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Although official release day is not until tomorrow, Black Metal Promotion have premiered the album I wrote with Gràb, 'Kremess' on YouTube. You can listen to it now, in full.

Some of you came to Wolcensmen as fans of metal, some not. It's no secret that I have a life-long passion for Black Metal, since the '90s. 'Kremess' is the culmination of that 28 year fascination, studying the riffs and structures of classic songs to work out how they created such feeling and atmosphere.

With Gràb I had an opportunity to compose a Black Metal album the way I wanted it to sound. It just so happens that it is also the way that my bandmate Grànt wanted it to sound (I guess that's why he asked me to join as composer).

'Kremess' has been a work of passion, taking two years to write and perfect. We can now present it to you...
Tickets for this are selling very fast! Get yours here.
Stay tuned for more info.
3rd and final single before the album release in 2 weeks.
New song just released by the wonderful Russell Sisters - https://therussellsisters.bandcamp.com/track/bird-in-the-bush-2
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Gràb Bavaria
And the headlining act at our "Kremess" release concert will be:

Attention: Festivals and Booking Agents - see attached.
And my other band Solstice shall also be performing at the Prophecy Fest cave this September. I had a blast last year with Gràb so very much looking forward to gracing the stage again.
Tomorrow at 12 pm, GRÀB will launch their third and final single of their upcoming album “Kremess”. Title of the single is “Vom Gråb im Moos”. Already today vocalist Grànt gives you a first insight into the lyrical concept of the song.

Guitarist Gnást adds: “Vom Gråb im Moos” started, musically, as an acoustic piece. We worked backwards from there, completing the song with the composition of the opening riff. It is the dark groove resurrected, and the triumphant melancholy enthroned.

Watch the pre-track video here:
2024 has been one of the worst and best years of my life, and seeing as how I don't do personal social media, I hope you'll allow me to give credit where credit's due here. I'm really blessed to have certain people at my side, so thank you to...

My bandmates in Solstice: Rich, Mark, Daryl and Alex. Against all odds, and by immense effort and passion, we have kept the good ship Solstice sailing. Coordinated political campaigns of oppression have mounted against us, but we rose above. Solstice continues to hoist the sails of righteous rebellion and raise the flag of true heavy metal, and it's an honour to be aboard.

My bandmates in Gràb: Matthias, Markus, Sebastian and Martin F. Not only did we give another monumental festival performance at House of the Holy; we recorded an elite black metal record. You guys see the real me, and aren't swayed by illusions. It's a privilege to count you among my friends, und mein Deutsch wird besser!

My friends: Casey, Adam, Jen, Joe and Roman - Friends I would trust with the deeds to my house! That's rare! Need I say more. And Thor, for doing what a friend is supposed to do: courageously combatting slander.

New friends: Felipe, Keith, Martin K, Mat and Thomas - You guys gave me a boost of confidence when I needed it most.

A special mention to Markus and Roman - two wonderful friends on foreign soil who helped me in my hour of need. Thanks to you, disastrous misfortune was lessened, and we got to hang out more than expected.

Kat Shevil Gillham and Deaf Forever Magazine for the exposure and opportunity for growth. I've received countless private messages of support thanks to your actions; many of them from 'scene celebrities'.

Last and by no means least, my wife Lucy, who never falters in her love and devotion, no matter how much 'trouble' I'm dragged into.

Not only will 2025 see the release of our new Gràb album 'Kremess', and continued writing for the next Solstice album, I will also begin work in earnest on a new Wolcensmen record.
'Lorn and Loath' clip from Prophecy Fest 2024. Video courtesy of Rebecca Collins.
Highly recommended new Dungeon Synth album from Thomas Helm (Empyrium, Noekk)

New Gràb video, premieres at 14:00 (UK)
"Holding aloft a beam of blessing,
Bane of all frost, hand of thaw.
Sifting for sorrow I may lessen,
Keeping the oath, as I swore."

Photo by Ruhrgesichter.de
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Echoes from Elysium
Franz Stassen: The Norns, 1917
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