Today's going to be a busy one. Got a backlog of commissions i'm trying to make progress on. I'm aiming to take out four or five of'em this week before I go after more, and that's not counting emergency commissions I have to take due to a sudden bill that needs to be paid off.
For those of you who've been waiting, please bare with me. Going to try and get as many done as I can. I appreciate everyone who's been patient with me. It means more than you can know.
More Drowzee Goon! and my take on Goon as a Hypno.
Personally, if Hypno's nose was more of a beak-like muzzle-snoot, then I'd like it more. Also I dunno, with the way hypno is designed, I always assumed it must be fuzzy.
Something I sketched for fun between commissions today. May come back to this and color later on. We'll see!
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I must be tweaking, cuz I said Triggs instead of Goon in my last post. lol Ah well, back to work.