When a baby is born, a blood print is taken from the heel, in the hospital. It is signed with blood.
This is how it is done, from the heel, it is pressed on a piece of paper, several times. Why? What is the purpose of soiling that form with blood? Does this help in any way with "medicine"? Don't we have test tubes? Or are we in the Middle Ages and we are soiling papers with blood? Which tests can be done on unsterile papers soiled with blood? Where are these papers kept? Where are we sent? Do the doctors know?
Just like aborted babies. Where are they sent? Doesn't it seem to you that it looks like a form "signed" with blood? Honestly?
It is sent to the Vatican. If you don't have this, the system won't accept you. And it is an extremely painful procedure! Why from the heel? The heel is the least vascularized and they squeeze hard to get the blood out for all 5 sequences. You've seen how the child screams and cries until he turns blue, it's very painful.
🪶Elena Porubin