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Our people are being sedated by the illusion of connection. Too many nationalists, those who should be the vanguard of our race’s survival, squander their time online, caught in endless debates, consuming empty commentary, and chasing hollow recognition. We have lost sight of the true struggle, which is not found in the virtual world but in the streets, in our communities, and in the very heart of our nations.

Social media is a weapon of deception and control. It desensitises us, pacifies us, keeps us distracted, and deceives us into believing that our online activity makes a difference. In reality, it sedates us, renders us passive, and prevents us from confronting the real enemy.

Look around you. Our countries are under attack. Our culture is being erased. Our nations are changing before our very eyes. Yet too many remain trapped in a cycle of pointless online arguments while the world we know slips away. Stop lying to yourselves. Posting online is not action. Sharing opinions is not resistance. You cannot change the world from the comfort of a screen.

The time for keyboards and online conflicts is over. We must put down our phones, break free from the sedation, and take action. Meet with others who share our cause. Organise. Plan. Think of solutions. We can no longer afford to wait.

The time for talk is over. The time for action is now. If we are to preserve our future, we must practice what we preach or you continue being a larper and watch our people and future disappear.
Irish men’s traditional clothing 🇮🇪
Ursula Haverbeck’s life was forged by unshakable determination and an unyielding pursuit of the truths she held sacred, embodying a spirit that could never be silenced. This relentless commitment became an enduring testament to her unbreakable character, fierce loyalty, and unwavering devotion, a legacy that will forever be remembered in history.

RIP Ursula Haverbeck 🤍
Beautiful Celtic hair styles 🇮🇪 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
An Irish couple with their Irish dog 😍 🇮🇪
Irish dog breeds 😍🇮🇪
👍 or ❤️?
Traditional Irish women folk clothing 🇮🇪💚
This is why even one of them is too many.
White men built everything! 🔥🤍
Love between a child and their mother is like no other 🤍
Big brother meets his baby sister 😍 this is worth fighting for 🤍
Happy Men’s Day to our amazing white men 🤍
White nationalists should never, ever, under any circumstances, threaten to rape women, especially our white women.

Any such threats must be taken seriously and thoroughly investigated within nationalist groups.

Any man who threatens to harm a woman is not a man. He is a coward, a weakling, and should be publicly shamed for the faggot he is. Such vile threats must not be tolerated and should be ripped out, root and stem.

The same applies to women who falsely accuse others of rape or making rape threats. False accusations not only damage our movement but also deter good men from joining our cause. This is harmful behavior, and such women should be removed from our movements and publicly shamed.

I know far too many people whose lives have been destroyed by false rape accusations, and none of these scumbags have faced consequences for their lies.

Just as we take rape and rape threats seriously, we must treat false rape accusations with the same seriousness.

We are Europeans. We are family. We must protect each other.
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