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Folkish Europe avatar
Folkish Europe
“Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. Your fate awaits you. Accept it in body and spirit."

― Shakespeare

"Our movement acknowledges the significant role of Christianity in the history of our nation and its culture. We will honor and preserve these traditions."

— Joseph Goebbels, 21 March, 1933
🇺🇸 — New York times and Time square has dixie roots

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🩸Nathaniel J. Higgers🩸 avatar
🩸Nathaniel J. Higgers🩸
Happy Veterans Day to all the men who sacrificed their lives and their nation in an attempt to free the world of jewish communist parasitism.

Likewise, Happy Veterans Day to all the men who thwarted nonwhite expansion into Europe through all her history, as well as the men who fought to drive nonwhites out of our lands in the New World to clear land that we could build the most prosperous societies the world has ever seen on.

Hail Theodoric. Hail Charles Martel. Hail Pelagius of Asturias. Hail Emperor Constantine XI. Hail John III Sobieski. Hail Ferdinand II of Aragon. Hail John Smith. Hail Andrew Jackson. Hail William Barrett Travis, James Bowie, and Davy Crockett. Hail Nathan Bedford Forrest.
Hail George Armstrong Custer. Hail Madison Grant. Hail George Lincoln Rockwell. Hail Robert Matthews. Hail David Lane. Hail Ron McVan. Hail Tom Metzger. Hail Brenton Tarrant. Hail Dylann Roof.
Hail Horst Wessel. Hail Heinrich Himmler. Hail all of the names unspoken.

Hail Blood Tribe.
Hail Hammer.
Hail Hitler.
Hail Victory.

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Folkish Croatia avatar
Folkish Croatia
Members of HVO King Tomislav Brigade, Australian Croat Kris Malic and German volunteer Michael Homeister (who is wearing the notable Flecktarn camouflage). Michael Homeister was a member of Free German Workers' Party (FAP). The good-humoured duo was photographed by Rob Krott, also a foreign volunteer, for Soldier of fortune magazine.

Unfortunately, Michael Homeister was arrested on German border after trying to smuggle weapons and enlarge the arsenal of National Socialist Underground.

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Folkish Croatia avatar
Folkish Croatia
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Ultras Not Reds avatar
Ultras Not Reds
🇭🇷 Also on this day we remember Frane Tente, a young Croat murdered by the Yugoslavian communists in 8th November 1948.

He removed a Yugoslavian flag from Marjan Hill, Split and was arrested by the communist authorities, he was stripped naked and thrown into prison, tortured for 3 years and killed.

Never forgive - never forget!

The old idea of southern chivalry has been a burning star in the darkness of the nation’s history. For a time, that star seemed lost... yet out of the smoke of blood and fire, the grand figure of the knight has risen once more.

— Thomas Dixon Jr, Baptist minister✝️ 🇺🇸

"I will not associate with the Arabs in friendship, nor will I submit to their authority for we confide in the mercy of the Lord that from this little hill that you see the salvation of Spain and the army of the Gothic people will be restored. Hence we spurn this multitude of pagans and do not fear them!"

—Pelagius of Asturias, prior to the Battle of Covadonga at the start of the Reconquista

One day the sacred names of our dead will be repeated with pride. Our people, upon hearing that story of glory, will feel their blood boil and recognize their children.

— Léon Degrelle 🇩🇪


Never forget your Saints!✝️🇻🇦☦️

Today, the fourth Saturday of November, is Holodomor Remembrance Day in Ukraine. A terrible crime against humanity, a genocide committed by Jewish communist hands. The exact number of victims is still impossible to establish objectively due to the huge number of falsifications during censuses, on-the-spot reports, rewriting of history textbooks, etc., but researchers agree on the figure of 3.5 million-10.5 million. The brutal persecution of those who hid food, the victims of the Holodomor, the insurgents, imprisonment and executions - it is impossible to describe this without tears and anger.

When the issue of helping Ukrainians was raised by the League of Nations, Mussolini's Italy, Germany (where Hitler had recently come to power), Ireland (where the then-conservative Catholic Church had absolute authority) and Norway spoke in favour of intervention and assistance to Ukrainians.
In addition to acts of terror by the OUN and all possible assistance from Western Ukrainians,
in January-February 1933, the NSDAP organised an information campaign first about the starving Germans, and from the summer of 1933, about the famine in Ukraine in general ("Hungerholle Sowjetrussland - Das Massensterben in Sowjet "Paradies", Volkischer Beobachter, Berlin, 18. August 1933; "William Hearst uber die Sowjetrussishe Hungerkatastrophe" Volkischer Beobachter, Berlin, 25.01.1935).
In Germany, special associations were set up to help the starving in Ukraine. Adolf Hitler also joined the fundraising, donating a thousand marks of his personal savings for this purpose.

Memory eternal!

Heroism - that is the disposition of a man who aspires to a goal compared to which he himself is wholly insignificant. Heroism is the good will to self-destruction.

— Friedrich Nietzsche, pic is right-wing Estonian mayor

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Folkish Croatia avatar
Folkish Croatia
Monument to fallen martyrs of the NSDAP in the Beer Hall Putsch. The monument was located on Munich Victims' Square in Zagreb.

If only we will first profess our blood and its laws of life unreservedly and unconditionally, then the means and ways will soon be found which are necessary to keep our blood alive into the future. We have to affirm and master our century: Where there's a will, there's a way!

— Richard Darre 🇩🇪

For our reform Christian followers, Happy Reformation Day ✝️

For the Romanist, All Saints' Eve 🇻🇦

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