Chapter 2 Education. Page 43
Sub-Section: 3. National Socialism:
The National Socialist movement, drawing from all German tribes, confessions, classes, and social strata, is immensely rich in internal tendencies, possibilities, and organic tensions. It is initially a primal movement, not a rational program, and distinguishes itself from the former proletarian movement not only in that it emerges simultaneously from all strata but in that it fundamentally arises from the instinctual foundations of the Volk. Unlike the Talmudic Marxist approach, it is not immediately bound to an intellectualist doctrine and dogma, which would lead to early rigidity and sterile ossification.
It must remain a directional movement without dogmatic fixation until the revolutionary principle it embodies leads to victory, freedom, and new German state and societal orders. Until then, it will have to pass through various phases of development, adapting to new circumstances and demands—this adaptability and youthful vigor will be its strength. National Socialism encompasses a party, a general popular movement, a nationalist youth movement, military associations, youth leagues, mass movements, followership, a political freedom movement, an awakening national and racial consciousness, a social societal and economic order, and national cultural cultivation, along with all associated leagues and organizations. In this way, it contains, albeit in preliminary forms, all elements and cells of the future national state, holding within it the potential to fulfill the overarching German task.
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