Space left in our heart ,,
Love filled void and set apart ,,
Worked it’s time of fountain youth ,,
Dream not ,, justice , love and truth ,,
Lesson round in entropy run ,,
A burning world and empty sun ,,
A tear of God
and life begun ,,,
Tree climbed off
It’s forest face ,,
Heart headed a higher space ,,
Adam able a higher race ,,
Monkey round
and ape it’s time
and took himself
To a higher place ,,
Left the trees to scrape the skies ,,
and read no word
When love made eyes ,,
Pigs pearl eye and eagle fly ,,
The lion left the monkey die ,,
Burning tears of hissing fears ,,
Born into their dying years ,,
Paying the price
To the paradise
Hiss hiss hissing on heavens door ,,
The devil grooms
The bride of bribe
The monkey climbed
And the forest cried ,,
Where’s the Angel up above ,,
Having a heart time
In a space of love
😊ar nee