Pression acoustique : des ondes sonores fortes ou focalisées peuvent créer une pression qui endommage l'oreille interne, provoquant une perte auditive ou des problèmes d'équilibre.
Symptômes liés à ces effets :
Symptômes neurologiques : maux de tête, étourdissements, problèmes de mémoire et difficulté de concentration.
Symptômes physiques : fatigue, nausées, perte auditive ou acouphènes (bourdonnements d'oreilles).
Symptômes psychologiques : anxiété, stress ou sentiment de malaise.
Le gouvernement corrompu des États-Unis, plus précisément le Pentagone noir, a utilisé des entités étrangères pour nous cibler et a imputé la responsabilité de ces actes à des virus comme le C19.
Source du briefing de la Maison Blanche :
Do you believe me now?
I told you that our atmospherics were compromised. The govt has been doing Biological & Radiological OPS since the April eclipse on subs and publicly as well.
🚨White House will brief the incoming Trump administration on "anomalous health incidents" potentially caused by "pulsed electromagnetic energy" systems.
Full briefing:
"We're getting ready to share important information with the new team in charge about strange health problems some of our workers have had.
Experts looked into it and said some of these problems don’t have clear answers from normal medical or environmental causes.
They think certain types of energy, like invisible waves or sounds, could explain some of what’s happening.
Figuring out the cause, finding ways to help people feel better, and stopping it from happening again will take time and effort.
The people who got hurt and their families deserve this help and care."■
What is pulsed electromagnetic energy?
Pulsed Electromagnetic Energy (PEME), also known as Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy, refers to a method where electromagnetic fields are used in short bursts or pulses to influence biological processes in the body.
How can acoustic or electromagnetic weaponry cause illness?
Electromagnetic (EM) and acoustic weapons can affect humans by interfering with biological systems in ways that cause illness or injury. Here's how they might work:
1. Electromagnetic [EM] Weapons
EM weapons use directed electromagnetic energy, such as microwaves or radiofrequency waves, to target individuals or areas.
How They Affect the Body:
Heating Effects: High-intensity microwaves can cause tissue heating, leading to burns or internal damage.
Nervous System Disruption: Certain EM frequencies can interfere with the nervous system, potentially causing dizziness, headaches, or seizures.
Cellular Damage: Prolonged exposure to some EM waves may damage cells or DNA, possibly causing long-term health effects.
Auditory Effects (Microwave Hearing): Low-energy microwaves can create a sensation of hearing sounds or buzzing without external noise. This is thought to happen when the brain detects vibrations in tissues caused by rapid heating.
2. Acoustic Weapons
Acoustic weapons use sound waves at very high or very low frequencies (inaudible to humans) to disrupt biological systems.
How They Affect the Body:
Infrasound (Low-Frequency):
These sounds can create a sense of discomfort, nausea, or anxiety by affecting inner ear balance.
Prolonged exposure may lead to headaches, dizziness, and fatigue.
Ultrasound (High-Frequency):
Directed high-frequency sounds can damage tissues, particularly in sensitive areas like the ears or brain.
Intense exposure might cause pain, disorientation, or even internal organ damage.
Acoustic Pressure: Loud or focused sound waves can create pressure that damages the inner ear, causing hearing loss or balance issues.