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"The highest goal of humanity is in no way the preservation of a given state form or, even less, a given government, but the preservation of the national principle."

- Adolf Hitler

⚡️Atlantean Blood⚡️
"Dying twenty years earlier or twenty years later doesn't matter. What matters is dying well. Only then does life begin."

- Leon Degrelle

⚡️Atlantean Blood⚡️
"War is a natural and common thing. War is always and everywhere. It has no beginning, no end.
War is life itself!"

- Adolf Hitler

⚡️Atlantean Blood⚡️
Death is not terrible for those who die next to the
right people, for the right ideals and with a virtuous state of mind.

⚡️Atlantean Blood⚡️
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
European Way avatar
European Way
The National Socialist film "Eternal Forest" (Ewiger Wald)

This film compares the German people and nation to a forest that lives forever.

Break up the waiting soil. Strike out the sick and that of foreign race. Out of many tribes create a new people of the eternal forest, the eternal forest of a new people. The Maypole blooms like you and me. Beneath the Maypole the nation calls you and me. Sing a new song of today! The nation stands like a forest in eternity.

Ewiger Wald, 1936. Hanns Springer

European Way

"Do not let the times of misfortune, when the bright star that shines above us all is temporarily eclipsed by dark clouds, turn you into cowards, but be defiant. Do not under any circumstances show the spiteful world the appearance of a loser; instead of the white flag of submission that the enemy expects, raise high the old banner of the swastika, of fanatical and savage resistance, and renew the oaths that we have so often sworn in happy and safe times.

Show the enemy of peace that he can wound us, but not kill us; torture us, but not humiliate us; beat us bloody, but not break us. Do not let yourself be disconcerted by the world-wide uproar that is about to begin.

The day will come when all lies will collapse under their own weight, and
truth will triumph once more!"

- Joseph Goebbels, April 1945

⚡️Atlantean Blood⚡️
"I am ready to do it all over again, even if it means being burned alive. In the eyes of history, a temporary defeat in war is nothing."

- The last words of Rudolf Hess at the Nuremberg trials

⚡️Atlantean Blood⚡️

⚡️Atlantean Blood⚡️
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
European Way avatar
European Way

Our culture, traditions and society – all of this does not arise by itself. This is a direct expression of our biological nature – and it is the reason why the cultures of different races differ so much from each other.

Our biological, innate differences create different worldviews, a sense of aesthetics, and also form the type of society in which we live. In other words, our inner self spills out and manifests itself in everything we touch – be it our own home, art or statehood. That is why the black savages who came to our land first of all destroy our cultural monuments and traditions – because they are disgusting to them on a subconscious level: they simply have a different sense of aesthetics, opposite to ours.

Thus, everything we produce is invariably dependent on our blood, our origin. And thus, it is blood that is the main factor in human history and the main value for us. And our goal is to protect, improve and increase our blood.

European Way


⚡️Atlantean Blood⚡️

⚡️Atlantean Blood⚡️
"And there is a youth who will continue our work when we are already dead; a youth who will one day reject the "re-educators" of Germany and their program, their teachings and their spirit, even if fate should deny them the pleasure of killing them personally. At the thought of this I was filled with delight."

- Savitri Devi

⚡️Atlantean Blood⚡️
"This current world, hypocritical, powerless, a farce, in the midst of tragedy. This is the world that was built for you in 1945...

It is this world, reeking of uselessness and harmfulness, that you, today's young Europeans,
will have to destroy!"

- Leon Degrelle

⚡️Atlantean Blood⚡️
Those who regard the Crusades with indignation as one of the most insane episodes of the "dark" Middle Ages, have not the slightest suspicion that what they call "religious fanaticism"
was a visible sign of the presence and effectiveness of spirituality and determination - those qualities, the absence of which is precisely more characteristic of real barbarism.

In reality, the man of the Crusades was able to rise up, fight and die for something that was essentially supra-political and supra-human, and to devote his life not to the particular, but to the universal, the ecumenical.

- Julius Evola

⚡️Atlantean Blood⚡️
The mouse dies in the mousetrap because it doesn't understand why the cheese is free

⚡️Atlantean Blood⚡️
"It is our attitude toward events, not events themselves, which we can control. Nothing is by its own nature calamitous – even death is terrible only if we fear it."

- Epictetus

⚡️Atlantean Blood⚡️
"It is necessary to realize one's nature more and more decisively and firmly, following two strictly different and clear paths: to eradicate from a man everything "feminine", and from a woman - everything "masculine", to strive to become "absolute man" and "absolute woman" - this is the law of Tradition regarding sex, no matter what aspects of life are discussed."

- Julius Evola

⚡️Atlantean Blood⚡️
He who fears death is already dead. He who wishes for a moment that his life would be his own life, who wishes for a moment to be sure of what he is doing, must grasp the present; he must see everything in the present as finite, conscious of the inevitability of death; and he must create life out of himself in the darkness.

Death can take nothing from him who lives in the present, because nothing in this man needs to continue to exist, nothing in him comes from fear of death... And death only takes away what was once born. It takes away what has already grasped the day when man was born, what lives in fear of death because of the very fact of birth."

- Carlo Michelstaedter

⚡️Atlantean Blood⚡️
"I did not come into this world for pleasure,
but to change it"

- Adolf Hitler

⚡️Atlantean Blood⚡️
"Our thoughts and actions should in no way be determined by the approval or disapproval of our time, but by a
binding commitment to the truth which we recognize."

- Adolf Hitler, "Mein Kampf"

⚡️Atlantean Blood⚡️
"Precisely pity I recognized as more dangerous than any vice...

One has to respect fatality — that fatality that says to the weak:

- Friedrich Nietzsche

⚡️Atlantean Blood⚡️
"Honor is the inner law of an Aryan, which determines his attitude to his blood community: family, nation, race.

And he who carries honor within himself will never stray from the chosen path, will not betray his ideals and comrades.
Thus, loyalty is born from honor."

⚡️Atlantean Blood⚡️
We will overcome wounds, cycles and curses centuries deep.

We will triumph!

⚡️Atlantean Blood⚡️
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