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Esoteric Dixie Dharma

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"To recreate a new aristocracy is the eternal task of every revolutionary project."
– Guillaume Faye
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"Esoteric Dixie Dharma" тобындағы соңғы жазбалар

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The Golden One avatar
The Golden One
Young women (the primary victims of mass immigration) overwhelmingly vote Left.

• Why?

Essentially, they are only doing what they are told.

Their entire lives they have been tasked with upholding a certain Moral Framework.

That Moral Framework presents taking care of the Other as the ultimate good.

The ultimate evil is to support anything approaching “Fascism” (i.e. law, order, restriction on immigration, etc.).

This brainwashing comes from both their “education” (i.e. the Left-wing extremist curriculum) as well as from “culture” (i.e. Hollywood).

• What can be done?

We must continue to be steadfast in our positions. Once a critical mass has been reached, young women will follow the trend.

Anti-social and anti-female sentiments have to go.

The media is hard at work portraying men on the Right as immoral and uncultured (plenty of examples to be found). We must continue to prove them wrong. We are the good guys. We are the gentlemen. We are the loving fathers and brothers.

I believe in our women, they will come around.

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Prometheism avatar
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Based Department avatar
Based Department
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Architect Ov Flesh avatar
Architect Ov Flesh
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Occult Imperium avatar
Occult Imperium
"The task of knowing is not to recapitulate in the form of concepts what is given to us in another way, but rather to create an entirely new domain which, when combined with the world presented by sense perception, produces for the first time a complete reality. From this point of view, the highest mode of human activity—the creative activity of the mind—organically adapts itself to the complete process of cosmic events. In this activity, the world processing could not be understood as something total and complete in itself. [...] The human being is not a spectator watching the spectacle of the world, imitating in his spirit what is happening in the universe without becoming involved; he is an active participant in a cosmic creative process, and his knowledge is, in fact, the most evolved part of the organism of the universe."

— Rudolf Steiner, Truth and Science (1892)
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NEYƎИ avatar
He believed that soldiers were part of a grand historical cycle, and he often used this idea to inspire his men, telling them they were the spiritual successors of great warriors of the past.
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NEYƎИ avatar
General George S. Patton’s belief in reincarnation was a defining aspect of his personal philosophy, shaping both his military strategy and his worldview. He was convinced that he had lived multiple lives as a warrior, and he spoke about these past lives with an unusual level of certainty. Unlike most people who speculate about reincarnation as a vague possibility, Patton seemed to have detailed memories and visceral experiences tied to specific historical events.

Patton’s Past-Life Memories

Patton believed he had lived many lives as a soldier, spanning different eras and civilizations. Some of the most notable past lives he claimed to remember include:
1. A Roman Legionnaire – Patton felt a strong connection to ancient Rome and believed he had served as a soldier in Julius Caesar’s army. He often referenced Roman military strategies and admired their discipline.
2. A Carthaginian Warrior in Hannibal’s Army – He was fascinated by Hannibal and his campaigns, particularly the crossing of the Alps. While in North Africa during World War II, Patton claimed to recall fighting in ancient battles there.
3. A Viking Raider – Patton felt he had been a Norse warrior, engaging in violent and ambitious conquests. His aggressive approach to warfare and belief in the warrior’s destiny aligned with Viking ideals.
4. A Knight in the Crusades – He saw himself as a medieval knight, possibly fighting in the Crusades. He admired the chivalric code and had an intense interest in medieval combat.
5. A Marshal in Napoleon’s Army – Patton frequently referenced Napoleon’s campaigns and seemed to have an intimate understanding of the tactics used by his marshals. While in France, he reportedly walked old battlefields and made comments as if he had been there before, saying, “I was here, I remember it perfectly.”
6. A Soldier in the American Civil War – He believed he had fought and died in the U.S. Civil War, possibly as a Confederate soldier. He had an intense connection to battlefield sites and even wrote poetry about past lives as a soldier.

Patton’s “Memories” on the Battlefield

Patton’s past-life beliefs were not just abstract ideas; they influenced how he conducted military campaigns. During World War II, he would visit battle sites and claim to recognize the terrain as if he had fought there in a previous incarnation.

One of the most famous incidents occurred in Sicily in 1943. As he surveyed the terrain, he reportedly said:
“We will attack exactly as Hannibal did here more than 2,000 years ago.”
To his astonished officers, he then detailed the ancient Carthaginian general’s maneuvers as if he had witnessed them firsthand.

Similarly, while in France, Patton believed he had fought in the Napoleonic Wars. Walking through the countryside, he remarked that he had been part of Napoleon’s campaigns and had seen the battlefields before.

Patton’s Poetry on Reincarnation

Patton wrote poetry about his belief in past lives, expressing his certainty that he had fought and died in countless battles. His most famous poem, “Through a Glass, Darkly,” includes lines that reflect his deep conviction in reincarnation:

“So as through a glass, and darkly
The age long strife I see
Where I fought in many guises, many names
But always me.”

This suggests that Patton didn’t just believe in reincarnation in a general sense—he saw it as a warrior’s eternal cycle, where he was reborn again and again to continue fighting.

Philosophical Implications of His Beliefs

Patton’s belief in past lives gave him an almost supernatural confidence in battle. He saw himself as part of an unbroken warrior lineage, destined to fight in every age. This belief made him fearless, sometimes reckless, and completely unafraid of death. He once said:

“Death is nothing but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily.”

His reincarnation philosophy also influenced his leadership style.
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NEYƎИ avatar
Yes, General George S. Patton strongly believed in reincarnation and often spoke about his past lives. He was convinced that he had lived multiple warrior lives throughout history. Patton believed he had fought in many famous battles, including as a Roman legionnaire, a Napoleonic marshal, and even a soldier in Alexander the Great’s army.

One of his most well-known quotes on the subject is:
“Through the travail of the ages, midst the pomp and toil of war, have I fought and strove and perished countless times upon this star.”

He reportedly had vivid memories of past battles and felt a deep connection to ancient battlefields. For example, during World War II, while in North Africa and Europe, he would sometimes describe past-life experiences in those very locations. He once told an aide in France, “I was here before,” referencing a past life in Napoleon’s army.


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