Saint Basil the Great
Saint Basil, a great father of the Church and revealer of heavenly mysteries, was born in Cappadocia in 330 to an illustrious and wealthy Christian family. The grandson of martyrs, Basil was educated in Constantinople and Athens, mastering philosophy, law, naturalism, astronomy, mathematics and medicine. After his secular studies, he journeyed to Egypt, Syria and Palestine and met great Christian ascetics who inspired him to live as they did. Basil gave away all his wealth and retreated into solitude and deep study of Holy Scripture. Brothers gathered to him, seeking wisdom, so he provided them a monastic rule and founded several monasteries. He composed a Divine Liturgy, works on the Holy Spirit, Creation, and the Psalms, many prayers, and three books defending the Faith against heresy. As Bishop of Caesarea, Saint Basil the Great guided the Church like a bright star for ten years, strengthening the faithful, comforting the poor, and expounding the Word of God until his repose in 379.