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🔥 HandsomeTruth is LIVE! 🔥
Sonnenrad Saturday HT is LIVE on OMETV 3hrs. @ 9pm Eastern & 6pm West Coast! Share Stream on X, GAB, Telegram, Etc! Super Chat HT to support the show! heres the link https://entropystream.live/app/HT
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Sonnenrad Saturday HT is LIVE on OMETV 3hrs. @ 9pm Eastern & 6pm West Coast! Share Stream on X, GAB, Telegram, Etc! Super Chat HT to support the show! heres the link https://entropystream.live/app/HT
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An open letter to the Jew slaves of Douglas County, Georgia.
Your abjectly corrupt Sheriff's Department committed numerous federal felonies and the deputies involved shall be held legally accountable in a court of law. We as free citizens of America have a constitutional right to freedom of speech. Also, the Georgia Supreme Court caselaw of Statesboro Publishing v City of Sylvania gives us a the right to distribute literature. It's an outrage that your Judicial system doesn't follow the law or the Constitution. For the record, tens of thousands of freedom-loving Americans are aware of your corruption on several social media websites. Your colleagues are the criminals. Not Matt and Hilary Jacobs. The laws are clearly on our side and we shall prevail in court. It's been over a year since the corrupt Douglas County Sheriff's Department raid on Hilary and Matt Jacobs for distributing political and religious literature protected by the First Amendment and the Georgia State Constitution. Judge Susan Camp imposed a $30,000 bond for Hilary and Matt Jacobs for misdemeanor "littering." Depsite the fact that the Georgia Supreme Court caselaw of Statesboro Publishing v. the city of Sylvania gives us a right to distribute literature. There is no court date, and I don't expect there to be one since their arrest and incarceration were unconstitutional, and a violation of their civil rights under US Code Title 18, Sections 241 and 242, aka deprivation of rights under color of law, is a federal felony. Alas, there's been zero legal accountability despite the fact that the Douglas County Sheriff's Office in Georgia committed numerous federal felonies. If the Jacobs were Jews, Blacks, or faggots, the FBI would've arrested these jackbooted thugs, but our corrupt judicial system is allowed and encouraged to violate the civil rights of White Americans with impunity. Here's the documented evidence against the corrupt Douglas County Sheriff's Department in Georgia. https://occidentaldissent.com/2024/08/26/free-speech-under-attack-in-georgia-2/
P.S. I also have the video footage of the raid led by Major Matt Gray of a dozen deputies for free speech. https://www.bitchute.com/video/AS7zjjhoTC28
Sincerely, Michael Weaver
Your abjectly corrupt Sheriff's Department committed numerous federal felonies and the deputies involved shall be held legally accountable in a court of law. We as free citizens of America have a constitutional right to freedom of speech. Also, the Georgia Supreme Court caselaw of Statesboro Publishing v City of Sylvania gives us a the right to distribute literature. It's an outrage that your Judicial system doesn't follow the law or the Constitution. For the record, tens of thousands of freedom-loving Americans are aware of your corruption on several social media websites. Your colleagues are the criminals. Not Matt and Hilary Jacobs. The laws are clearly on our side and we shall prevail in court. It's been over a year since the corrupt Douglas County Sheriff's Department raid on Hilary and Matt Jacobs for distributing political and religious literature protected by the First Amendment and the Georgia State Constitution. Judge Susan Camp imposed a $30,000 bond for Hilary and Matt Jacobs for misdemeanor "littering." Depsite the fact that the Georgia Supreme Court caselaw of Statesboro Publishing v. the city of Sylvania gives us a right to distribute literature. There is no court date, and I don't expect there to be one since their arrest and incarceration were unconstitutional, and a violation of their civil rights under US Code Title 18, Sections 241 and 242, aka deprivation of rights under color of law, is a federal felony. Alas, there's been zero legal accountability despite the fact that the Douglas County Sheriff's Office in Georgia committed numerous federal felonies. If the Jacobs were Jews, Blacks, or faggots, the FBI would've arrested these jackbooted thugs, but our corrupt judicial system is allowed and encouraged to violate the civil rights of White Americans with impunity. Here's the documented evidence against the corrupt Douglas County Sheriff's Department in Georgia. https://occidentaldissent.com/2024/08/26/free-speech-under-attack-in-georgia-2/
P.S. I also have the video footage of the raid led by Major Matt Gray of a dozen deputies for free speech. https://www.bitchute.com/video/AS7zjjhoTC28
Sincerely, Michael Weaver
The powers that be that rule Douglas County, Georgia, with an iron fist include the incompetent Sheriff Tim Pounds and their Bolshevik judges who hate the US Constitution and the Georgia State Constitution. Ask the Douglas County Sheriff's Office in Georgia why they have the resources to raid citizens with a dozen deputies for the thought crime of distributing political and religious literature. https://americanfreepress.net/couple-arrested-charged-for-handing-out-legal-flyers/
Ask them why do they violate the civil rights of White Americans. Let them know it’s a violation of their oath of office and a federal felony under Title 18 sections 241&242.
Douglas County Sheriff's Office, GA
8470 Earl D. Lee Blvd | Douglasville, GA 30134
Ask them why do they violate the civil rights of White Americans. Let them know it’s a violation of their oath of office and a federal felony under Title 18 sections 241&242.
Douglas County Sheriff's Office, GA
8470 Earl D. Lee Blvd | Douglasville, GA 30134
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Sonnenrad Saturday HT is LIVE!
@ 9pm Eastern & 6pm West Coast!
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@ 9pm Eastern & 6pm West Coast!
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🔥 BenTanklin is LIVE! 🔥
Tank Talk Tuesday is Live at 10pm CT! Music open early.
Tanklin Live tonight at 10pm Central!
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Tank Talk Tuesday is Live at 10pm CT! Music open early.
Tanklin Live tonight at 10pm Central!
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🔥 OrbitalBacon is LIVE! 🔥
Racist Optimus Prime on OmeTV! (Ep. 3)
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Racist Optimus Prime on OmeTV! (Ep. 3)
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Douglas County is ruled by corrupt public officials who will violate your constitutional and civil rights, especially if you're a White American. Their sheriff's office in the People's Republic of Douglas County is controlled by a Black sheriff by the name of Tim Pounds. There are numerous crimes being committed in Douglas County every day, but this sheriff's office devoted a dozen deputies to raid and arrest Hilary and Matt Jacobs for having the audacity to distribute political and religious literature protected by both the US Constitution and Georgia State Constitution. Will someone send these tyrants a copy of the Constitution? I know reading comprehension isn't their forte, but we the people must hold these tyrants accountable when they break the law. Ask Sheriff Tim Pounds and Major Matt Gray why they violated their oath to the Constitution. Are White Americans allowed to have rights in the People's Republic of Douglasville, Georgia? If you're a freedom-loving American, call them and tell them that our rights are guaranteed, and by violating our rights, they are guilty of numerous federal felonies under US Code Title 18 sections 241 & 242. We hired the Free Expression Foundation law firm to right this egregious injustice in the name of freedom and liberty. Join us.
Enjoy part 1 and part 2 of my interview exposing the Anti-White Douglas County Sheriff's Office in Georgia. https://youtu.be/XNLmAiSnwLM?feature=shared
I have several interviews on my profile page exposing the Criminal Douglas County Sheriff's Office in Georgia. These Bolshevik tyrants will raid and arrest you for exercising your First Amendment rights. We are going to expose them and take them to Federal court for violating our civil rights. White Americans are fighting back. Join us or donate for the Jacobs and Weaver case https://freeexpressionfoundation.org/donate/

🔥 Gypsycrusader is LIVE! 🔥
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🔥 HansomSven is LIVE! 🔥
Pinky Up Sven OME
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Send Hate-Mail to: hansomsven@proton.me
HELP CANADIAN GIRL: https://givesendgo.com/canadiangirlarrested
Pinky Up Sven OME
Music: https://stevehanson.ca
Super chat on Entropy: entropystream.live/app/HansomSven
SONNEN RUGS: https://aquarius-fabrication.llc Promo code: SVEN88
Telegram (Stream Notifications) https://t.me/stevehanson88
Send Hate-Mail to: hansomsven@proton.me
HELP CANADIAN GIRL: https://givesendgo.com/canadiangirlarrested

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History & Documentaries 24/7
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Meet Judge Susan Camp of Douglasville, Georgia. She is a disgrace to the US Constitution, namely the First Amendment. While Judge Susan Camp presided over several hearings regarding multiple defendants imposing bonds in the amount of several thousand dollars for a plethora of crimes, some were violent. She imposed a bond of $30,000 upon Matt and Hilary Jacobs for distributing lawful political and religious literature protected by the First Amendment and Georgia Supreme Court case law Statesboro Publishing v. City of Sylvania. Do we as Americans have freedom of speech anymore, or are we living under a tyrannical communist dictatorship? This should outrage all freedom-loving Americans, especially our veterans. This black-robed tyrant does not deserve to be a judge if she refuses to honor the Constitution. To be free or not to be free, that is the question.

🔥 BenTanklin is LIVE! 🔥
Saturday nOt a bOnUs sHoW - LFG
Saturday "nOt A bOnUs" show!
Tanklin Live tonight at 10pm Central!
WFP! o/
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Saturday nOt a bOnUs sHoW - LFG
Saturday "nOt A bOnUs" show!
Tanklin Live tonight at 10pm Central!
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RaHoWa Shoah
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🔥 HandsomeTruth is LIVE! 🔥
Sonnenrad Saturday HT is LIVE on OMETV 3hrs. @ 9pm Eastern & 6pm West Coast! Share Stream on X, GAB, Telegram, Etc! Super Chat HT to support the show! heres the link https://entropystream.live/app/HT
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Givesendgo: https://www.givesendgo.com/FASHYRANCH
Sonnenrad Saturday HT is LIVE on OMETV 3hrs. @ 9pm Eastern & 6pm West Coast! Share Stream on X, GAB, Telegram, Etc! Super Chat HT to support the show! heres the link https://entropystream.live/app/HT
SUPER CHAT ! https://entropystream.live/app/HT
Givesendgo: https://www.givesendgo.com/FASHYRANCH
It's obvious that both the Douglas County Sheriff's Office in Georgia and the State Court solicitor Sonya Compton lack reading comprehension skills. Georgia Supreme Court caselaw Statesboro Publishing v. City of Sylvania protects our right to distribute literature, but yet they refuse to drop this politically motivated First Amendment case. These political reprobates continue to violate our civil rights despite the fact that doing so is a federal felony. Can you imagine a law enforcement agency so corrupt that they are willing to commit numerous felonies to stop people from exercising their constitutional rights? If you're a freedom-loving American, please contact Sheriff Tim Pounds and let him know that the Constitution applies to White Americans as well. We must hold the Douglas County Sheriff's Office in Georgia accountable for their illegal actions. This is in reference to the Matt and Hilary Jacobs free speech case.
My latest interview with Blood River Radio exposing the anti-White JEWDICIAL system in Douglas County, Georgia. https://www.bloodriverradio.com/brr-january-11-2025-hour-

🔥 Holydiver is LIVE! 🔥
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Music with Diver
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