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Southern Oregon Nationalists avatar
Southern Oregon Nationalists
Southern Oregon Nationalists avatar
Southern Oregon Nationalists
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Frontier ’24
Full fights will begin coming out this weekend.

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Central AC Active Uncensored
Despite following all terms of service, never promoting violence, and even avoiding superfluous political subject matter our original channel was Apple banned. We are undeterred and in the future we will be putting out some instructional content. Keep organizing, keep training. The stuff that really matters isn’t on the internet anyway.

Central Ca Active met up to do some training. It’s crucial to know what to do in the worst situations. We put an emphasis on how to get back in a dominant position if you’ve been taken down and you’re on your back.

Sweeps from guard and responses to take down attempts (sprawling, reversing single legs, etc), technical stand ups etc
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Movement History avatar
Movement History
The activeclub Southern Oregon Nationalists recently visited the National Alliance at their new property in Tennessee.

Contrary to what people might belive, the National Alliance is still active under the leadership of Will Williams and is currently constructing the "William Luther Pierce memorial library and research center" as seen on SONs picture from their visit. 🏗

Visit the National Alliance at
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South Central Tennessee Active Club avatar
South Central Tennessee Active Club
Find your Tribe
Build Brotherhood
Start Training!

Support your local Active Club!
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What are you willing to fight for?

Will you stand together and work for the task at hand? Join us in preserving our heritage and working towards a better future.


Apply to Join Us
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SoCal Active Club avatar
SoCal Active Club
Southern California Active Club
WBS '24

Reach us on telegram @SOCAVET

Or by email at
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Last Frontier Active Club avatar
Last Frontier Active Club
SONs get together every week.

Get in touch. We'd love to talk to you.
(If you're not a Nationalist then fuck you)

SONs on Tour.
Thank you to the National Alliance for receiving us in Tennessee!


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned) avatar
The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)
If you're not organizing to build power for the WN/NS cause, you are a coward and your opinions are irrelevant. Not only are they irrelevant, but if you call yourself a WN/NS/Nationalist and don't organize, your claims to being any of those things are fraudulent. You're the same as a begger who pretends to be a military veteran without ever having served. In fact you are worse, because that guy was pretending to be a zogbot; you're PRETENDING to be someone interested in Our People's future. Stop being a fraud, start to resist or cease to exist.

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Wyoming Active Club (Uncensored) avatar
Wyoming Active Club (Uncensored)
Active Club - travel the country, meet interesting people, & punch them in the face.
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SoCal Active Club avatar
SoCal Active Club
Active Club stands for mass deportations!
Various Active Clubs from around the USA are standing together to pressure the incoming administration to live up to their campaign promises.

We were never asked or gave the ok for foreigners of completely alien ancestry and culture to flood our lands and then even worse for their crimes to be rewarded with citizenship and government benefits at our expense!


If this message finds you and resonates with you, reach out to your local Active Club!



Email socalactive@protonmail.com
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Pennsylvania AC avatar
Pennsylvania AC
Members of Pennsylvania Active Club in Pittsburgh spent the weekend doing some street art and collecting trophies from antifa scum.

"All propaganda must be popular and its intellectual level must be adjusted to the most limited intelligence among those it is addressed to."

#BeActive #AntiAntifa #Pittsburgh

SONs on tour.
Thank you Tennessee!
SONs on Table Rock.

Get in touch and get active
SONs has been making new friends. This club is gonna get big. You wanna be a part of it or just keep watching from the sidelines?



Picture from Bend Oregon.
SONs Rogue River cluster met up to hike, hang and workout in the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest.
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SoCal Active Club avatar
SoCal Active Club
2024 was a very productive year for the Active Clubs & the 3.0 scene all together. Through all the peaks and valleys I find gratitude and wouldn't forfeit this lifestyle for all the material wealth in the world!
Jan ‘24 - SAC planted their flag and took that next step by securing our own private gym, a symbol of the success we can all accomplish should we be disciplined and stay the course.
February '24 - Rundos day off, though his freedom was short lived it was empowering to see him in great health, spirit and completely unbroken.
March '24 - Patriot Front hosted the epic “American Muscle” combat sporting event in Texas.
3 members of SAC were blessed with the gift of coming children.
April '24 - Members of SAC worked with Patriot Front in a flawless demonstration, just feet away from our southern border in an effort to bring awareness to the border crisis.
July '24 - Patriot Front successfully held their annual Independence Day march in Nashville, Tennessee.
August '24 - SoCal Active club hosted W2R 4, “Frontier '24” for the 3rd year in a row, a massive success! Not only for SAC, but the 3.0 agenda as a whole!
September '24 - Members of SAC traveled to Europe to network, train & build comradery with our brothers across the pond. They helped M2R document nationalist events and give us some insight into their way of life.
👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻 ✊🏻🇺🇲🥁
October '24 - SoCal Active club was blessed with 3 healthy, perfect babies. We grew by 3, but the greater network in SoCal was blessed with 6 babies throughout 2024.
Patriot Front held a tremendous and impressive march in Denver Colorado, with numbers and organization unmatched by any!
November '24 - Our boys who traveled to Europe finished their Euro trip by marching in the Polish Independence Day March. They marched in solidarity, gained a truly unique and powerful experience while also representing our club, very proud!✊🏻
In the states, SAC, along with other local folk hosted a beautiful evening and a feast for Friendsgiving. Heartwarming family friendly fun, including a bounce house and playground for the children, excellent food and company, with a whopping 60 people in attendance.

Patriot Front hosted many Friendsgiving (Frontsgiving) events across the country and provided our good people with the community and love they deserve, during the somewhat fractured holiday of Thanksgiving! From coast to coast our people had a place to celebrate with their like-minded folk and family thanks to Patriot Fronts dedication to carry on American tradition.
🆓 🕊️🕊️✌🏻
December 24' - To top off an already positive and productive year, Robert Rundo was FINALLY released from the tyrannical system, despite their bitter efforts to take even more of his life from him, he’s finally free and still unbroken. He’s looking and feeling great, healthy & still has a hell of a right hook. (Maybe a little pale 😁)
But overall, I’d say he's stronger and wiser than ever before. His freedom is a testimate that the system can't break you if you simply refuse to let them. Much respect to him and his undying dedication and resolve! I hope his story and sacrifice is a lesson but more-so an encouraging tale that you don't have to back down! This encourages all nationalists that the system doesn't have to defeat you, do not be intimidated by their desperate efforts. Stand strong and we will stand with you and get through it as a community. All we have is each other so we need to be willing to love and support our people through these injustices. Going forward, hopefully we all understand that and try harder to genuinely and full heartedly support each other when the system tries to destroy ONE, they are doing so to hurt and intimidate all of us.
What a year. Gratitude is what I'm walking away with, hopefully we all are.
I'm tremendously proud to be a part of this, not for glory but because it's our duty as men to give all of ourselves in this effort!
United we stand, divided we fall!
Hail Victory!
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Lone Star Active Club avatar
Lone Star Active Club
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Jacob Hersant avatar
Jacob Hersant
Listen to William Luther Pierce’s broadcasts
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Rose City Nationalists avatar
Rose City Nationalists
Throughout the course of our activism last night, former Newberg City Council Member Robert Soppe attempted to intimidate us and hinder our exercise of our First Amendment rights. Upon seeing the flyers we were posting, Soppe attempted to recruit random passersby to help him confront us. When that didn’t work, Soppe made a phone call, and a man in tie-dye appeared. At this point, we turned to confront the men following us. Observe how quickly the local antifascists disperse when confronted. Do not fear these people.
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Wyoming Active Club (Uncensored) avatar
Wyoming Active Club (Uncensored)
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Jacob Hersant avatar
Jacob Hersant
Abandon hedonism; live for something greater than yourself
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