March 9, 1993 Waco Texas. The ATF and FBI laid seige to the compound for 51 days, eventually burning down the Branch Davidian compound, killing 76. After they posed with their smouldering corpses.
“God help us. We want the press.”
Auto annealer by freedomjockey.
@threepn2 @threepnfilevault
@threepn2 @threepnfilevault
Wish I had done variable layer height for the head and stuff
Keeping the 4 year old happy
Why haven't you printed a PCC and the accompanying switch and can yet?
@threepn2 @threepnfilevault
By germy_ballswell on instagoy
There is now a functional search engine for guncad files. No more dealing with odysee's shit search function
1 piece clone. Shooting standard velocity CCI. Print in CF/GF nylon. PLA+ works but doesn't last. Resize in slicer 1000% scale. Volume equivalent would be a stapler.
Macacos are invading chat and giving us loosely translated memes because parrotman is a hot topic these days.
@threepn2 @threepnfilevault
New spool winder was a bit pricey, but at least it isn't overkill.
@threepn2 @threepnfilevault
The one fun thing about reddit is the people that post there don't leave a trail of breadcrumbs, they leave a paved and painted roadway of evidence of retardation.
@threepn2 @threepnfilevault
Glock 19 FRT (forced reset trigger) More info to come More models to come
Meet Clone Alpha: A Humanoid Robot Built with Synthetic Organs and Artificial Muscles
Clone Robotics has created Myofiber, synthetic muscles powered by water pressure for realistic movement and strength. Clone Alpha incorporates synthetic organs, including bones, muscles, veins, and nerves.
There is now a functional search engine for guncad files. No more dealing with odysee's shit search function
Hop is one of the few guntubers I will watch when Im stealing time at work, one of like maybe 2 or 3, now that Paul Harrell is dead. I always appreciate his pragmatic views on stuff, even if he does shun my expensive Eurotrash taste more often than not, and his humor is top notch.
Freedom Finger FRT for M&P2.0. Designer is trying to patent it or figure out a way to cash in some sheckles from it, despite posting his videos in FOSSCAD (FREE OPEN SOURCE).
Go make an offensive reddit profile and jew shame him.
Beta Version 3 Updates for the M1337 Gatling Gun - Overall reliability and function has been significantly improved. Further details contained within the instruction document in the download.
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Растау белгісіӘкімшілер тізімінде бот бар каналдар TGlist-те растау белгісіне ие болады, бұл басқа каналдар арасында сенімділік пен беделді арттырады.
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Кең аудитория талдауыКең аудитория талдауы маңызды мәліметтерді анықтау және мазмұнды оңтайландыру үшін.
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