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Andrew Joyce Unofficial Archive

“Do Jews Think Differently?”: Aspects of Jewish Self-Glorification (originally published on the 16th of October, 2019)
"Later, in their interactions with Western culture, Jews frequently had recourse to the exaltation of themselves and their real or imagined abilities. Patai argues that by the twentieth century such forthright confessions of supremacist thinking had evolved into a more guarded “environmentalist explanation of Jewish superiority.” These explanations follow a formulation that asserts Jewish superiority from a less aggressive stance, often accompanied by claims that Jews simply don’t have the cultural baggage of their hosts."
"Another aspect of Jewish self-glorification is implicit in claims that certain aspects of modern society would not exist without Jews, and even that outgroups need Jews in order to survive."
“Do Jews Think Differently?”: Aspects of Jewish Self-Glorification (originally published on the 16th of October, 2019)
"Later, in their interactions with Western culture, Jews frequently had recourse to the exaltation of themselves and their real or imagined abilities. Patai argues that by the twentieth century such forthright confessions of supremacist thinking had evolved into a more guarded “environmentalist explanation of Jewish superiority.” These explanations follow a formulation that asserts Jewish superiority from a less aggressive stance, often accompanied by claims that Jews simply don’t have the cultural baggage of their hosts."
"Another aspect of Jewish self-glorification is implicit in claims that certain aspects of modern society would not exist without Jews, and even that outgroups need Jews in order to survive."
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Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:Andrew Joyce Unofficial Archive

John Hagee: A Profile in Pathological Christian Activism
"Hagee is not a complete stranger to TOO. In March 2010 Kevin MacDonald penned an article describing “one of the oddest phenomena in American politics: The rabid pro-Israel activities of the Christian Zionists as exemplified by Pastor Hagee. Hagee is the ultimate Christian Zionist.” The article emphasizes how American Jews and the Israeli government have actively cultivated Christian Zionism since its beginnings in the early twentieth century."
"Supporting Jews and Zionism has been a feature of Hagee’s work for over thirty years, starting with that that first event, held in 1981. Hagee’s annual “A Night to Honor Israel” has raked in millions of dollars (a total of $80,000,000) for the Zionists every year since. Because of his ability to siphon vast amounts of cash from Christians to Jews, he became the first pastor ever invited to address AIPAC."
John Hagee: A Profile in Pathological Christian Activism
"Hagee is not a complete stranger to TOO. In March 2010 Kevin MacDonald penned an article describing “one of the oddest phenomena in American politics: The rabid pro-Israel activities of the Christian Zionists as exemplified by Pastor Hagee. Hagee is the ultimate Christian Zionist.” The article emphasizes how American Jews and the Israeli government have actively cultivated Christian Zionism since its beginnings in the early twentieth century."
"Supporting Jews and Zionism has been a feature of Hagee’s work for over thirty years, starting with that that first event, held in 1981. Hagee’s annual “A Night to Honor Israel” has raked in millions of dollars (a total of $80,000,000) for the Zionists every year since. Because of his ability to siphon vast amounts of cash from Christians to Jews, he became the first pastor ever invited to address AIPAC."
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:Andrew Joyce Audio and Video Archive
Медиа контентке кире албай жатабыз
"Foreign policy doesn't mean anything anymore when you've got Pakistan on your street."
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Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:Republicans Against Antifa
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Want to get involved? Contact us: republicansagainstantifa@protonmail.com
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