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Мир сегодня с "Юрий Подоляка"
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Репостторду жашыруу
Careful u don't get uno reversed you filthy little bastardized rats

Your jewish women might turn into the victims, day by day you're asking to get closer
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
SicilianGorillian avatar
Elon took his blue check mark...

He can't keep getting away with this!
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Derek Rants avatar
Derek Rants
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Europa The Last Battle Activism avatar
Europa The Last Battle Activism
The great H1B debate in the US is sparking tons of left wing people on reddit to see what is going on.

Upon researching into the H1B system I stumbled upon a subreddit with tons of people that can't get jobs due to the tech layoffs as they are replacing American jobs with non white labor at a mass scale.

Large companies will fake post job listings to simply justify bringing in the third world via H1B's.

I was also a previous engineer that was laid off in 2023 and again "fired" this year as they brought on cheaper labor and outsourcing.

Thousands of jobs are going to non whites in the H1B sector.

Thankfully reddit is a very left wing platform and seeing them complain about jobs going to "people from India" is good for us... It is also waking up the right wing pretty hard right now on twitter.

Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
No BS kNews avatar
No BS kNews
White Children of no concern
Extremely disappointing.
Name the jews that are destroying America

the same way as you would scream c c p

Welcome to the Balfour Declaration 2.0

Ukraine is turning into the new Israel.

Jews flooded the streets of Amsterdam, chanting, "We will rape white women and drink your blood".
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Alt Skull's Charnel House avatar
Alt Skull's Charnel House
They're not weird they're brown and on Facetime.
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Thermopylae avatar
🇺🇸 - The alleged Cybertruck attacker has been named as US Special Forces soldier Matt Livelsberger, who served at the same Army base as the New Orleans terrorist.

Follow: @ThermopylaeNews
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Europa The Last Battle Activism avatar
Europa The Last Battle Activism
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Lauren Witzke ✝️🇺🇸 avatar
Lauren Witzke ✝️🇺🇸
They said that those who opposed opening the H1B floodgates were part of a “fringe minority”.

It appears they were wrong.
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
ヒマワリ会 Sunflower Society avatar
ヒマワリ会 Sunflower Society
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Swindler's List avatar
Swindler's List
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
I,Hypocrite avatar
Pajeet express 💩 🇺🇸 💩 🇺🇸 💩 🇺🇸 💩
Fuck Trump.
Fuck Elon Musk.
I don't care what he did in 2016, he's certainly not doing the same thing now as he's sucking jewish cock and tries to fill the country with shitskin foreigners. The most anti-American policies for someone who claims to be America first. Deport these fake leaders to Bangladesh, where they can bathe in cowshit with their engineers!
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Keith Woods avatar
Keith Woods
Boycott all immigrant businesses wherever you are
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Alt Skull's Charnel House avatar
Alt Skull's Charnel House
mfw a commie jew makes better arguments than Musk or Trump.


Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Retards_TikTok avatar
Milan has been completely overrun by Arabs seekers. The cathedral is no longer even a safe place to go for Italians.

This goatfucker brags that they have managed to take over the square in front of the Milan Cathedral for NYE celebrations.

”Here are no Italians, Germans or Spaniards. Only Arabs”

Snakes in disguise. Jake Shields is anti-White.
Fuck Trump. Tries to push Noahide laws for January 2025. That's why that shapiro faggot called him Noah

Fuck Noah, Fuck Trump, Fuck Israhell

Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Raw Egg Nationalist avatar
Raw Egg Nationalist
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