So I talked to a real attorney just to be sure about this and what’s in store for us in the next 4 years.
The attorney’s conclusion: the Trump administration has a snowball’s chance in hell of actually criminalizing criticism of Jewish power in the USA, thanks to all the legal precedent revolving around the First Amendment.
People with favourable views of Andrew Tate are overwhelmingly nonwhite.
Even if these Russians are retreating rather than attacking, it makes no difference. They obviously shouldn’t be on the frontline in the first place if they’re already crippled or missing limbs.
This is just more evidence that modern Russian system, under Putin, does not value human life at all. The majority of their soldiers are just cannon fodder sent out in human meat shield wave attacks. They are just bullet sponges for the state, and nothing more.
This is why Ukraine must win the war, because the modern Russian system under Putin is a system that does not value human life. White lives don’t matter in Putin’s Russia. It must be defeated so that this whole system of government can be further delegitimized.
“What happened to me that night, and many more to follow, was the worst hell any person ever had to endure,”
Culler wrote in his searing prison memoir. A group of Russian prisoners held him down, stuffed straw in his mouth and sodomized him repeatedly. “Coming from a small farming community, I never heard of men doing to me what they did. I…hadn’t even been with a girl, except to hold her hand and give her a light kiss on her cheek or mouth. I was bleeding from all the openings of my body, and I prayed to God to take my life from me.”
He was raped again the next morning and forced to have oral sex with several of his assailants, who stuck sticks in his mouth to pry it open. After being knocked unconscious, he awoke to find blood running down his throat. Too weak to move, and with his hands tied behind his back, he was thrown into the waste ditch outside the barracks. “When I finally came to my senses, I crawled from the ditch and tried to wipe myself with straw. I noticed something was hanging from my rectum, and realizing it was skin from the inside, I tried to push it back in.”
Within days Culler’s entire body was covered with boils from the lice and rats in the feces-contaminated straw. The rapes continued and became more violent. He began to vomit blood and an unknown yellow substance, and he developed chronic, bloody diarrhea.
Remittances are the second largest wealth transfer between nation-states, the primary being "foreign aid"
Remember, the true purpose of gun control is never to protect society from mass shootings, but rather to disarm the entire populace. Public safety is always just the pretext.
Something interesting that I learned about the war in Ukraine is that GWOT (Global War On Terror) veterans that jumped into the fight in Ukraine, they all struggled to adjust to the brutality of the war, especially the constant enemy artillery. In comparison to the veterans, more green recruits and armed civilians that had never seen war before adjusted better, making them more combat effective. The GWOT veterans were always used to fighting insurgencies in Iraq and Afghanistan where they always had the upper hand in firepower, air power, technology and etc… But unlike anything they saw in the Global War On Terror, in Ukraine they faced a full scale invasion from a larger conventional army with massive amount of firepower that often eclipsed the Ukrainian side’s firepower.
Most Americans that voted for Trump don’t know that much about Trump. They don’t know much about Musk either, or all the tech-bros oligarchs behind Trump, trying to turn this great country into a techno-feudalist oligarchy. They just don’t understand yet… it’s not obvious to normies.
Among Republicans, there are at least a few voices of sanity and reason. Not all Republicans are going to bend over for Putin.
Rep. Don Bacon (Neb.), a moderate Republican, cautioned against “rewarding the invader” after Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth said returning to its pre-2014 border was an “unrealistic objective” for Ukraine.
“We should have moral clarity who started this war, who is bombing cities indiscriminately and who our real friend here is,” Bacon said Wednesday on the social platform X, responding to a report about Hegseth’s remarks.
EU niggers throw support behind the anti-white pro Putin South African regime, much like western right wingers, liberals are contrarian retards as well, because Trump sanction them and Trump bad they immediately throw their support out.
Both Western right wingers and Liberals don’t put the best wishes of the European people first, South Africa is a BRICS anti western country, they should be sanctioned by the EU and US
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