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Silence DoGood, MBA avatar
Silence DoGood, MBA
Silence DoGood, MBA avatar
Silence DoGood, MBA
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Gateway Pundit avatar
Gateway Pundit
Carnage: Trump Cuts ‘Environmental Justice’ Programs, Puts Nearly 200 EPA Staffers on Leave
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Gateway Pundit avatar
Gateway Pundit
USAID Was Spending $268 Million to Fund Over 6,000 Approved Journalists – While at the Same Time Spending MILLIONS to Silence Conservative, Independent Media
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USAID has been completely unaccountable for decades, run by bureaucrats with agendas who believed they answered to nobody.

Here are a few more of the ridiculous projects on which they spent YOUR money:

— $7.9 million to teach Sri Lankan journalists how to avoid “binary-gendered language”
— $20 million for a new Sesame Street show in Iraq
— $4.5+ million to “combat disinformation” in Kazakhstan
— $1.5 million for “art for inclusion of people with disabilities”
— $2 million for sex changes and “LGBT activism” in Guatemala
— $6 million to “transform digital spaces to reflect feminist democratic principles”
— $2.1 million to help the BBC “value the diversity of Libyan society”
— $10 million worth of USAID-funded meals, which went to an al Qaeda-linked terrorist group
— $25 million for Deloitte to promote “green transportation” in the country of Georgia
— $6 million for tourism in Egypt
— $2.5 million to promote “inclusion” in Vietnam
— $16.8 million for a SEPARATE “inclusion” group in Vietnam
— ~$5 million to EcoHealth Alliance, one of the key NGOs funding bat virus research at the Wuhan lab
— $20 million for a group related to a key player in the Russiagate impeachment hoax
— $1.1 million to an Armenian “LGBT group”
— $1.2 million to help the African Methodist Episcopal Church Service and Development Agency in Washington, D.C., build “a state-of-the-art 440 seat auditorium”
— $1.3 million to Arab and Jewish photographers
— $1.5 million to promote “LGBT advocacy” in Jamaica
— $1.5 million to “rebuild” the Cuban media ecosystem
— $2 million to promote “LGBT equality through entrepreneurship” in Latin America
— $500K to solve sectarian violence in Israel (just ten days before the Hamas October 7 attack)
— $2.3 million for “artisanal and small scale gold mining” in the Amazon
— $3.9 million for “LGBT causes” in the western Balkans
— $5.5 million for LGBT activism in Uganda
— $6 million for advancing LGBT issues in “priority countries around the world”
— $6.3 million for men who have sex with men in South Africa
— $8.3 million for “USAID Education: Equity and Inclusion”
— USAID’s “climate strategy” outlined a $150 billion “whole-of-agency” approach to building an “equitable world with net-zero greenhouse gas emissions.”

For decades, USAID bureaucrats believed they were accountable to no one — but that era is over.

President Trump is STOPPING the waste, fraud, and abuse.
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MJTruth avatar
BREAKING: 40,000+ federal employees have accepted President Trump’s buyout resignation offer, per WaPo.
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LauraAboli avatar
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LauraAboli avatar
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Patton6966 avatar
👆 And here's the end of the mainstream media! Prophecy coming to pass!
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Gateway Pundit avatar
Gateway Pundit
NO MERCY: President Trump Evicts Ultra-Woke Former Coast Guard Leader from Her Government-Funded Home After Refusing to Leave Following Her Firing
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PRESIDENT TRUMP: "After years of decline, Americans are re-asserting our true identity as a people ordained by God to be the freest and most exceptional nation ever to exist on the face of the Earth."
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Tironianae 🍊 🍊 Z. - Ultra Verbum Vincet avatar
Tironianae 🍊 🍊 Z. - Ultra Verbum Vincet
Trump took Gaza away from Israel.
Now under the protection of the US
Trump’s real allies, Russia, China and Saudi Arabia reject the plan without the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Always look to the alliance of “China, Russia and others” for Trump’s real foreign policy.

The BRICS feud is kayfabe

Trump is meeting with Saudi Arabia and Russia soon and the “negotiations” begin.
I thought I would resurrect this post from 2 years ago!
Silence DoGood
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Patton6966 avatar
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BioClandestine avatar
So DOGE just confirmed our politicians, bureaucrats, and NGOs, are stealing from us on an unfathomable scale.

Eventually, we will have to address the elephant in the room.

Those responsible have to be punished.

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Dot Connecting Anons avatar
Dot Connecting Anons
BAM💥🤍: Pres. Trump says he will sign an executive order to appoint AG Pam Bondi as the head of an anti-Christian bias task force, which will aim to "halt all forms of anti-Christian targeting and discrimination within the federal government."

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Patton6966 avatar
👆 Anyone doubting that censorship is still not taking place here's the proof! So much for the executive order that President Trump just signed!
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Gateway Pundit avatar
Gateway Pundit
Top Treasury Official Announces Resignation – Comes at the Same Time Elon Musk and DOGE Team Discover Treasury Is Funding Terrorist Groups
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Silence DoGood, MBA avatar
Silence DoGood, MBA
Let God judge, as well as provide the weapons, armor and equipment to both sides, and let God Almighty decide who wins and who loses! Read the Old Testament, as to how that turned out for many when God was against them! Choose your side wisely in this modern spiritual warfare, for the devil owns the fence!

1 Kings 3:28 (NKJV)
And all Israel heard of the judgment which the king had rendered; and they feared the king, for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him to administer justice.

TRUTH SOCIAL: @Familyman20181
Official Website:
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The General avatar
The General
BREAKING: Bill Gates revealed that cancer vaccines are on the way and that he plans to meet with RFK Jr. and other officials later this month.

The more I learn about the end of WW2 and especially the year 1948, the more I think it was a year they tried to bring down America.
1948 creation of



This act passed by Congress allowed European countries to apply a Tarrif to all American goods to help rebuild the countries after WW2.

NO WONDER President Trump
Is using tariffs. Once you know [their] playbook, can you use it against [them]?


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Gateway Pundit avatar
Gateway Pundit
WHOA! Democrats Barge Into Speaker Johnson’s Office, Confront Him About Musk’s DOGE Team Gaining Access to Treasury Dept Payment System
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Patton6966 avatar
What do you think about Trump working with Schwab on expanding Truth Social into a digital financial platform like what X (Twitter) is trying to do? 👀?!

The Truth Social platform SUCKS because they are not investing anything into making it better! Devin Nunes (TS CEO) is making these strategic decisions. Trump has been vocal about the United States creating a sovereign wealth fund, as well as a strategic digital asset fund for seized crypto assets, but Trump has been personally flying under the radar on this. Watch where Trump specifically allocates and invests his wealth (typically into real estate), so all of this may not be what it seems at first glance.

Most of Trump's wealth is now tied up in Truth Social stock, and where he is the largest beneficial owner, Trump and the Trump family dynasty stand to benefit the most from deregulation in the crypto space from this kind of arrangement both at a company level, and at a national level.

Follow the Money!

Silence DoGood
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Silence DoGood, MBA avatar
Silence DoGood, MBA
God needs His Chosen to prepare for Spiritual Battle

By Silence DoGood, MBA

Artificial Intelligence has subliminally pulled each individual into different loops of "repetitive reinforcement" of ideas and thoughts that seek to rewrite old notions, while simultaneously conforming to our biases, and via external forces through these "invisible spiritual hands" which attempts to subliminally shape how everyone both understands and "innerstands" the world.

If Jesus were alive today, to which I say He is alive in people like me, and in many of you, He would ask something like "How have you helped your neighbor today"? To which most of us will come up with some kind of examples in the last week, maybe a few that day, but no one will provide a better testimony than that of Jesus Christ in The Holy Bible! As we are called, we must be answering His call, whatever that is for each of us🛡️! A call to help our neighbors in need is dire in this season, and this is the same reason why I'm so blessed and fortunate to be able to write to you, because for each one of us to go out of our way to help a fellow man or woman who might be down and out, is an incredibly immense blessing, within a rather cruel world at the moment (and unfortunately it is going to get far more cruel over the next 24 months with what is visible through Silence DoGood's "events bifocals" on the horizon)!

There are all ways for us to volunteer our time to the Lord our God, for which He declares this time we temporarily control is the most precious commodity we possess; for God measures our wealth in heaven not in the 0's and 1's we've created on screens that we refer to as Federal Reserve Fiat debt instruments that many bow down to, but in actuality, our wealth stored up in Heaven is the sum total of all of the value of our service we freely give to the Lord Almighty while we are here on Earth temporarily!

Have you found your purpose yet? Do you have a mission and a vision? Do you have the phrase "Yes, Lord" memorized? Then, you're ready to volunteer your time for Jesus! Yes, there are things to be scared about, and things to keep us worried. As a personal example, I have not profited one single zinc American cent from this movement, which I started awakening and researching in 2017, got on Twitter at the end of 2018, saved by Jesus Christ in early 2019, and have prayed and let God worry ever since. I let God worry about who sees what, how many people see my works, and how much time is needed to balance the needs of this channel in relation to my families needs, as well as to my full time work, which family and work occupy a large chunk of my week. Yes, I would love nothing more than to "retire" from the corporate world and do podcasts all week! And that's likely the eventuality! But it is God's timing and His Mission, not mine. In His time, what His will is, will be the way. And as the Lord reminds us in Matthew 24:13, "But he who endures to the end shall be saved".

No one said this walk would be easy. But it is the right one, because it is My Walk, with God and Jesus as witnesses. I know I stand on the firm path because My Father in Heaven knows the path I stand on is next to Jesus, and that path cannot be moved! It is done, says the Lord! We must keep Faith through intense Prayer, and to each be a force field for the right kind of people to gravitate to each of us, God willing! The far left and far right are equally like bright mosquito magnets, while Patriots stay true to heart and need no light thrust upon us, for we have Jesus residing within us! We stick to the simple mission of following the 1776 Constitution and The Bill of Rights, to protecting those God given rights, and as our nation was expected to maintain a well regulated Militia, which is still on the books, by oath we must defend and help maintain these rights for the people, even if this evil must be met with by force on our lands!
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