On March 9th we honour the memory of Olivir of Egg, an Asatru martyr. Olivir lived in Norway during the time of king Olaf Tryggvason. Like many of his countrymen he remained true to the Gods of his ancestors, even after Olaf had declared christianity the law of the land. Olvir was, in fact, one of the leading proponents of the ancestral ways at that time. He was an organizer of the celebrations of the holy days and was most likely a priest of our holy Gods.
At some point Olaf was informed that the ancestral Gods were still being honoured......upon hearing this he moved quickly against Olivir and the others who had been maintaining the old rites. Many were killed, some were driven from their homes.......Olivir was among those dead when all was said and done. And, to add insult to injury, Olaf confiscated all their lands and refused to pay any compensation for their murders.
Over and over throughout history we have seen similar stories play out. Regular people, just wanting to be left alone and yet some "authority" decides that is not to be. Even into this day and age we see such things happening....... We see those wishing to practice the spirituality of their Ancestors labeled as hate mongers and bigots and outlawed from society. It really isn't much different than the decrees of Olaf all those years ago. The only real difference is we've changed a militant christianity for a militant political correctness; rather than face murder or torture we face the loss of jobs, friends, and family. Today though we have the lessons of the past to guide us and show us a positive way forward, a way through the minefield of modern society so that we can create a positive future for the next generations of Asatruar.
Hail Olivir and all those like him throughout history. Bold men and women who stood against tyranny to preserve something "bigger" than themselves. Let their lessons be our guide now in this chaotic modern time.
Hail Olivir!
Blaine Qualls
Gothi, RFU
On March 9th we honour the memory of Olivir of Egg, an Asatru martyr. Olivir lived in Norway during the time of king Olaf Tryggvason. Like many of his countrymen he remained true to the Gods of his ancestors, even after Olaf had declared christianity the law of the land. Olvir was, in fact, one of the leading proponents of the ancestral ways at that time. He was an organizer of the celebrations of the holy days and was most likely a priest of our holy Gods.
At some point Olaf was informed that the ancestral Gods were still being honoured......upon hearing this he moved quickly against Olivir and the others who had been maintaining the old rites. Many were killed, some were driven from their homes.......Olivir was among those dead when all was said and done. And, to add insult to injury, Olaf confiscated all their lands and refused to pay any compensation for their murders.
Over and over throughout history we have seen similar stories play out. Regular people, just wanting to be left alone and yet some "authority" decides that is not to be. Even into this day and age we see such things happening....... We see those wishing to practice the spirituality of their Ancestors labeled as hate mongers and bigots and outlawed from society. It really isn't much different than the decrees of Olaf all those years ago. The only real difference is we've changed a militant christianity for a militant political correctness; rather than face murder or torture we face the loss of jobs, friends, and family. Today though we have the lessons of the past to guide us and show us a positive way forward, a way through the minefield of modern society so that we can create a positive future for the next generations of Asatruar.
Hail Olivir and all those like him throughout history. Bold men and women who stood against tyranny to preserve something "bigger" than themselves. Let their lessons be our guide now in this chaotic modern time.
Hail Olivir!
Blaine Qualls
Gothi, RFU

Through lifetimes and warfare, past hardships and joy, we exist!
It is and always has been just us! All that has come before and all we will face to come has but one common component: Our blood and those ties that bind us traced back far enough, unveiling not just ethnicity but the reality of family bonds permeating across time and lands unknown for the sole purpose of our existence today. As we embark on this great new idea of a Folk Nation, we must remember our past but not live in it, honoring our ancestors and traditions must never be confused with fantasy. What was then is then gone and we are what's left. Our time is now and the future is full of glory untouched if only we are bold enough to seize it! We must also individually and independently from each other make a disciplined and consistent effort towards Nobility and spiritual growth. This is not only our birthright but our duty as individuals, so that collectively we can manifest and execute real changes in the modern world of today. No longer is the luxury of procrastination or constant self indulgence an option, those unwilling or unable to make these realizations are directly and most definitely contributing to the downfall of our Folk. As in all times we mortal men and women are faced with a unique challenge, a monumental task and underlying duty in which each of us must make the choice. I look at all of you amongst us asking with a great urgency yet fully confident in our path, Rise up kinsman! From today forth hold this Nation as it is, your tribal people and Folk Nation! Rise up Kinsman! Be the example, hold the line and build with us a future we deserve!
Let the words of Odin guide us as we seize victory in this life!
By Michael Sessumes
Hildingr, RFU
Hail Raven Folk United!
⚡ ravenfolkunited.org
It is and always has been just us! All that has come before and all we will face to come has but one common component: Our blood and those ties that bind us traced back far enough, unveiling not just ethnicity but the reality of family bonds permeating across time and lands unknown for the sole purpose of our existence today. As we embark on this great new idea of a Folk Nation, we must remember our past but not live in it, honoring our ancestors and traditions must never be confused with fantasy. What was then is then gone and we are what's left. Our time is now and the future is full of glory untouched if only we are bold enough to seize it! We must also individually and independently from each other make a disciplined and consistent effort towards Nobility and spiritual growth. This is not only our birthright but our duty as individuals, so that collectively we can manifest and execute real changes in the modern world of today. No longer is the luxury of procrastination or constant self indulgence an option, those unwilling or unable to make these realizations are directly and most definitely contributing to the downfall of our Folk. As in all times we mortal men and women are faced with a unique challenge, a monumental task and underlying duty in which each of us must make the choice. I look at all of you amongst us asking with a great urgency yet fully confident in our path, Rise up kinsman! From today forth hold this Nation as it is, your tribal people and Folk Nation! Rise up Kinsman! Be the example, hold the line and build with us a future we deserve!
Let the words of Odin guide us as we seize victory in this life!
By Michael Sessumes
Hildingr, RFU
Hail Raven Folk United!
⚡ ravenfolkunited.org
Happy Oðinn's Day. Already half way through the month of January, I hope that everyone has gotten the year off to a good start. I have a few short topics for this week.
In Meister Guido von List's The Religion of the Aryo-Germanic Folk, we get a list of 12 names of Oðinn attached to each month. This list of names is in turn taken from the Gylfaginning in Snorri's Prose Edda. The month of January is attributed to All-Father as it is the month of the beginning of our year as recorded these days. In Elder times the new year began at Winter Nights but that's for another discussion.
List goes on to say that in December, Ur, the primal forces, had sunk below into the roots of existence, death, to be born again in January, where Ur returns bringing with it life and vitality.
So, as we move on through this new year, let us cut ourselves off from any short comings and bring about a rebirth in our lives with the characteristics and traits that we would like to have in our lives. Don't like your job, find a new one. Need to lose weight or gain muscle, whatever it is, find a way.
Which brings me to my second topic, galdr. Last year we went through all 24 runes with three questions attached to help everyone place the rune in their own life and reflect upon them. Now that we have these Runic Reflections, we have a guide from which to work on our lives. For instance, if a new job is among this year's plans, Fehu would be the rune to galdr. Or Uruz for the health related areas.
When galdring a rune it is important to focus one's will and intention on the success of the endeavor. You must be able to conjure and hold in your mind that which you aim to gain while galdring. Or you will just be making noise.
The key to galdr is three-fold: sound, image and meaning. We get this on a basic level with the Runes themselves. The sound from the rune name (usually the first letter of the name, the exception is Elhaz or Algiz, same rune/different name and its letter is -z), the image from the Runic symbol and the meaning which is hinted at in the name. The same is true if we wish to use galdr to transform our lives. We must have the sound to "ride" and build power, and image for our minds to focus the sound on and the meaning (intent of the galdr) in the first place.
That's all for this week, Folk. Until next time...
Hail the Gods!
Hail the Ancestors!
Hail Raven Folk United!
~Gothi Zach
Happy Oðinn's Day. Already half way through the month of January, I hope that everyone has gotten the year off to a good start. I have a few short topics for this week.
In Meister Guido von List's The Religion of the Aryo-Germanic Folk, we get a list of 12 names of Oðinn attached to each month. This list of names is in turn taken from the Gylfaginning in Snorri's Prose Edda. The month of January is attributed to All-Father as it is the month of the beginning of our year as recorded these days. In Elder times the new year began at Winter Nights but that's for another discussion.
List goes on to say that in December, Ur, the primal forces, had sunk below into the roots of existence, death, to be born again in January, where Ur returns bringing with it life and vitality.
So, as we move on through this new year, let us cut ourselves off from any short comings and bring about a rebirth in our lives with the characteristics and traits that we would like to have in our lives. Don't like your job, find a new one. Need to lose weight or gain muscle, whatever it is, find a way.
Which brings me to my second topic, galdr. Last year we went through all 24 runes with three questions attached to help everyone place the rune in their own life and reflect upon them. Now that we have these Runic Reflections, we have a guide from which to work on our lives. For instance, if a new job is among this year's plans, Fehu would be the rune to galdr. Or Uruz for the health related areas.
When galdring a rune it is important to focus one's will and intention on the success of the endeavor. You must be able to conjure and hold in your mind that which you aim to gain while galdring. Or you will just be making noise.
The key to galdr is three-fold: sound, image and meaning. We get this on a basic level with the Runes themselves. The sound from the rune name (usually the first letter of the name, the exception is Elhaz or Algiz, same rune/different name and its letter is -z), the image from the Runic symbol and the meaning which is hinted at in the name. The same is true if we wish to use galdr to transform our lives. We must have the sound to "ride" and build power, and image for our minds to focus the sound on and the meaning (intent of the galdr) in the first place.
That's all for this week, Folk. Until next time...
Hail the Gods!
Hail the Ancestors!
Hail Raven Folk United!
~Gothi Zach

Please join us with a warm welcome to our Arkansas State representative, Gildwyn! Knowledgable in our faith and dedicated to to the growth of our people! Welcome sir, we are fortunate to have you!
"Hail I'm honored to take on this duty I will be diligent and strive to help our folk any way I can and also to honor the Gods,ancestors and our people"
Hail the Raven Folk United!
"Hail I'm honored to take on this duty I will be diligent and strive to help our folk any way I can and also to honor the Gods,ancestors and our people"
Hail the Raven Folk United!

Raven Folk United!!
Nation wide and growing!!
"One people united in purpose!"
Hail Raven Folk United!
⚡ ravenfolkunited.org
Nation wide and growing!!
"One people united in purpose!"
Hail Raven Folk United!
⚡ ravenfolkunited.org
Медиа контентке кире албай жатабыз

In a time of weakness let our men rise! Shaking off the shackles of mediocrity and monetary slavery, daring to grasp for more!
Independently and individually pushing and training both body and mind so that given the opportunity anyone of us could be capable of slaying the metaphorical serpent!
Stop making excuses!!
You are only weak for as long as you choose weakness! Join today!
Hail Raven Folk United!!
BY Michael Sessumes Hildingr, RFU
Independently and individually pushing and training both body and mind so that given the opportunity anyone of us could be capable of slaying the metaphorical serpent!
Stop making excuses!!
You are only weak for as long as you choose weakness! Join today!
Hail Raven Folk United!!
BY Michael Sessumes Hildingr, RFU

Please welcome Spir, our MO state rep for RFU! He is dedicated to the building of community and we are glad to have him!
"Wesaþ hāle!
My name is Spir Wulffæder. It's truly an honor to be able to serve the folk as State Representative.
Ever since discovering the ways of our ancestors, I have strove to live by the pillars of Family, Folk, and Faith.
My wife and I have two children with another one on the way.
One of my greatest passions is researching our spiritual practices and bringing folk together.
I look forward to doing all I can to build up the Folk!
Hail the Gods!
Hail Raven Folk United!"
Hail The Raven Folk Nation!
"Wesaþ hāle!
My name is Spir Wulffæder. It's truly an honor to be able to serve the folk as State Representative.
Ever since discovering the ways of our ancestors, I have strove to live by the pillars of Family, Folk, and Faith.
My wife and I have two children with another one on the way.
One of my greatest passions is researching our spiritual practices and bringing folk together.
I look forward to doing all I can to build up the Folk!
Hail the Gods!
Hail Raven Folk United!"
Hail The Raven Folk Nation!
We would like to recognize our Raven Folk United State Representative for the great state of Nebraska, Travis Bowdish. We’ll let him introduce himself.
Hail Travis Bowdish!
“Hailsa, my name is Travis Bowdish, and I'm honored to be the representative for the RFU in Nebraska. I've been walking this path for the past 10 years, finding deep meaning and connection in the ancient traditions of our ancestors.
As a husband and father of five, I understand the importance of family and community. I live in rural western Nebraska, where the connection to the land and the rhythms of nature are deeply ingrained. I'm always eager and willing to travel and connect with the Folk, whether it's sharing stories, celebrating the holidays, or simply enjoying each other's company.
I believe in building a strong and supportive community where we can learn from each other, share our beliefs, and honor the old ways together!” — Travis Bowdish
⚡ ravenfolkunited.org
Hail Travis Bowdish!
“Hailsa, my name is Travis Bowdish, and I'm honored to be the representative for the RFU in Nebraska. I've been walking this path for the past 10 years, finding deep meaning and connection in the ancient traditions of our ancestors.
As a husband and father of five, I understand the importance of family and community. I live in rural western Nebraska, where the connection to the land and the rhythms of nature are deeply ingrained. I'm always eager and willing to travel and connect with the Folk, whether it's sharing stories, celebrating the holidays, or simply enjoying each other's company.
I believe in building a strong and supportive community where we can learn from each other, share our beliefs, and honor the old ways together!” — Travis Bowdish
⚡ ravenfolkunited.org

When one asks a God to be more like them, be aware the price is steep . Yet as wisdom grows and the mortal knows the less he rests at peace.
As the mind grasps the site, seeing clearly through night no mortal alive can still dwell. For man visions beyond with his Fylgja and song, gaining more than expected in Vril.
Around me I see and beyond I can be, now our father has shown me the way. Though the path in clear sight the journey's still mine, oh the torment and heart aches that be.
Forged decades this life and eons before no battle I fight can't be won. For they pray to our Gods yet they know not their face. And I am descended by blood!
My Father of Fathers he calls to me loud, and I hear him in the realm and theirs. Nine fold eternal my armies are forming and my enemies trapped in our snares.
By Michael Sessumes
Hildingr, RFU
Hail Raven Folk United!
⚡ ravenfolkunited.org
When one asks a God to be more like them, be aware the price is steep . Yet as wisdom grows and the mortal knows the less he rests at peace.
As the mind grasps the site, seeing clearly through night no mortal alive can still dwell. For man visions beyond with his Fylgja and song, gaining more than expected in Vril.
Around me I see and beyond I can be, now our father has shown me the way. Though the path in clear sight the journey's still mine, oh the torment and heart aches that be.
Forged decades this life and eons before no battle I fight can't be won. For they pray to our Gods yet they know not their face. And I am descended by blood!
My Father of Fathers he calls to me loud, and I hear him in the realm and theirs. Nine fold eternal my armies are forming and my enemies trapped in our snares.
By Michael Sessumes
Hildingr, RFU
Hail Raven Folk United!
⚡ ravenfolkunited.org
Greetings Raven Folk,
Happy Oðinn's Day, today we're going to speak a little more about operative runology. Here are some pointers and tricks of the trade.
Over the past few weeks I've been talking about each of us working on a project or projects with a determined deadline or to be completed by harvest using runes, but what about smaller daily things or tasks?
There are a few things you can do. The first and easiest is to pick one rune each day to meditate on. Galdr the rune, review the notes you took from the Runic Reflections last year and visualize where you want to be with that rune. Remember last week's post about the three parts of galdr? Sound, visualization and meaning. This will help to bring these things into your life.
Another way, still easy but a little more difficult than what was mentioned above, is to pick a rune of your choice to match something you want to accomplish that day. For instance, if you know you're going to be traveling, galdr Raidho and visualize your safe journey to and from your destination.
Or, let's say you are going to be doing creative things this evening. One could galdr Kenaz for creative inspiration. Or things are a mess and you want to start over, galdr Hagalaz to smash everything in your way and start over.
The workings of operative runology are only as limited as one’s will, determination and level of concentration and commitment.
If anyone has any questions on specific areas they would like the runes to work for them feel free to contact me and I will help you find what you are looking for. Until next time...
Hail the Gods!
Hail the Ancestors!
Hail Raven Folk United!
-Goði Cato
Happy Oðinn's Day, today we're going to speak a little more about operative runology. Here are some pointers and tricks of the trade.
Over the past few weeks I've been talking about each of us working on a project or projects with a determined deadline or to be completed by harvest using runes, but what about smaller daily things or tasks?
There are a few things you can do. The first and easiest is to pick one rune each day to meditate on. Galdr the rune, review the notes you took from the Runic Reflections last year and visualize where you want to be with that rune. Remember last week's post about the three parts of galdr? Sound, visualization and meaning. This will help to bring these things into your life.
Another way, still easy but a little more difficult than what was mentioned above, is to pick a rune of your choice to match something you want to accomplish that day. For instance, if you know you're going to be traveling, galdr Raidho and visualize your safe journey to and from your destination.
Or, let's say you are going to be doing creative things this evening. One could galdr Kenaz for creative inspiration. Or things are a mess and you want to start over, galdr Hagalaz to smash everything in your way and start over.
The workings of operative runology are only as limited as one’s will, determination and level of concentration and commitment.
If anyone has any questions on specific areas they would like the runes to work for them feel free to contact me and I will help you find what you are looking for. Until next time...
Hail the Gods!
Hail the Ancestors!
Hail Raven Folk United!
-Goði Cato
Thorablot- A Midwinter Celebration — Raven Folk United https://search.app/TUB4DrXn3AFdcp2T7

Please welcome John Newland as our State representative for the great State of Tennessee! He comes to us with high regard from his peers. If you are in TN reach out!
"Hailsa, my name is John Newland. I am the State of Tennessee Representative. You can reach me on telegram and Mewe. Please feel free to reach out anytime."
Hail The Raven Folk Nation!
"Hailsa, my name is John Newland. I am the State of Tennessee Representative. You can reach me on telegram and Mewe. Please feel free to reach out anytime."
Hail The Raven Folk Nation!
I am humbled and honored to be invited into the Raven Folk United Gothar. I am dedicated to serve Our Gods, Ancestors and Folk. I am dedicated to learning Our past and passing it forward to secure Our future. Thank you for the opportunity to grow into more than I am.
—Shea McCurdy
Hail Raven Folk United!
⚡ ravenfolkunited.org
—Shea McCurdy
Hail Raven Folk United!
⚡ ravenfolkunited.org
Greetings Raven Folk,
On the last Odin's Day of the month, I would like to cover more on galdring the runes a bit. We talked about ways of choosing the runes to galdr last week. That is by either drawing a rune randomly or picking one that you know is connected to your goal. The Runic Reflections we did last year will help tremendously with the latter option. If you do not know what the Runic Reflections are feel free to DM me. The week before that we discussed visualizing the rune or what you want to happen or experience, the sound, and its meaning. Now, we are going to take it one step further.
Many of us have galdred a rune in a ceremonial setting such as an RFU blót or a rite in your own private ritual space. And most, if not all of the time, the rune has been chanted "aloud." You may be thinking, "Well, of course, why wouldn't it be chanted aloud?!" The answer is, It should be in a public setting. Galdring aloud with your Folk in rituals helps to build the energy of the rite and bring the group together. It aims to sync us all up with each other and project that essence towards the Gods, the Ancestors and the Folk.
When meditating on a rune, on your own, you do not always have to chant the rune aloud. There is a way of building up these runic forces from within. We are going to use the breath cycle to generate these. Start by getting into a regular breathing pattern such as inhale for 7, hold for 2, exhale for 7, hold for 2, and repeat. It can be longer or shorter than that. The important part is to have a pattern that feels natural to you, and is comfortable and even. Next, the rune is applied.
Here is an example that will help you to understand what I'm talking about, and how to incorporate it into your own work. Let us take the rune Raidho (Ray-doe). On the inhale you are going to mentally galdr the first syllable "ray", this will culminate on the hold, then silently intone "doe" on the exhale. You will close the first breathing cycle on the last hold. Repeat.
Get a feel for doing this. One syllable on inhale, another syllable on the exhale. Most of the runes are going to contain two syllables. The exceptions are Thurisaz, Hagalaz, Sowilo, Berkano and Othila. Here are how these five runes can be split in two. O-thila, Ber-kano, So-wilo, Ha-galaz, and Thuri-saz. The dash marks the switch from inhale to exhale. Play around with the two syllable ones first then work out those with three syllables. Doing this may seem odd at first but in time you'll learn how to work it in. Some examples are: meditating out in the woods, when people are around you don't want to hear or when you're looking for omens and need to be quiet.
That's as far as we will be covering for this week. More will be added to this as we go on. The goal here is learn the other side of galdr which is silent. The word rune can be translated as "secret" or "mystery" but also "to roar" or "to whisper." This is the whisper. Until next time,
Hail the Gods!
Hail the Ancestors!
Hail Raven Folk United!
Goði Cato
⚡ ravenfolkunited.org
On the last Odin's Day of the month, I would like to cover more on galdring the runes a bit. We talked about ways of choosing the runes to galdr last week. That is by either drawing a rune randomly or picking one that you know is connected to your goal. The Runic Reflections we did last year will help tremendously with the latter option. If you do not know what the Runic Reflections are feel free to DM me. The week before that we discussed visualizing the rune or what you want to happen or experience, the sound, and its meaning. Now, we are going to take it one step further.
Many of us have galdred a rune in a ceremonial setting such as an RFU blót or a rite in your own private ritual space. And most, if not all of the time, the rune has been chanted "aloud." You may be thinking, "Well, of course, why wouldn't it be chanted aloud?!" The answer is, It should be in a public setting. Galdring aloud with your Folk in rituals helps to build the energy of the rite and bring the group together. It aims to sync us all up with each other and project that essence towards the Gods, the Ancestors and the Folk.
When meditating on a rune, on your own, you do not always have to chant the rune aloud. There is a way of building up these runic forces from within. We are going to use the breath cycle to generate these. Start by getting into a regular breathing pattern such as inhale for 7, hold for 2, exhale for 7, hold for 2, and repeat. It can be longer or shorter than that. The important part is to have a pattern that feels natural to you, and is comfortable and even. Next, the rune is applied.
Here is an example that will help you to understand what I'm talking about, and how to incorporate it into your own work. Let us take the rune Raidho (Ray-doe). On the inhale you are going to mentally galdr the first syllable "ray", this will culminate on the hold, then silently intone "doe" on the exhale. You will close the first breathing cycle on the last hold. Repeat.
Get a feel for doing this. One syllable on inhale, another syllable on the exhale. Most of the runes are going to contain two syllables. The exceptions are Thurisaz, Hagalaz, Sowilo, Berkano and Othila. Here are how these five runes can be split in two. O-thila, Ber-kano, So-wilo, Ha-galaz, and Thuri-saz. The dash marks the switch from inhale to exhale. Play around with the two syllable ones first then work out those with three syllables. Doing this may seem odd at first but in time you'll learn how to work it in. Some examples are: meditating out in the woods, when people are around you don't want to hear or when you're looking for omens and need to be quiet.
That's as far as we will be covering for this week. More will be added to this as we go on. The goal here is learn the other side of galdr which is silent. The word rune can be translated as "secret" or "mystery" but also "to roar" or "to whisper." This is the whisper. Until next time,
Hail the Gods!
Hail the Ancestors!
Hail Raven Folk United!
Goði Cato
⚡ ravenfolkunited.org

Return to tradition.
listen to the lore and heed the advice of your ancestors, for it guides us home.
"It is unwise to forget the old Gods"
"Always rise to an early meal, but eat your fill before a feast"
"Never walk away from home ahead of your axe"
"Moderately wise a man should be"
"The unwise man is awake all night"
"It is fortunate to be favored"
"Be your friend's true friend"
⚡ ravenfolkunited.org
listen to the lore and heed the advice of your ancestors, for it guides us home.
"It is unwise to forget the old Gods"
"Always rise to an early meal, but eat your fill before a feast"
"Never walk away from home ahead of your axe"
"Moderately wise a man should be"
"The unwise man is awake all night"
"It is fortunate to be favored"
"Be your friend's true friend"
⚡ ravenfolkunited.org

Wearing Mjolnir as a necklace is directly connected with pagan tradition since the times of our Ancestors so long ago we don't actually know when.
The practice can probably be connected to Snorri’s Edda, in which he describes that Mjolnir can magically shrink down and be tucked into the shirt."
We have all read this general academic stuff but please allow me a moment to share with you a perspective I think the "educated idiots" may have missed. I have always loved in particular the part about Thor tucking Mjolnir into his shirt because it has always spoken a lesson to Me maybe I don't often enough share out loud.
About our Folk and about the tests of conviction, loyalty and fidelity. About courage in life. It reminds me that when called on and/or in the right circumstances or adversity our Folk absolutely do possess the ability also to become larger than one's self.
We have seen it happen just that way I believe many times!
Some of them are the Folk We call Heroes!
Josh R. ,
RFU North East Regional Jarl
TundraVolk Kindred
The practice can probably be connected to Snorri’s Edda, in which he describes that Mjolnir can magically shrink down and be tucked into the shirt."
We have all read this general academic stuff but please allow me a moment to share with you a perspective I think the "educated idiots" may have missed. I have always loved in particular the part about Thor tucking Mjolnir into his shirt because it has always spoken a lesson to Me maybe I don't often enough share out loud.
About our Folk and about the tests of conviction, loyalty and fidelity. About courage in life. It reminds me that when called on and/or in the right circumstances or adversity our Folk absolutely do possess the ability also to become larger than one's self.
We have seen it happen just that way I believe many times!
Some of them are the Folk We call Heroes!
Josh R. ,
RFU North East Regional Jarl
TundraVolk Kindred

Please welcome our New South East Regional Jarl Mike Taylor.
He will be overseeing the region and heading the team of State leads. We are honored to have him!
"My name is Mike Taylor (Radulf on Telegram) and I am humbled and honored to serve the folk as RFU’s SE Regional Jarl. My spiritual journey has been a long and winding one, but one that has led me, in the end, to establish a connection with the ways of our ancient ancestors. I am a retired Recon Marine currently working as an historian, researcher, and writer, and I hope to leverage my life’s experiences and work for the benefit of our folk.
As a husband, father of five, and grandfather of one, the importance of family cannot be understated, not only in general but also as we build our folk nation. I live in central North Carolina, the Sandhills, and look forward to travel opportunities, both to attend local, regional, and national events and also to connect and build frith with our geographically separated folk.
Together we are stronger than our individual selves and by building connections and strengthening bonds, we venerate the gods/goddesses, honor the ancestors, and can live principled lives. Though I represent the SE Region, I serve all the folk. All are welcome."
Hail the Raven Folk Nation!
He will be overseeing the region and heading the team of State leads. We are honored to have him!
"My name is Mike Taylor (Radulf on Telegram) and I am humbled and honored to serve the folk as RFU’s SE Regional Jarl. My spiritual journey has been a long and winding one, but one that has led me, in the end, to establish a connection with the ways of our ancient ancestors. I am a retired Recon Marine currently working as an historian, researcher, and writer, and I hope to leverage my life’s experiences and work for the benefit of our folk.
As a husband, father of five, and grandfather of one, the importance of family cannot be understated, not only in general but also as we build our folk nation. I live in central North Carolina, the Sandhills, and look forward to travel opportunities, both to attend local, regional, and national events and also to connect and build frith with our geographically separated folk.
Together we are stronger than our individual selves and by building connections and strengthening bonds, we venerate the gods/goddesses, honor the ancestors, and can live principled lives. Though I represent the SE Region, I serve all the folk. All are welcome."
Hail the Raven Folk Nation!
It is my pleasure and Honor to announce our newest Raven Folk Gothi! Mr Shea McCurdy!
From day one as many stood against us and when we were small you didn't hesitate to stand beside us! Your constant effort towards our Folk is seemingly endless and selfless.
In short you are one of the best examples of a man that I can think of always standing out and above the masses. I salute you cousin! And HAIL your name with such joy as our newest Gothi!
Hail Shea McCurdy!
Hail to Sheas kindred Midhearth!
Hail Raven Folk United!
By Michael Sessumes
Hildingr, RFU
⚡ ravenfolkunited.org
From day one as many stood against us and when we were small you didn't hesitate to stand beside us! Your constant effort towards our Folk is seemingly endless and selfless.
In short you are one of the best examples of a man that I can think of always standing out and above the masses. I salute you cousin! And HAIL your name with such joy as our newest Gothi!
Hail Shea McCurdy!
Hail to Sheas kindred Midhearth!
Hail Raven Folk United!
By Michael Sessumes
Hildingr, RFU
⚡ ravenfolkunited.org
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