Satan caused the fall of mankind by tempting Eve with hidden knowledge
This temptation still exists today, except it has been rebranded as “trutherism” or “going down the rabbit hole”
What can be found in said “rabbit holes?” Information regarding chemtrails, GMO food, fluoride in tap water, govt. tyranny, crimes against humanity, p*dos, the WEF Great Reset, the deep state, 9/11, etc.
Unbeknownst to most, all of these fringe topics are being exposed (by design) to lure the masses into Lucifer’s false light
Conspiracy theories such as “Illuminati” and “NWO” have gone mainstream through controlled opposition “truther” accounts
Even big names like Elon Musk are actively promoting conspiracy theories through social media
Conspiracy Theories are being used to ignite a global rebellion, which will “free” humanity from our current governments and religion systems, setting the stage for the Antichrist system and the New Age ecumenical religion of “enlightenment”
The “Satanic Deep State” and all entailed with it is being set up as a scapegoat, which the Luciferian Truth Movement (which masquerades as “Christian”) will eliminate
Through the disillusionment, a new one world “religion” and “government” will be offered as a solution
Since the false light takedown will wear a Christian cloak, many believers may unknowingly fall victim to the initiation into the Antichrists “enlightened” New Age (we must warn the flock)
Many people, including professing believers, forget that the whole concept of the “rabbit hole” and the “Great (kundalini) Awakening” is rooted in occultism
The term “rabbit hole” or “falling down the rabbit hole” is a Masonic term. “Going down the rabbit hole” was used to describe the journey of initiation into the fraternity. The phrase was popularized by Lewis Carroll in his 1865 novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, where Alice “follows the White Rabbit” down a large rabbit hole and finds herself in a strange/magical world
This phrase is now used to describe any situation or activity which involves going into an unknown or unknown space, or which requires a great deal of exploration and discovery
To “go down the rabbit hole” is to have a “gnostic awakening,” which they call and promote as the “Great Awakening” (there is no end times “great awakening” mentioned in scripture. Only a great falling away)
Many mainstream truthers secretly promote occultism and New Age to their followers. They are paid to deceive. This is proven by just looking at the things the big truther/conspiracy accounts post. Gematria (Kabbalism), Astrology (Kabbalism), “raising consciousness” and “becoming god” (New Age)
They don’t preach Jesus as the savior of man kind. They preach Jesus as a state of consciousness (“I am”)
All of this so-called “hidden information” that’s parroted online is there for a purpose: to distract, to deceive, to divide, and to lead one astray from Christ
The information is there for a reason. If it was truly “secret knowledge,” it would actually be hidden, not floating around on Twitter or Facebook
The famous occultist and Theosophist Helena Blavatsky once said, “For let it be distinctly known, nothing of that which is printed, broadcast, and available to every student in public libraries or museums, is really esoteric”
This further confirms the that “conspiracy/truther” movement is serving a sinister purpose
The information that’s touted as “being exposed” was always intended to be “exposed”
Don’t let yourself get caught up in conspiracy and forget your roots. We need to make sure we’re prioritizing our faith before all things. If we are not prioritizing Jesus and studying the Word, we will be deceived
Rabbit holes lead to the real mind viruses. The theories are the bait. The conclusions are the deceptions. Then you’re hooked, because you feel what you’ve just learned is some form of “esoteric” knowledge
In reality, you’ve taken their bait and undergone a self led auto initiation into the occult mysteries
Let the Scripture be the source of your truth. There is no truth higher than Gods Word