“With us everything should be secondary compared to our concern with children, and their upbringing in the instruction and teaching of the Lord.” ☦️Saint John Chrysostomos
“When your children are still small, you have to help them understand what is good. That is the deepest meaning of life.” ☦️Saint Paisios
This is the way we should see Christ. He is our friend and our brother. He is whatever is good and beautiful. He is everything. Yet, He is still a friend and He shouts it out, "You're My friends, don't you understand that? We're brothers — I don't hold hell in My hands. I am not threatening you. I love you. I want you to enjoy life together with Me. ☦️Saint Porphyrios
“The least departure from Tradition can lead to a scorning of every dogma of our Faith.” ☦️Saint Photios the Great, Patriarch of Constantinople
Today the Orthodox Church commemorates Saint Photios the Great! For those that don’t know, St. Photios was the Patriarch that sent his two nephews, Saints Cyril and Methodios, from Thessaloniki in the year 863 to preach the Gospel in Moravia. They developed an alphabet for the Slavonic people and as a result of their efforts, the Slavic nations embraced Orthodox Christianity. As a Father of the Church, Saint Photios’ achievements as Patriarch have earned him a reputation as the greatest of all Patriarchs. May we always have his prayers and intercessions!
To see the angels is not a great miracle, but to see your own mistakes is a miracle. ☦️Saint Anthony the Great
Orthodoxy is not a library which you can study, but an experience which you are called to live. ☦️Saint Justin (Popovic)
Never lose hope, for God is working even when you may not see or feel Him there. ☦️Saint Nektarios
“The Greeks [referring to the Orthodox] are not heretics or schismatics but the most Christian people and the best followers of the Gospel on earth.” -Martin Luther, 1519
“Blessed art thou among women!” (Luke 1:28, 42-43). “Henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.” (Luke 1:48)
“If God the Father chose her, God the Holy Spirit descended upon her, and God the Son dwelt in her, submitted to her in the days of His youth, was concerned for her when hanging on the Cross — then shouldn't everyone who confesses the Holy Trinity venerate her?” ☦️Saint John Maximovitch
No one ever became holy by fighting evil. We only become holy by falling in love with Christ. ☦️Saint Porphyrios
There is nothing higher than what is called repentance and confession. The sacrament is the offering of God's love to mankind. In this perfect way a person is free of evil. We go and confess and we sense our reconciliation with God — Joy enters us and guilt departs. In the Orthodox Church there is no impasse. ☦️Saint Porphyrios
If they mock you, don’t answer back. If they curse you, keep silent and pray. If you are treated unjustly, pay no attention, and just let it be. If they criticize you, don’t justify yourself. If they mistreat you, don’t fight back. If they treat you with sarcasm, bear the pain. ☦️Elder Ephraim of Arizona
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There is no sin which conquers the mercy of God. Thus, the sins of man are zero [implying there is repentance and confession]. When the child returns to the bosom of the Lord, all things cease before His mercy. ☦️Elder Ephraim of Arizona