Communism is jewish. Feelings from the dead, dead ends in my mind….
The best and the first item on our program is, We do not want to lie and we do not want to con…
Culture Shock Adolf Hitler February 10 1933
We cannot be fooled, We are not like those timid souls who wait like the hypnotized rabbit until the serpent devours them.
-Goebbels 1943
The storm raging against our venerable continent from the steppes this winter overshadows all previous human and historical experience.
Joesph Goebbels Feb 18th 1943
In this hour of national reflection and contemplation, we believe firmly and unshakably in victory. We see it before us, we need only reach for it.
The most precious possession you have in the world is your own people, And for this people, and for the sake of this people, we will struggle and fight, and never slacken, never tire, never lose courage, and never lose faith.
Speaker Mike Johnson BTFO. Thank you to everyone who is on here actually pushing back against the enemy. Never underestimate the power of working together against these traitors to change the narrative.This isn’t about R vs D politics. Our entire government is captured.