The real authors, whose works survive the ravages of history, are devotees of the highest Goddess, Necessity. They speak through Time to spirits noble enough to understand. They are ignored in our unheroic and godless age, for modern man is too uncomfortable with veneration to give proper recognition to kingly and godly men while they still live, and the Christians are too hostile to philosophy to accept truth when it is demonstrated. We shall undergo a long march of deplorable stupidity and ignorance before the wise are restored to their rightful place and mankind is no longer existentially objectionable. But, my Temple provides a space for the wise, that they may be spared the despair of inextricable association with the foolish masses and the despair of helplessness against the reigning forces of evil directing mankind’s course.
What have I written? For the public, a book of wisdom literature titled The Wisdom Transmission, and soon, a polemic against revealed religion titled A New Foundation. I have also written liturgical calendars for Hellenic and Germanic religionists that are available to the public. For my temple, several internal publications, each hundreds of pages in length: the Book of Lay Worship (including a catechism), the Seekers’ College, the Book of General Liturgy, and the Book of Festival Liturgy. These publications remain internal to protect the unique excellence of our organization and to keep sacred things from being profaned. I say this, because I have as much of a right as anyone else to participate in discourse and to be acknowledged for my work and my merit as an author and entrepreneur, even if it causes discomfort to the Christian and atheist majority, who are wracked with a guilty conscience.
My message is this: Let us adhere to natural religion, which is the effort to understand the universe and live rightly, to understand divinity and align with it. There is no more that needs to be done. No special formula, no chosen people, no revelation, no genocide or erasure, no spiritual terrorism, no obstinate ignorance. No epistemological or moral relativism, no degeneracy, no unaccountability or corruption, no defiance of nature, no damage to humanity or confusion of its natural and well-ordered state. Of this divine logic and universal love I am certain, and no amount of spiritual terrorism or absurd what-ifs would ever make me recant my understanding.
It is time for a return to classicalism and Platonism, and time for a paradigm shift of our culture to natural religion. The true Gods, the real and living principles of the Divine Intelligence who operate and govern the cosmos, directing and ordering the ebullience of the Good, have not gone anywhere. I speak of the foundation of our civilization and the knowledge it had when it was at its best, classical and Renaissance times. You must ask yourself what world you prefer: one of piety, righteous men, kings accountable to God’s laws, good cheer, grace, beauty, inspiration, and a common folk, or one of consumerism where the person is reduced to a commodity, of corruption and countless cowards hiding behind other cowards in an unaccountable mess of a system, of rogues and bastards and junkies, of family-shattering antagonisms over issues our votes have no power to affect, of thugs and reckless idiots cutting beautiful lives short, of a diverse and frustrated mob of incompatible and uprooted people who resent each other and have no hope, cheap ugly veneers, deconstruction, and boorishness. The better world is possible, because we had it in the past, and it is possible, because we who believe make it possible. We can achieve it peacefully with mutual understanding of benevolence as we restore each component to its natural place. Through those great goddesses Justice and Good Order, through adhering to God in law, politics, and society, we can elevate humanity to unimagined levels of happiness, health, prosperity, and enlightenment. It takes courage: faith in truth and love. And, that takes nobility: subordination to higher good.