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National Rebirth Party

The official channel of the National Rebirth Party:
PO Box 296, Knottingley, West Yorkshire, WF89EU
Visit our website at nationalrebirthparty.org.uk
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Alek Yerbury avatar
Alek Yerbury
A few months ago I appeared on UNN (http://unitynewsnetwork.co.uk/) and specifically discussed the issue of right-wing minor parties slowly turning into replicas of the Conservative Party, whether intentional or not, as they pursue the disaffected (but unrepentant) Tory voter.

Now that this has happened more and more between then and now, and the creep is becoming more evident both within the 'nationalist' sphere as well as the 'alt-right' one, I have agreed to re-appear on UNN tomorrow (Saturday 15th) at 2030 to discuss it once more, and what steps need to be taken to avoid it, since it inevitably leads to the destruction of alternative parties.
This past week our first orders of Edition #6 of the Party Magazine, Rise Britannia, have been dispatched. Thank you to all those who pre-ordered.

We still have limited stock levels of Editions 1-5, as well as plenty of Edition 6.

Read reports from our active branches detailing their plans and activities, submissions from Party officials, readers and supporters, and even artistic contributions such as poetry and caricatures.

All proceeds go back into the Party.

ORDER NOW for just £2 per edition plus delivery:

Part of the Economic and Political proposals of our National Agenda mean dealing with the tax system.

In line with our proposals for a more centralised government, in principle the Party considers that the fewer individual taxes there are, the better, even if it means that those taxes have to be at higher rates. Fewer taxes to collect makes tax collection more efficient, which enables more collected money to be saved instead of expended collecting additional tax.

As part of this, we call for the abolition of Council Tax and local authority taxation, and its replacement with a model in which taxes are collected centrally by the National government and local authorities are financed and budgeted.

The Council Tax system places an unfairly high tax burden on areas of high population density and low-income. It keeps many parts of the country – especially large urban areas - in a permanent state of deprivation as they are required to fund the greatest number of local services whilst they also tend to have lower incomes. A centralised model would allow the National government to allocate money where it is needed, as opposed to it being stuck at its point of collection.

Council Tax also routinely forces local authorities to waste money on projects that are of no use, simply because they must consume budgets. By having a centralised system, there is no need to waste any surpluses, as they can be fed back into the centralised system and allocated to other local authorities to pick up shortfalls.

A reformed tax collection system is an aspect of the National Agenda which few if any other parties will address, but which cannot be ignored.

Support our National Agenda by becoming a member of the National Rebirth Party:

One of the challenges facing any Party is to develop a cadre of dependable street activists who can be reliably and regularly deployed to carry out various functions, such as assisting with campaigning, marches, demonstrations, promotions, even constructive activity in the community.

To achieve this, one of our colleagues in the Party is putting together a Support Detachment to create a pool of manpower for this task. We require people who are at least reasonably physically fit and healthy, able to reliably and regularly attend activity (without long travel time), capable of being disciplined and conducting themselves in a way that reflects positively on the Party, and who support our National Agenda (nationalrebirthparty.org.uk/agenda).

The place in which the first of these groups is being established is London. Therefore, anyone who meets these criteria and is London-based ONLY, and would like to get involved, please join this Telegram-based group and our organiser will work to get you involved:

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Alek Yerbury avatar
Alek Yerbury
On in 15 minutes
Read our MANIFESTO on our Party website:

The Twenty Demands of the National Agenda


We are the only party which has a complete Agenda for addressing the social, economic and political problems facing the British people.

We are unapologetically a Nationalist party, free from the shackles of the left and the right. We do not offer random, piecemeal policies that make no sense when you combine them together, but a full and sensible worldview.

Help us realise our great, National Community

Read our National Agenda in detail, get involved with the Party, and order your printed copy if you wish TODAY
Қайта жіберілді:
Alek Yerbury avatar
Alek Yerbury
Friday evening, in my capacity as leader of the National Rebirth Party, I will talk about some of the policies and principles that the Nationalist sphere struggles to talk about coherently:

Economic policy, Military Policy, Foreign Policy, Government structure and organisation.

The Nationalist Ideal is first and foremost to be:

Hard Working, and

Everything else is the second discussion.
Our February edition of the Party magazine, Rise Britannia, will go to print shortly. If you have a written article, letter to the editor, response to any of our previous articles, or even artwork or poem that you would like to be included in this or future editions, please send them to:

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Alek Yerbury avatar
Alek Yerbury
Time stamps for those replaying:

0:00 - 20:00 - Economic Policy
20:00 - 32:00 - Military Policy
32:00 - 42:30 - Foreign Policy
42:30 - end - Government and organisation

Қайта жіберілді:
Alek Yerbury avatar
Alek Yerbury
This exact same issue is present across the entire legacy 'nationalist' and 'populist' spectrum of parties, with no exceptions.

Parties and people whose ability to create 'hype' far exceeds their ability to live up to it. Power to promote a product far exceeds their ability to make a good product. Power to make promises far exceeds their ability to deliver on those promises.

The endless cycle of generate hype -> become popular -> fail horrendously.

I fully believe now that as far as political parties go, only the National Rebirth Party has the possibility to break this cycle, because our aim is to make a party which is genuinely good in its own right, not just one that looks good online.
Our Leeds Branch, with assistance from Party members and supporters, continues to deliver their local newsletter around the South Leeds constituency, one ward at a time. Each household receives a newsletter detailing what the Party has been doing (and plans to do) in the area, and a copy of the Party's National Agenda:


Leeds South is one of the lowest turnout constituencies in the entire country, second only to Manchester Rusholme. Only a radical, coherent alternative is of any use to give our people something worth voting for.

If you are based in Leeds/West Yorkshire, get in touch with our Leeds Branch directly on:


If you wish to help us in our task to bring the Party's message to entire constituencies, then become a member HERE, or help us with even a small donation HERE.

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Қайта жіберілді:
Alek Yerbury avatar
Alek Yerbury
Friday evening, in my capacity as leader of the National Rebirth Party, I will talk about some of the policies and principles that the Nationalist sphere struggles to talk about coherently:

Economic policy, Military Policy, Foreign Policy, Government structure and organisation.

Three of our Branches have been active this weekend. Members of our London Branch held a stall in South-East London (pictured). Meanwhile, in Manchester, members of our Branch held a stall in St Anne's Square, Central Manchester. We also had the first meeting of members in our upcoming Cornwall Branch.

Realise our National Agenda by getting involved with the National Rebirth Party TODAY.

Contact these branches directly:

London - londonbranch@nationalrebirthparty.org.uk

Manchester - manchesterbranch@nationalrebirthparty.org.uk

Cornwall - Use enquiries@nationalrebirthparty.org.uk

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New article on the Party website:

Creating Wartime Nationalists

"I wish to address something within my own strategy, and within the strategy of the National Rebirth Party. It is something that is well understood within the context of war and the military, and something I saw myself during my time in the British Army...The problem of 'peacetime' soldiers and 'peacetime' nationalists"

By Alek Yerbury
Party Leader

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