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Мир сегодня с "Юрий Подоляка"
Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует
Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует
Leorah💖 avatar


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Канал түзүлгөн датаFeb 13, 2025
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Oct 26, 2024
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Leorah💖 популярдуу жазуулары

Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Simone Voss - EINE LEHRERIN STEHT AUF- avatar
W͠e͠n͠n͠ die Männer aufhören, ritterlich zu sein, stirbt die Freiheit.

W͠e͠n͠n͠ die Frauen aufhören, mütterlich zu sein, stirbt die Menschheit.

K. O. Schmidt, deutscher Autor ✍🏻

When we accredit our blessings to ourselves or others we are lying to ourselves and stealing credit where credit is due, namely, from the Creator. We are also limiting what the Creator is wanting to give to us because we have chosen to attach the blessing or miracle to a person or situation that is limited to this 1% realm of effect . We lose sight of the 99% realm of cause and settle for the 1% realm of effect. This is the biggest trick of the opponent. The Creator is limitless. The blessings that rightfully belong to us are limitless, and that which is meant for you and me will without a doubt come to us. We are being called to step fully into our Co-Creator strength and create limitlessly Everything that our soul craves and desires. Stop letting your opponent distract you and stop settling for any less than the unlimited blessings and miracles that the Creator desires to bestow upon you today.
Many thanks and much love, Leorah🥰❤️🙏🦋
Aquarius Full Moon in Leo illuminates the sky. Any Full Moon in Leo is great for release or for adjusting your actions as a leader.
Try taking an innovative approach to your communication. This improved communication approach could help you become more inspired. Keep in mind that none of us is perfect. It’s only by embracing all of our parts that we become more whole and get closer to the Light. If a part needs healing, do your best to heal it.
We need to embrace and appreciate who we are. This Full Moon can help you connect to more intuitive energy and take action. Intuition comes from your higher self, which created your human self in the first place. You’ll always come out ahead when you follow your soul. Finally, Jupiter’s placement in Gemini can also amplify your ability to communicate. This can be outwardly to those around you and inwardly with your higher self and your soul. This is the month of true communication from our souls.
Much Love, Leorah 🥰🙏🦋https://t.me/DieMentorin
💖True love isn’t about what we get—it’s about what we give.
Real, lasting love isn’t just a fleeting emotion; it’s an energy we create. Love is rooted in the concept of sharing—the more we give, the more we expand our capacity to receive. When we shift our focus from "How can I be loved?" to "How can I bring love into the world?", we tap into a powerful spiritual force that transforms our relationships, our connection to self, and our entire reality.
Many thanks and much love, Leorah 🥰❤️🙏🦋
Last night until tonight is a portal. I will do 2 videos on it later today explaining what energy is available for us to connect to.
1. Soulmates
2. Special blessing for our children.
3. The ability to have certainty and joy while we are in a challenge, knowing that we are guaranteed to achieve all of our hearts desires as long as we preserve.
Very powerful. Spend as much time in nature as possible. If you have an unanswered question, lay your left hand on a tree and ask. The trees are constantly speaking to us, are we listening??
Much love, Leorah 🥰🙏🦋https://t.me/DieMentorin
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