Publication Society (November 1, 1972)
This volume is not a translation of the prayer book, but rather a commentary and an exposition.
Our daily prayers consist almost entirely of selections and readings from our sacred literature, our Holy Bible and the Talmud. The selection and order of these prayers are the creation of our Divinely-inspired Prophets and Sages. Thus, our prayers echo the eternal and infinite word of G-d. We address ourselves to G-d in His own words, inasmuch as human language is too poor and too limited to convey the sublime.
Merkos L'inyonei Chinuch Kehot Publication Society (November 1, 1972)
This volume is not a translation of the prayer book, but rather a commentary and an exposition.
Our daily prayers consist almost entirely of selections and readings from our sacred literature, our Holy Bible and the Talmud. The selection and order of these prayers are the creation of our Divinely-inspired Prophets and Sages. Thus, our prayers echo the eternal and infinite word of G-d. We address ourselves to G-d in His own words, inasmuch as human language is too poor and too limited to convey the sublime.
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Forbidden History

War To Death Against All German People
A huge layer of irrefutable documents has been preserved to this day, opening our eyes to many mysteries of history, in particular the Second World War. One of these is the issue of the British newspaper "The Vancouver Sun" from April 23, 1940.
The newspaper headline is striking: "War to death against all German people" - very unambiguous. Some might argue that the cunning journalists deliberately made a colorful headline. Not at all! This statement was made not by some "expert", but by an official - the British Minister of Information. In other words, the chief propagandist. The article continues: "War to death against all German people, not just against the Nazi regime."
At the moment when Adolf Hitler extended his hand of peace to France and England (it was these countries that declared war, and not the other way around!), in the capital's newspapers the ministers of these countries called for the destruction of the entire German people!
Forbidden History
A huge layer of irrefutable documents has been preserved to this day, opening our eyes to many mysteries of history, in particular the Second World War. One of these is the issue of the British newspaper "The Vancouver Sun" from April 23, 1940.
The newspaper headline is striking: "War to death against all German people" - very unambiguous. Some might argue that the cunning journalists deliberately made a colorful headline. Not at all! This statement was made not by some "expert", but by an official - the British Minister of Information. In other words, the chief propagandist. The article continues: "War to death against all German people, not just against the Nazi regime."
At the moment when Adolf Hitler extended his hand of peace to France and England (it was these countries that declared war, and not the other way around!), in the capital's newspapers the ministers of these countries called for the destruction of the entire German people!
Forbidden History

Patriarch Noachites, the tradition is that the Masons were descended from Noah, through Peleg, the architect of the Tower of Babel, hence the later Masons were called Hiramites. HirscHau, WILHELM von.—Abbot and Count Palatine of Scheuren, and founder at the end of the eleventh century of the German Baubiitten, or Lodges. He was Master of the Lodge of St Emmerau, at Ratisbon, and rebuilt the monastery of Hirschau between 1080 and 1091. The artizans were incorporated by him, and general regulations for their guidance and government formed, by which the later corporations also thought fit to abide.' Hirraton (Arabic, Forgiveness)—A word used in the Order of Ishmael.
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Moral Obligation

Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem)
🔍 https://t.me/moralobligation
🔍 https://t.me/moralobligation
What Is Shlichus?
Shlichus, or shlichut—Hebrew for “mission,” “agency,” or “task”—refers to a Chabad rabbi-and-wife couple who are dispatched to a certain locale to foster Jewish life and serve the population in any way possible.
Central to this dynamic—in which the shliach (male emissary) and shlucha (woman emissary) devote themselves to their community for life—is the inspiration and empowerment of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory, at whose behest the shluchim (emissaries) are dispatched.
Shlichus, or shlichut—Hebrew for “mission,” “agency,” or “task”—refers to a Chabad rabbi-and-wife couple who are dispatched to a certain locale to foster Jewish life and serve the population in any way possible.
Central to this dynamic—in which the shliach (male emissary) and shlucha (woman emissary) devote themselves to their community for life—is the inspiration and empowerment of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory, at whose behest the shluchim (emissaries) are dispatched.
The next day, when the rescue parties came from the surrounding area, with calm, steady steps, true to duty and full of fearful foreboding, I kept pace with difficulty as a war-wounded man. There lay an army of corpses strewn about, embracing each other in death, children, women, and I, ordered - a witness to all the horror - to dig their grave long before the time. I had come in curly blonde hair, but my youth broke! Broke not from death, but from the suffering that death spares. My hair turned white when I finally escaped from the army and returned home - to the front - and to the enemy that threatened from the east.
The gathering was addressed by Rabbi Zalman Wolowik, director of Chabad-Lubavitch of the Five Towns in Cedarhurst, N.Y., and a longtime Torah-study partner of Ambassador Friedman.
Emphasizing Jerusalem’s place as the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Wolowik noted that “truth is not determined by popular opinion—it is eternal not ephemeral, unchanging not relative. Truth stands the test of time. While empires, ideologies and philosophies rise and fall, the Jewish people’s attachment to this holy city has never waned or faltered—it is truth. King David imagined a Temple here, and his son Solomon built it here; the Prophets pleaded, cajoled and thundered here. From cradle to grave, for thousands of years, Jews of every extraction have had the beautiful name of this beautiful city on their lips, Yerushalayim. Jews have lived here, and when they didn’t, they directed their prayers here. That is truth.”
Jews are Edomites.
Emphasizing Jerusalem’s place as the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Wolowik noted that “truth is not determined by popular opinion—it is eternal not ephemeral, unchanging not relative. Truth stands the test of time. While empires, ideologies and philosophies rise and fall, the Jewish people’s attachment to this holy city has never waned or faltered—it is truth. King David imagined a Temple here, and his son Solomon built it here; the Prophets pleaded, cajoled and thundered here. From cradle to grave, for thousands of years, Jews of every extraction have had the beautiful name of this beautiful city on their lips, Yerushalayim. Jews have lived here, and when they didn’t, they directed their prayers here. That is truth.”
Jews are Edomites.
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Total Disclosure (NEW)

Jewish Israeli double agent Michael Chertoff, who worked in the U.S. department of Homeland Security, was coauthor of the Patriot Act, and was responsible for sending the ''Dancing Israelis'' (Mossad Black Ops Agents) back to Israel without hassle. He is a a descendent of a line of Russian Talmudic Jewish Rabbis (Satanic Warlocks).
Chertoff means ''devil'' or ''demon'' in Russian.
Jewish Israeli double agent Michael Chertoff, who worked in the U.S. department of Homeland Security, was coauthor of the Patriot Act, and was responsible for sending the ''Dancing Israelis'' (Mossad Black Ops Agents) back to Israel without hassle. He is a a descendent of a line of Russian Talmudic Jewish Rabbis (Satanic Warlocks).
Chertoff means ''devil'' or ''demon'' in Russian.
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Expats in Portugal 🧯ENG Channel

‼️🇩🇪/🇺🇸✡️ Eisenhower's Rhine Meadows DEATH Camps Documentary📣‼️🪱👻
🇩🇪 GERMAN TRUE Holocaust 🇩🇪
🖱Expats in Portugal🧯ENG Channel
🇩🇪 GERMAN TRUE Holocaust 🇩🇪
🖱Expats in Portugal🧯ENG Channel

Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch (Hebrew: מרכז לענייני חינוך Mēr Kūz Lĕ Īn Yān Nē Ḥin Ōōḵ lit. Central Organization for Education) is the central educational arm of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. It was founded in 1943 by the sixth Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn, who served as president, and appointed his son-in-law, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, who would later become the seventh Rebbe, as its chairman and director. After the death of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson succeeded him as president. Today, Rabbi Chaim Yehuda Krinsky serves as chairman and, until his death in 2024, Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky A"H served as vice-chairman.
Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch is the official body responsible for establishing Chabad centers across the globe. Its vice-chairman Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky oversees the global network of emissaries, approves new centers, and directs the annual international conference of Chabad emissaries.
Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch is the official body responsible for establishing Chabad centers across the globe. Its vice-chairman Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky oversees the global network of emissaries, approves new centers, and directs the annual international conference of Chabad emissaries.
Медиа контентке кире албай жатабыз
Passover Seder organized by HIAS on Ellis Island, New York City harbor, April 21 1913. (YIVO/HIAS)

A documentary photo exhibition “Exarch-Savior and Saved Children” dedicated to the prominent religious figure Exarch Stefan I of Bulgaria, who played a key role in saving thousands of Bulgarian Jews during World War II, has opened in the building of the Bulgarian National Assembly.
On May 24, 1943, in the Church of St. Nedelya in Sofia, the Exarch delivered a historic sermon, declaring: “I will pronounce anathema from this pulpit to anyone who looks askance at a Bulgarian Jew.” That same day, he sent a letter to Tsar Boris III, reminding the monarch of the Christian values of mercy and warning: “Do not persecute if you do not want to be persecuted. With what measure we measure, it will be measured to us.” He presented the Tsar with a choice – excommunication from the church or the implementation of an anti-Jewish policy, and at the same time announced that all churches in Bulgaria would accept under their protection Jews in need of shelter.
Judeo Christians will be taken to hell with Jews.
On May 24, 1943, in the Church of St. Nedelya in Sofia, the Exarch delivered a historic sermon, declaring: “I will pronounce anathema from this pulpit to anyone who looks askance at a Bulgarian Jew.” That same day, he sent a letter to Tsar Boris III, reminding the monarch of the Christian values of mercy and warning: “Do not persecute if you do not want to be persecuted. With what measure we measure, it will be measured to us.” He presented the Tsar with a choice – excommunication from the church or the implementation of an anti-Jewish policy, and at the same time announced that all churches in Bulgaria would accept under their protection Jews in need of shelter.
Judeo Christians will be taken to hell with Jews.

Rabbi Zalman Wolowik, co-director of Chabad of the Five Towns in Cedarhurst, N.Y., and a longtime friend and Torah-study partner of U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, delivers the invocation at the historic opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem.
Fifty-one years after the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces entered the gates of the Old City of Jerusalem, reunifying the holy city after almost two decades of Jordanian occupation, the United States of America officially moved its embassy to Israel’s capital city. The move, a perennial presidential campaign promise supported by U.S. leaders on both sides of the aisle for decades, was announced by President Donald J. Trump in December 2017. The opening took place on May 14 in the presence of U.S. Ambassador to Israel David M. Friedman, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and American and Israeli dignitaries.
President of the Kingdom of Edom
Fifty-one years after the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces entered the gates of the Old City of Jerusalem, reunifying the holy city after almost two decades of Jordanian occupation, the United States of America officially moved its embassy to Israel’s capital city. The move, a perennial presidential campaign promise supported by U.S. leaders on both sides of the aisle for decades, was announced by President Donald J. Trump in December 2017. The opening took place on May 14 in the presence of U.S. Ambassador to Israel David M. Friedman, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and American and Israeli dignitaries.
President of the Kingdom of Edom
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Moral Obligation

A comprehensive compilation:
Columbus was a jew.
🔍 https://t.me/moralobligation
Columbus was a jew.
🔍 https://t.me/moralobligation
ב׳ אב ה׳תשפ״ג - JULY 20, 2023
Rabbi Nissan Dovid Dubov of Chabad Wimbledon published ‘One’ – a small booklet now available in 8 languages that presents the Noahide code as a set of universal laws and common moral denominator for all people.
Have you been looking for something to give out to non-Jews on mivtzoim?
Available now in Crown Heights is the ONE book – a small booklet that contains a Universal Code – based on the Sheva Mitzvos Bnai Noach. This booklet speaks to people of all races, faiths and backgrounds and portrays a set of universal laws and a common moral denominator for all people. It is written in simple English in short sentences.
Written by Rabbi Nissan Dovid Dubov of Chabad Wimbledon UK, the booklet is available in eight languages for download on www.oneuniversalcode.org. It has been exceptionally well received across the world, with many shluchim distributing it to their dignitaries, members of parliament and Baalei Batim.
ב׳ אב ה׳תשפ״ג - JULY 20, 2023
Rabbi Nissan Dovid Dubov of Chabad Wimbledon published ‘One’ – a small booklet now available in 8 languages that presents the Noahide code as a set of universal laws and common moral denominator for all people.
Have you been looking for something to give out to non-Jews on mivtzoim?
Available now in Crown Heights is the ONE book – a small booklet that contains a Universal Code – based on the Sheva Mitzvos Bnai Noach. This booklet speaks to people of all races, faiths and backgrounds and portrays a set of universal laws and a common moral denominator for all people. It is written in simple English in short sentences.
Written by Rabbi Nissan Dovid Dubov of Chabad Wimbledon UK, the booklet is available in eight languages for download on www.oneuniversalcode.org. It has been exceptionally well received across the world, with many shluchim distributing it to their dignitaries, members of parliament and Baalei Batim.
Apophatic Hypostatic Mystic (@293Tanish on X) is a former Hindu who became a Noahide. My text interview with him is below. He was converted by a Hindu-Noahide named Noahide Brah whom I interviewed (here).
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