It makes me very proud of my Muslim brothers in the Middle East, and it is a sign of great optimism for Muslims overall, who have been bombarded by this Shaytanic propaganda strategy aimed at making us believe that we are weak—when in fact, we are strong.
At the same time, as this is happening, the leader of Ukraine was not in Germany, was not in France, was not in the UK, but in our brotherly country of Türkiye— which again speaks volumes about where such a good and friendly people stand in Europe and in the world. This should strike fear into the hearts of those who seek antagonism against Muslims.
However, having said all of this, due to my empathy, I also feel very bitter and very angry at the United States of America. Now, we can openly say that they used and fooled Ukraine in such a bastardly, psychopathic, and disgraceful manner—truly revealing the worthlessness of America's ruling class. They never meant any promise, any agreement, anything they signed with Ukraine. And now, they disgustingly and brazenly shift the blame onto Ukraine’s doorstep.
I mean, really, they deserve all the hatred in the world; they deserve all the condemnation in the world. The history books ought to state that by far, the worst country of the 20th century— and perhaps of all centuries— is the USA.