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Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
The Anglospherian avatar
The Anglospherian
It sounds nice but he kinda ruined it with the "play by the rules", how can we play by their rules and expect things to get better, how do we make change without doing something THEY deem wrong? Every possible measure we could take to defend ourselves has been made 'illegal', the rules have been designed so that we can't defend ourselves effectively, so we will just "play by the rules" until when?
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Jimeone Roberts avatar
Jimeone Roberts
Australia has begun denying freedom of speech to anyone who advocates for the wellbeing of White Australians.

If the draconian laws in place today were applied across history, not a single one of our forefathers, from the men aboard the First Fleet, to those that penned the Federation of Australia in ink, to the Bushrangers of old, to the ANZACs of not so long ago, would have been able to speak their minds honestly without being silenced and refused their right to express themselves freely.

Our current system of government is a corrupt and treasonous regime that dishonours the men and women who built this beautiful nation by enforcing the censorship of anyone who shares their beliefs and wants to see this nation and its people thrive.

Free speech is, and has always been, a fundamental tenet of democracy.

Australia can no longer claim democratic status, for it has undermined the very principles of it.

To those of you who still have freedoms, keep Australia in your hearts as we enter our darkest hour. 🇦🇺
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Blair Cottrell 🇦🇺 avatar
Blair Cottrell 🇦🇺
These companies will do literally anything to avoid paying actual people real wages

Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Michael J. Nelson avatar
Michael J. Nelson
At this point just replace the indians with robocallers. It's genuinely a better customer experience.
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Joel Davis avatar
Joel Davis
We will be LIVE tonight at the usual timeslot of 8:30pm

X (yes, you can now watch the show on twitter)
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Joel Davis avatar
Joel Davis
WE ARE DOING THE SHOW EARLY TONIGHT - 6:30PM AEDT (2hours earlier than usual)
Then immediately after the Joel & Blair Show I will then be jumping on the stream with Australians Vs. the Agenda

Spread the links around on X in my absence, cheers

Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Mark Collett avatar
Mark Collett
The same civ nats who are today celebrating another terror attack orchestrated by the state of Israel will tomorrow be crying when Western governments allow Muslim refugees to flood into Europe from the countries that Israel has destabilised.
Western support for Israel is a suicidal policy that is not only financially costly, but it also speeds white replacement in European countries.
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