The Price Of Loyalty: Haq Or Betrayal? —
“Shimr ibn Al-Jawshan(la) put forward his hand and said to Al-Abbas and his three brothers, four youth who were like the striking moon:
‘Leave this battle and you shall be safe, you and your brothers.’
Al Abbas (as) said to them:
‘Do you give us safety yet the son of the Prophet(saws) daughter has no safety? May Gods curse be upon you and curse your safety!’”
— Martyr Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah
This moment between Al Abbas (ع) & Shimr (لعنة الله عليه) in Karbala is not just an event of the past; it is the eternal struggle between truth and falsehood, between the path of Haq and the path of Satan.
Shimr (لعنة الله عليه), a man who had sold his soul for worldly gain, extended an offer to Al-Abbas (ع) and his brothers — a promise of safety, a way out. “Leave this battle, and you shall be safe.” It was the same offer Satan has always whispered to those standing at the edge of sacrifice:
Think of yourself. Save yourself. Why suffer when you can live?
But Al Abbas (ع) was not a man of compromise. His response was immediate, cutting through the deception:
You offer me safety while the grandson of the Prophet’s (ﷺ) daughter stands abandoned? May God’s curse be upon you and your so-called safety!
This was the voice of a man who knew the meaning of loyalty. A man who understood that Haq is not about seeking refuge in comfort, but about standing firm in the face of betrayal. Al Abbas (ع) had the option to walk away, to live a long life, to enjoy whatever scraps of power Yazid’s army might have thrown his way. But for what? To live knowing he turned his back on his Imam? To live with the shame of forsaking Hussain (ع) while he fought alone?
This is the difference between the path of Haq and the path of Satan. One demands sacrifice, the other promises convenience. One requires courage, the other preys on fear. The people of Haq are never promised ease in this world, but they are given something greater — honor, dignity, and nearness to God. The people of falsehood, however, sell their souls cheaply, thinking they have secured safety, when in reality, they have secured only disgrace in both worlds.
Al Abbas (ع) made his choice, and his name shines like a moon through history. Shimr and his likes made their choice, and their names are cursed wherever the story of Karbala is told.
This choice remains for us today. Do we take the easy road and walk away when Haq demands our loyalty? Or do we stand, even if it costs us everything? The answer defines who we are, in this life and the next.
#Haq #Betrayal
#Ashura #Karbala