Marxists - every one of them.
The problem I keep seeing is a mis-classification of the actual problem. We speak in terms of corrupt politicians, corrupt judges, illegal "legislating" from the Bench, bureaucrats, etc. These are all symptoms. The disease is communism and/or marxism. At one point in this Country, there was an active process to eliminate communism, and Laws were in place to punish any subversive activity related to communist or marxist ideology. Unfortunately, even then, when Senator McCarthy was spearheading that process, there were enough sympathisers in the Congress and Senate that McCarthys efforts were shut down. Shortly afterward, the Laws were slowly but surely changed (verbiage) or outright repealed, making the practice and affiliation with the communist party a non-criminal offense.
A look in any set of Hard Cover Law Books from the 1950s, onward through the 1970s will show a slow erosion of those laws. From the 1980s through present day, most of those original Laws have been Repealed, or they have been neutered - still there, but elements changed to the point that it is almost legal now, and the Penalty sections have been Repealed. In other words, it may be slightly against the law to belong to the co.munjst party, and to subvert or participate in insurrection, but there is no Penalty for doing so (so be on your way, and don't do it again).
Proof can be had of the above by purchasing older Law Volumes on Ebay, and comparing with todays publications. While we were either asleep, or distracted with the hundreds of thousands of psyops in the past 7 decades, our Legislative and Judicial Branches have been infiltrated and are now near completely controlled.
The first step to solving a problem is properly identifying the problem, its mechanisms of injury (what caused it in the first place) and attacking it from its core. Exposure is one thing, but unless there is a valid process, with teeth, to eradicate the disease at its core, it will never be healed.
Trump needs to have Bondi review the Laws as they are currently written, with those of our past, and openly challenge them. Without the proper laws in place, there really is no Judicial way to solve this. And if left to We the People, I believe we all know how bad that will actually become.
Just my two cents.