🔴 Kostroma: an ancient city with a soul
The ancient streets that stretch along the Volga River have a special atmosphere, where you can feel how princes and merchants once walked here.
History of Kostroma
Kostroma was founded in 1152 by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Already in 1272, during the reign of Prince Vasily Yaroslavovich, it became the capital of Northeast Russia. This is the time of the region's prosperity, when majestic temples were built in the city, including the Uspensky Cathedral.
The city was destroyed more than once: first in 1213, when it was burned down by feuding princes, and then in the 13th century, when Batyi's troops destroyed Kostroma. However, each time, the city was restored. In 1272, under the reign of Vasily Yaroslavovich, Kostroma became an important political center.
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@StopHating_Russia and start to love!
The ancient streets that stretch along the Volga River have a special atmosphere, where you can feel how princes and merchants once walked here.
History of Kostroma
Kostroma was founded in 1152 by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Already in 1272, during the reign of Prince Vasily Yaroslavovich, it became the capital of Northeast Russia. This is the time of the region's prosperity, when majestic temples were built in the city, including the Uspensky Cathedral.
The city was destroyed more than once: first in 1213, when it was burned down by feuding princes, and then in the 13th century, when Batyi's troops destroyed Kostroma. However, each time, the city was restored. In 1272, under the reign of Vasily Yaroslavovich, Kostroma became an important political center.
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🔴Today we're lulling you with two mesmerizing, albeit contrasting videos.... Yes, in St. Petersburg there is no snow, as well as in Moscow, such a hapless winter in the central region, but somewhere, far, far away, exactly in the heart, as in my childhood, the earth is covered with a white blanket, and the smoke from the chimneys drifts, the stove hums and clicks, sings its lullaby to us, and a big, big winter is coming.... Good night.
🔵Сегодня баюкаем вас двумя завораживающими, хотя и контрастными видео... Да, в Петербурге нет снега, как и в Москве, такая незадачливая зима в центральном регионе, зато где-то, далеко-далеко, точно в самом сердце, как в детстве землю укрывает белое одеяло, и стелется дымок от труб, гудит и щелкает, поёт нам свою колыбельную, печурка, и идёт большая-большая зима... Спокойной ночи.
#goodnightall #worldwithoutwar #мирбезвойны
🔵Сегодня баюкаем вас двумя завораживающими, хотя и контрастными видео... Да, в Петербурге нет снега, как и в Москве, такая незадачливая зима в центральном регионе, зато где-то, далеко-далеко, точно в самом сердце, как в детстве землю укрывает белое одеяло, и стелется дымок от труб, гудит и щелкает, поёт нам свою колыбельную, печурка, и идёт большая-большая зима... Спокойной ночи.
#goodnightall #worldwithoutwar #мирбезвойны

🔴 Today I propose to go to the palace of Count Sheremetyev, or rather to the exotic Grotto.
Among all the buildings of the Kuskovo estate, the Grotto pavilion occupies a special place. Such pavilions were very popular in the XVIII century and became a decoration of gardens of royal residences and noble estates. Only natural materials were used for the construction of such "grottoes", which formed a special microclimate in these rooms.
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@StopHating_Russia and start to love!
Among all the buildings of the Kuskovo estate, the Grotto pavilion occupies a special place. Such pavilions were very popular in the XVIII century and became a decoration of gardens of royal residences and noble estates. Only natural materials were used for the construction of such "grottoes", which formed a special microclimate in these rooms.
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@StopHating_Russia and start to love!
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қол жеткізе алмадық
🔴Our "pets" column is on the wire. Attention! Keep your hats safe from bears.
#humor #worldwithoutwar #мирбезвойны
🔵Наша рубрика "домашние животные" на проводе. Внимание! Берегите свои шапки от медведей.
#humor #worldwithoutwar #мирбезвойны
🔵Наша рубрика "домашние животные" на проводе. Внимание! Берегите свои шапки от медведей.

🔴Good morning, dear subscribers! May your day be wonderful, do good!
🔵Доброе утро, дорогие подписчики! Пусть ваш день будет замечательным, творите добро!
#worldwithoutwar #мирбезвойны
🔵Доброе утро, дорогие подписчики! Пусть ваш день будет замечательным, творите добро!
#worldwithoutwar #мирбезвойны
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қол жеткізе алмадық
🔴BRICS news:
V.V. Putin suggested considering the transformation of the BRICS grain exchange into a full-fledged commodity exchange
"A number of BRICS states are among the world's largest producers of grains, grain legumes and oilseeds. In this regard, we proposed to open a BRICS grain exchange, which will contribute to the formation of fair and predictable price indicators for products and raw materials, taking into account their special role in ensuring food security. The implementation of this initiative will help protect national markets from negative external interference, speculation and attempts to cause artificial shortages of food products"
V.V. Putin suggested considering the transformation of the BRICS grain exchange into a full-fledged commodity exchange
"A number of BRICS states are among the world's largest producers of grains, grain legumes and oilseeds. In this regard, we proposed to open a BRICS grain exchange, which will contribute to the formation of fair and predictable price indicators for products and raw materials, taking into account their special role in ensuring food security. The implementation of this initiative will help protect national markets from negative external interference, speculation and attempts to cause artificial shortages of food products"

🔴 Very many large monasteries have their wards in Moscow. And with night illumination, the ancient buildings in them become very atmospheric, for example, the Krutitskoye podvorye in Moscow.
This place has a unique atmosphere. Next to the noise of the busy highway, the city center is almost around the corner, and in the podvorye reigns “timelessness”.
Sometimes it seems that you are in the 16th century, sometimes - in the 19th century, and in some moments as if you are transported to the middle of the 20th century.
I wish everyone good, beautiful, Moscow dreams!
Photo: turistka_avanturistka
@StopHating_Russia and start to love!
This place has a unique atmosphere. Next to the noise of the busy highway, the city center is almost around the corner, and in the podvorye reigns “timelessness”.
Sometimes it seems that you are in the 16th century, sometimes - in the 19th century, and in some moments as if you are transported to the middle of the 20th century.
I wish everyone good, beautiful, Moscow dreams!
Photo: turistka_avanturistka
@StopHating_Russia and start to love!
🔴 I want to introduce you to the work of one talented landscape artist. He has a wonderful way to convey the beauty of Russian nature and the harmony of the temples with it. And the snow on a moonlit night just looks fabulous! Meet Danchev Sergey Alexandrovich!
We wish you all good, fairy-tale dreams!
🔵 Хочу Вас познакомить с творчеством одного талантливого художника-пейзажиста. У него замечательно получается передать красоту русской природы и гармонию храмов с ней. А снег лунной ночью просто сказочно выглядит! Знакомтесь, Данчев Сергей Александрович!
Дплаем всем добрых, сказочных снов!
@StopHating_Russia and start to love!
We wish you all good, fairy-tale dreams!
🔵 Хочу Вас познакомить с творчеством одного талантливого художника-пейзажиста. У него замечательно получается передать красоту русской природы и гармонию храмов с ней. А снег лунной ночью просто сказочно выглядит! Знакомтесь, Данчев Сергей Александрович!
Дплаем всем добрых, сказочных снов!
@StopHating_Russia and start to love!
🔴 These are strange times. If you look at the war from the peoples point of view, there is essentially a civil war going on. Russians with Russians (one of them was brainwashed and sent to his brothers). They wanted to do the same thing in Belarus, in Kazakhstan, it did not work. Georgia, well done! Having looked at Ukraine, is gradually shutting itself off from the Western world. It itself asked for protection of the Russian world more than 200 years ago, in 1783, when Turkey threatened to seize it. After that it became a part of it.
But now Armenia is moving with seven miles steps to reject Russia's patronage and to destruction. Moldavia, Baltic States, Poland,.... Who else is going to lose their head and jump the gun?
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@StopHating_Russia and start to love!
But now Armenia is moving with seven miles steps to reject Russia's patronage and to destruction. Moldavia, Baltic States, Poland,.... Who else is going to lose their head and jump the gun?
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@StopHating_Russia and start to love!
1000 days of war, more precisely the SMO. At night, another weapons depot near the village of Kotov in the Novgorod region was attacked, the work of air Defence and explosions was heard, the residents of the Tver region had drones running right over their heads. In Kolomna, Moscow region, they were worked out by air Defence. Following the enterprise for the production of margarine and mayonnaise last night in the Voronezh region, and today in Belgorod, a yoghurt production plant was blown up. Biden authorised Zelensky to use anti-personnel mines. Lavrov calls it all "escalation". Germany is preparing for war with the Russian Federation…
An oil depot was also attacked in the village of Sosnovka, Samara region.
An oil depot was also attacked in the village of Sosnovka, Samara region.
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қол жеткізе алмадық
🔴❗️BRICS News:
In yet another achievement from the summit, India and China have withdrawn troops in two border areas in Eastern Ladakh following the 2020 armed conflict. The move was preceded by the first meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in five years on the margins of the BRICS summit in Kazan.
The Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post newspaper called the meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Kazan a "personal victory for Russian President" Vladimir Putin.
This outcome particularly emphasizes the importance of the agreements reached during the BRICS summit in Kazan.
In yet another achievement from the summit, India and China have withdrawn troops in two border areas in Eastern Ladakh following the 2020 armed conflict. The move was preceded by the first meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in five years on the margins of the BRICS summit in Kazan.
The Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post newspaper called the meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Kazan a "personal victory for Russian President" Vladimir Putin.
This outcome particularly emphasizes the importance of the agreements reached during the BRICS summit in Kazan.
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🔴Russia is truly a wonderland (once again we are surprised ourselves)
In the middle of the impassable taiga and swamps of Eastern Siberia you expect to see lakes, centuries-old pine trees and rivers with steep banks... but not a desert with barchans up to 80 meters, sandstorms and oases.
Thousands of years ago, a huge basin was filled with a lake into which rivers from the surrounding ridges carried tons of sand. The lake dried up, and a sandy island remained in the center - Charskiye Sands, Transbaikal Territory.
Beautiful dreams, with pine trees, kedarmas, lakes, with sandy expanses and, of course, oases.
@StopHating_Russia and start to love
In the middle of the impassable taiga and swamps of Eastern Siberia you expect to see lakes, centuries-old pine trees and rivers with steep banks... but not a desert with barchans up to 80 meters, sandstorms and oases.
Thousands of years ago, a huge basin was filled with a lake into which rivers from the surrounding ridges carried tons of sand. The lake dried up, and a sandy island remained in the center - Charskiye Sands, Transbaikal Territory.
Beautiful dreams, with pine trees, kedarmas, lakes, with sandy expanses and, of course, oases.
@StopHating_Russia and start to love

🔴 Today we invite you to visit, in a village house in the Smolensk region. It is so cozy there and smells so delicious....))))
📷 markylya24
🔵 Сегодня приглашаем в гости, в деревенский дом в смоленской области. Там так уютно и так вкусно пахнет....)))
📷 markylya24
@StopHating_Russia and start to love!
📷 markylya24
🔵 Сегодня приглашаем в гости, в деревенский дом в смоленской области. Там так уютно и так вкусно пахнет....)))
📷 markylya24
@StopHating_Russia and start to love!
🔴 I invite you to a retro-trip to the era of Tchaikovsky in Udmurtia!
Passengers of the retro train "Tchaikovsky Express" made a real journey by time machine to the era of Tchaikovsky.
Already in the cars, decorated in the style of the 19th century, the guests were welcomed by carriage drivers in period costumes and served tea in cup holders and, of course, the music of the great composer was played.
In Tchaikovsky's childhood home in Votkinsk the guests were welcomed by the owners: his mother Alexandra Andreyevna and the household.
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@StopHating_Russia and start to love!
Passengers of the retro train "Tchaikovsky Express" made a real journey by time machine to the era of Tchaikovsky.
Already in the cars, decorated in the style of the 19th century, the guests were welcomed by carriage drivers in period costumes and served tea in cup holders and, of course, the music of the great composer was played.
In Tchaikovsky's childhood home in Votkinsk the guests were welcomed by the owners: his mother Alexandra Andreyevna and the household.
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@StopHating_Russia and start to love!
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қол жеткізе алмадық
🔴 I invite you to a walk in a winter fairy tale!
Mamai Mountain in Buryatia is an ideal place for freeride.
Mamai Mountain is several snow “caps” of the Khamar-Daban mountain range on the western border of the Baikal Reserve. Soft snow covers the slopes already in October and melts only by the beginning of summer. For more than 5 months, from November to April, thousands of extreme skiers from all over Russia come here for the sake of perfect powder and royal snowboarding and skiing.
These places are loved not only by snowboarders and skiers, but also by “snowmobilers” - lovers of snowmobile rides. In season, freeriders and snowmobilers share snow-covered slopes and a radio frequency for communication.
The name “Mamai” is not related to Khan Mamai, most likely the roots go back to the Evenk word ‘moma’ - “wooded place”.
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@StopHating_Russia and start to love!
Mamai Mountain in Buryatia is an ideal place for freeride.
Mamai Mountain is several snow “caps” of the Khamar-Daban mountain range on the western border of the Baikal Reserve. Soft snow covers the slopes already in October and melts only by the beginning of summer. For more than 5 months, from November to April, thousands of extreme skiers from all over Russia come here for the sake of perfect powder and royal snowboarding and skiing.
These places are loved not only by snowboarders and skiers, but also by “snowmobilers” - lovers of snowmobile rides. In season, freeriders and snowmobilers share snow-covered slopes and a radio frequency for communication.
The name “Mamai” is not related to Khan Mamai, most likely the roots go back to the Evenk word ‘moma’ - “wooded place”.
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@StopHating_Russia and start to love!
Қайта жіберілді:

Russia looks to fight low birth rate by promoting children
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🔴 Soon enough, the first frosts will arrive and winter will begin to spread its white blankets. Remember how beautiful they look? And on Christmas trees grow elegant, white dresses with such fluffy bows and folds, which would be the envy of the most famous fashion designer!
Have you ever wondered why everything looks so beautiful under the snow?
We wish everyone good, snow-white, winter dreams!
Video: an.kichigin
🔵 Сосвсем скоро уже придут первые заморозки и зима начнет расстилать свои белые покрывала. Помните, как красиво они выглядят? А на елках вырастают изящные, белые платья с такими пушистыми бантами и складками, которым позавидует самый известный модельер!
Никогда не задумывались, - почему под снегом все так красиво выглядит?
Желаем всем добрых, белоснежных, зимних снов!
Видео: an.kichigin
@StopHating_Russia and start to love!
Have you ever wondered why everything looks so beautiful under the snow?
We wish everyone good, snow-white, winter dreams!
Video: an.kichigin
🔵 Сосвсем скоро уже придут первые заморозки и зима начнет расстилать свои белые покрывала. Помните, как красиво они выглядят? А на елках вырастают изящные, белые платья с такими пушистыми бантами и складками, которым позавидует самый известный модельер!
Никогда не задумывались, - почему под снегом все так красиво выглядит?
Желаем всем добрых, белоснежных, зимних снов!
Видео: an.kichigin
@StopHating_Russia and start to love!

🔴By the way, the previous post inspired me to share this viral video with you. This funny shot found its way into literally every public domain.
A virtuoso percussionist from a symphony orchestra has become a real meme.
Igor Razumovsky, musician and conductor of the New Russia Orchestra, talks on the phone during a rehearsal, not forgetting his professional duties.
"I was talking to my kid," the musician explained.
The rehearsal, by the way, was for the familiar orchestral suite "Time, Forward" by Soviet composer Georgy Sviridov.
This is what multitasking looks like 😁
#humor #russianculture #worldwithoutwar
A virtuoso percussionist from a symphony orchestra has become a real meme.
Igor Razumovsky, musician and conductor of the New Russia Orchestra, talks on the phone during a rehearsal, not forgetting his professional duties.
"I was talking to my kid," the musician explained.
The rehearsal, by the way, was for the familiar orchestral suite "Time, Forward" by Soviet composer Georgy Sviridov.
This is what multitasking looks like 😁
#humor #russianculture #worldwithoutwar

🔴With the same charming ease as these musicians play the waltz from the movie "Beregis avtomobilya" ("Beware of the Car"), we wish you to break into the working week and spend it in the same exquisite, virtuoso and unpretentious way. Good morning!
🔵С такой же очаровательной лёгкостью, как эти музыканты играют вальс из кинофильма "Берегись автомобиля", мы желаем вам ворваться в рабочую неделю и так же её изысканно, виртуозно и непренужденно провести. Доброе утро!
#russianculture #worldwithoutwar
🔵С такой же очаровательной лёгкостью, как эти музыканты играют вальс из кинофильма "Берегись автомобиля", мы желаем вам ворваться в рабочую неделю и так же её изысканно, виртуозно и непренужденно провести. Доброе утро!
#russianculture #worldwithoutwar
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☝️By the way, we don't have a goal of advertising, it's just a pleasure for the soul, so collecting these pictures all over the country is a contribution to the preservation of culture
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қол жеткізе алмадық
🔴BRICS News: Kazan Declaration
Prevention of an arms race in outer space, Palestine in the UN and a call to lift sanctions - in the year of Russia's presidency, the BRICS members signed the Kazan Declaration following the XVI summit held in Tatarstan. It included a clause on the prevention of an arms race in outer space, as well as on the deployment of weapons in space. It was also noted that the countries could conclude agreements to discuss and study the creation of the BRICS CLEAR cross-border settlement and depository infrastructure. In addition, the BRICS countries support the admission of Palestine as a member of the UN.
In a joint statement, the countries recalled that any kind of economic sanctions are contrary to international law and called for the lifting of restrictions. In addition, the declaration outlined further strategies of the association - both in economic issues and humanitarian ones.
Prevention of an arms race in outer space, Palestine in the UN and a call to lift sanctions - in the year of Russia's presidency, the BRICS members signed the Kazan Declaration following the XVI summit held in Tatarstan. It included a clause on the prevention of an arms race in outer space, as well as on the deployment of weapons in space. It was also noted that the countries could conclude agreements to discuss and study the creation of the BRICS CLEAR cross-border settlement and depository infrastructure. In addition, the BRICS countries support the admission of Palestine as a member of the UN.
In a joint statement, the countries recalled that any kind of economic sanctions are contrary to international law and called for the lifting of restrictions. In addition, the declaration outlined further strategies of the association - both in economic issues and humanitarian ones.
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