Мир сегодня с "Юрий Подоляка"
Мир сегодня с "Юрий Подоляка"
Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует
Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует
Karmic relationships, fears, dreams, astrological amulets, and past-life experiences.

Watch the NEW video on these topics today on the Imram Kriya - Yoga YouTube channel at 8 PM UTC!

Master Imram answers our questions about family relationships, fears, and attachments.

• What to do about fear for a child?
• Detachment vs. indifference
• Recognize the completion of a karmic relationship
• How to help the souls of deceased relatives?
• Is it possible to work through all ancestral programs?

Imram also explores inner connection with Teacher, the soul’s purpose, and free will.

Join us for the PREMIERE! See you on the Imram Kriya YouTube channel today at 8 PM UTC!

🕉 Follow the link to watch.
Is it possible to attend the seminar online?

Friends, the seminar “Initiation into 6 Steps of Kriya Yoga” can only be taken offline.

During the seminar, advanced techniques are transmitted, and at the same time, deep work with consciousness occurs on all levels. This transformation is possible only through direct contact with Master, within his field.

“Kriya can be Kriya only if all the levels of consciousness are included in one action. If you have seen 42 Kriyas online, you can learn them as any other exercise, but to understand the inner structure and essense, you should come to a seminar. 42 Kriyas aren’t ordinary exercises, as they are connected with psychological and psycho-emotional aspects. If you want to develop quickly and deeply, it is important to learn Kriya from the Master. Because such learning is connected with energy. And it is energy that changes everything from within”.

✨ Friends, the next seminar, “Initiation into 6 Steps of Kriya Yoga,” will take place in Turkey on April 26-27.

We look forward to seeing you at the seminar!
Autumn retreat in Turkey!

Friends, we are thrilled to announce that pre-registration for the autumn retreat in Turkey is open.

The 3-day retreat is scheduled to take place in Antalya in October 2025.

Detailed information and the pre-registration form are available at the link

Please fill out the form, so we can contact you as soon as registration opens!

IMPORTANT: Participation is possible only for those who have attended the seminar and are over the age of 18.

We look forward to meeting each and every one of you 🙌

What should a woman comprehend about herself? First and foremost, as I’ve mentioned before, learn to respect yourself. This is crucial. Every woman is a Goddess. Mother Goddess, Wife Goddess. The way you interpret the concept of “Goddess” is something you define for yourself, but I believe it’s a great opportunity to boost your self-esteem, to recognise your profound connection to higher consciousness, to universal consciousness, and to understand that both your life and the lives of your loved ones rely on you. You should merely cultivate the awareness that you embody a powerful, positively mystical and magical presence in your family’s life. This will provide an opportunity to instil confidence in your loved ones. When a mother or a wife is in a state of peace, tranquillity, and joy, it also helps her husband to relax.


Friends, we recommend you to watch the full version of the video “Female happiness: Imram’s guide to inner harmony”

When you praise your husband again and again, at first he will think you are kidding him. Then he will start to like it. Because it really is so. We believe in that which doesn’t exist, and it happens. We start to programme. Look, our world is based on the principle of programming,of hypnosis. We must either get out of hypnosis, or use hypnosis or autosuggestion, to shape positive traits.


Article “How to keep a relationship alive”
Playlist “Principles of a happy family”
Friends, tomorrow, on March 5, Imram will be performing at Europe’s largest online summit!

Register and access the summit here

❗️Please note: Imram’s performance will be available in German language. Speaker presentations are free to view only on their release date. Unlimited access to summit materials requires a separate purchase.
Imram at Europe’s largest online summit

Friends, we’re thrilled to announce Europe’s largest online event, taking place from March 1 to 11!

Featuring over 120 world-renowned speakers and mentors in self-development – including Imram, Joe Dispenza, Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, and more – this 11-day summit offers practical exercises and valuable insights.

Imram’s performance is scheduled for March 5 and will be available in German language.

Speaker presentations are free to view only on their release date. Unlimited access to summit materials requires a separate purchase.

Register and access the summit here: https://www.flowsummit.net/#aff=Imram_Kriya&cam=

Join this special and magical event with over 220,000 attendees✨
Friends, yesterday Imram participated in the Europe's largest event, the Flow! Summit 2025 
Thank you for your interest and feedback in the comments. 

The video is still available today.
To watch, follow the link

Share it with your loved ones. We appreciate your support! 🙏
How can a woman and a man help each other?

✨ All those who embark on the path of Self-development, sooner or later ask themselves similar questions:

- How to combine practice and family life?
- What to do if there are disagreements between husband and wife?
- What qualities do a woman and a man lack for successful realization?

✨ The answers to these questions can be found in the new article by Master “The spiritual path of women and men”.

“When we say the word “will”, many have an image of a strong man. But in fact, a woman has more will than a man, because throughout her life the woman creates much more and experiences more stresses than a man, this is both household and self-development. A woman can easily combine these things if a man helps her do so.” (Imram)

🕉 To read the article follow the link
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