There are many very good sounding excuses to not organize in real life with others of Our People. All the carrots and sticks of modern society are designed to make all those excuses appear to be valid, rational objections to something that seems risky.
All those excuses when examined from a Nationalist perspective amount to nothing more than the apathetic cowardice of an atomized individual. The reasons to NOT organize are many, but they are nothing compared to the slow decline and fade from existence we will suffer if you don't start now.
The system has invested more resources than you could ever imagine into keeping you a lone, isolated individualist; with no sense of unity. That is because if we organize in large enough numbers, we will become the thing they've feared since the second they took power.
If your enemy shows you they fear something enough to make it the most socially taboo thing in the world, become that thing. Start to organize and become the thing they fear, start to resist or cease to exist.