⚫️ Telegram poster, Reimu shows off his atypical BBW Miku dakimakura.
⚫️ Despite Miku being known for being either flat and slender or thicc and Brazilian, it seems as if the weeb found the one Miku daki that was the least canonical possible.
⚫️ Being as his BBW Miku is so deviated from the lore, it's safe to assume that this isn't an authentic dakimakura from Japan, and it's very unlikely that Egyptian cotton and down stuffing was used.
⚫️ Former heretical Catholic, drug addict and schizophrenic, Gus, has rage quit another chatroom.
⚫️ The recent Shia convert attempts to accuse NNN of doctoring photos, while offering no evidence of his allegations, in an effort to mislead our subscribers.
⚫️ Although the photo has already been proven to be completely authentic, we ask anyone who might still have doubts to view the metadata on the image of Gus that is in question.