Truth I speak – for your hearing.
Vision I give – for your seeing.
Speaking knowledge and wisdom, all possessing,
from the pre-beginning until the end of the end.
Speaking neither allegory nor symbol,nor indirect word,
clearly I give lore, of that which was, of that which is.
Human being, because connected to earth,
given over to mortality- but at the same time.
Star children, heavenly born –
a thousand fold times more older than the world here.
Light force sons and daughters of brilliance,
Heaven dwellers lost in darkness.
Light animated – but succumbed to shadow,
immortal – but not free of dying.
Wanderer over the horizon of the worlds,
new born into this world – but destined for beyond.
Children of God, but not godlike.
Much more there is to say about it.
Old is their child – young is their world.
The unborn human being,
existing since the pre-beginning, that much i can say.
Revelation of Isais