Since day one, I’ve been telling anyone who will listen that since 10/7, we’ve witnessed so many miracles, it’s hard to count.
Some of these miracles are easy to recognize, like how well the beeper operation went down or how successful we were at intercepting or detonating those hundreds of drones and ballistic missiles fired at us from Iran. Twice.
Other miracles were harder to recognize.
And then we have last night.
Last night was a miracle the caliber of the splitting of the sea.
I am talking an open miracle that could and should have ended very differently.
Do not ask me for my source and if that means you don’t believe what I’m about to say, so be it. You can keep scrolling. But if you know my work, you know I’m very careful with what I share so if I’m sharing this, trust me, it’s based on a reliable source.
Last night, a young lady noticed a suspicious object on a bus in the center of Israel. She reported it to the driver who pulled into a station, got everyone off the bus, at which point, the bus blew up and was completely destroyed.
But that wasn’t the end of it. Not even close.
Over the hours that followed, an additional four bombs were discovered on busses, some of them exploded, others were taken apart before exploding. Some malfunctioned.
According to my source, and this was news to me, a whopping 15 busses were supposed to explode this morning. According to reports, the terrorist set the timer for 9 PM instead of 9 AM.
So is that the worst of it? Not even close.
In addition to the 15 busses, 5 suicide bombers were set to detonate bombs on the lightrail at the same time, all in the center of Israel.
So is that the worst? Nope. That’s the good part.
Where did this attack originate? Gaza? Nope. Judea and Samaria. In other words, these terrorists came from within Israel.
And here’s the kicker, and again, I am not telling you where I heard this, all of the above was intended to be nothing more than the distraction, much like the incoming rockets on 10/7. Just a distraction for the real invasion.
My source says that as those busses and terrorists blew up, massive security and emergency forces were supposed to rush to the scene at which point, there would be a massive breach of the security fence and many terrorists from Judea and Samaria would invade Israel and carry out a 10/7 2.0. Only this time it wouldn’t be from Gaza so it would be an invasion into basically every major city in Israel.
For the third time, this is not information that is publicly available. I can’t share a link and I won’t share a source. Believe me or don’t. Up to you.
It is worth pointing out that for decades, we did not have any bus explosions in Israel. We do this deal and release terrorists, some of whom were the architects behind the bus bombings during the intifada, and all of a sudden, we’re back to busses blowing up.
I can’t imagine anyone believing that that’s a coincidence.
All of this was supposed to go down during rush hour and would have caused hundreds, maybe thousands of Israelis deaths.
Even if the rest isn’t true, multiple busses blowing up like this bus during rush hour? Can’t even imagine.
Yesterday morning was one of the hardest days in Israel’s history. Perhaps the hardest. We all felt hopeless, every last one of us.
When we are in pain, God is in pain with us.
I don’t know about you, but yesterday morning, as I saw the coffins of the Bibas angels, I looked up to Hashem and asked why. Why would he cause us so much pain or allow Hamas to do this to us??
I told myself that we’ll be ok but wasn’t sure if that was true. Was God even watching over us any more? Has He abandoned us? Did He turn His back on us?
Then, as the hostages were being delivered, a beautiful rainbow appeared in the Israeli skies, a sign from the times of Noah, that God won’t ever destroy the world or let it be destroyed. A rainbow, according to Jewish scripture, is God’s way of telling us, “Don’t worry. I got your back.”
Still, though, I was just so sad and so angry.