Some Mizuki Data
Particle Generation
As mentioned before: One particle when her E hits an enemy, at most four times per E, with 0.5s cooldown.
Dreamdrifter State Frequency, ICD etc.
In her Dreamdrifter state, she attacks every ~0.75s. During the unextended 5s duration, she hits a total of 7 times.
The ICD of her Dreamdrifter attacks is 1.2s. So, effectively, she applies every second hit.
During the Dreamdrifter state, Mizuki can not use normal or charged attacks.
The Munen Shockwave attacks have default ICD.
All of Mizuki's attacks apply 1u, with two exceptions:
* The initial Q hit applies 2u.
* Plunge collision damage does not apply anything, as with every character.
The C1 bonus is added to the swirl damage after EM scaling, i.e. it does not get increased based on the triggering character's EM.