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48 сағат760%

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"Goldilocks QFS Dialogues" тобындағы соңғы жазбалар

What is the number 1 rule in life?

Rule 1: Be True to Yourself

If you can't do anything else, just get to know who you are and stay true to yourself. Be yourself and don't feel pressure to conform to others' expectations. By being your authentic self, you'll attract the right people, experiences, and opportunities
Okay guys, need your help here...we opened an account at one of the top 3 Tier One banks on Friday and I just got off the phone with the wealth manager. I told him my husband was retiring in May and he had made some smart investments several years ago and that we were expecting an undisclosed amount of money this year due to a return on those investments. We wanted to go ahead and establish a relationship with a wealth manager so we'd be prepared when we receive our funds. He asked me what the investments were in and I told him digital assets (not a lie). His response was that he was wondering if it was foreign currency because he'd had quite a few calls asking if they exchange Iraqi Dinar and they didn't. I told him we bought some Vietnamese Dong a few years ago but that was it (Lord, forgive me for lying!) and he was like, "Oh, okay", and we continued with the conversation and made an appt for next Tuesday afternoon. My question is, should I look elsewhere since he made that comment or did he tell me that because that's what he's been told to say? We really had a good feeling about the bank and the people we'd met but I don't want to waste my time going to the meeting if they aren't going to exchange it. We were thinking about just going to the meeting as planned, acting like no foreign currency was in the picture right now and MAYBE, eventually, he might open up to us once he sees we're legit. You're thoughts please!!
@TheOriginalFreedomFighter may I encourage the others, possibly thousands, in this room to NOT be discouraged? If it's ok, I'd like to strongly and lovingly encourage others in this room, to keep pressing forward and not give up. Just because others are coincidently able to make connections, that may seem more productive, doesn't mean others aren't going to make a productive connection. Also, everyone's connections will "look" different because all WM s are different. Please... don't give up no matter what! It's important to have that relationship to help us to have that person's help we've not had, that could potentially change our lives for the better in many ways. I hope this is okay saying and sharing. 💐❤️❤️‍🔥
I have not forgotten all the lovely ladies out there dominating this for themselves and their families.

What are the 8 qualities of a wealthy woman?

Harmony and balance. Harmony is the agreement between what you think, say, and do. ...
Wisdom and courage. ...
Generosity and happiness. ...
Cleanliness and beauty…

All of these embodied already with our beloved sisters handling business and planning their successes.
“Teachers open doors, you enter by Yourself”. Chinese proverb
Know your worth. You cannot expect someone else to do so. Self-esteem and self-worth comes from what you honor in a relationship, and not, what someone else wants you to honor in theirs.

© Goldilocks
Қайта жіберілді:
Goldilocks QFS Dialogues avatar
Goldilocks QFS Dialogues
For those new and old alike, if you are just stepping out to build a relationship you have time. Regardless what you are hearing in the community this is not happening this week.

STEP 1: Find a tier 1 bank
“GOOGLE” tier 1 banks in your area, make a list, with phone numbers

STEP 2: Do they have a currently exchange currency?
call the list of banks an ask "do you do foreign currency exchange?"

“If and only if” they ask what currency tell them Mexican pesos or Vietnamese Dong. As these are both traded currencies that the bank has ISO codes for within their computer systems they can exchange currently. People travel and use them for vacations abroad now. 

let them answer, thank them and hang up.

Don’t mention anything else about currencies.

You have now completed the first three steps; then come back to the room and we will assist and help 

STEP 4: Open a simple no fee account (checking or saving)

Please take the process we have laid out seriously folks. This process information has been hijacked and traveled outside of here and others are attempting to go to bank with this information and not having the background of what to do and say or not say.

They are busy mucking up the banks lobby with guru baited breath nonsense and getting the cold shoulder. Banks are wise to this. Some people have had to start completely over again with an entirely new bank.

If you go in half cocked with nonsense talking points you will be seen as just another internet currency investor who’s done no due diligence or serious research. Banks do not talk like the gurus would have you believe.

The feeling of being dismissed by the banks does not feel good and it will take some effort to walk it back and go in to try again, once you have regrouped and become more knowledgeable in your approach and with what works to start that dialogue.

Understand that under no circumstance should you talk about   RV, Jamie Dimon, rates, dates, dinar, dong, contracts, tiers, bonds or anything you think you may know about his investment. Oh and most importantly do not bring up the so called ZIM bonds. This is a fast track to get told you have wasted your time. You have been scammed and the conversation will end there.
Believe it; don’t believe, honestly I don’t care.

Folks from this room who have done just that very thing and found this out for themselves.

You are simply building a relationship, see where it goes. You force it and it will end before you ever got started. And absolutely under no circumstance bring up any political talk. It kills deals before you ever hit go.

We sincerely want everyone to be successful. Follow these steps and you will be on your way; then and only then will you be ready for the questions to get with a Wealth Management/advisory individual. That’s where the real information is at.
Not with internet currency gurus.

Bank corp offices are honestly telling people when they expect to be legally able to exchange their foreign currency holdings.
You have to have a true relationship with them if you want to have this kind of information.

Only you can do this for yourself.
No one will do this for you.

It’s happening for others just like you everyday.
Remember, if someone doesn't have time for you in their day, you may not want to give them time from your day either and all that goes with it.

© Goldilocks
One last thing on Wealth Managers.

If they don't have the time to meet with you until you have money, they are not the kind of Wealth Managers you want working for you.

Why? They will never get to know you. You will be seen as a means to an end.

This my friends, is a one-way relationship that does not belong where YOUR Big Money is involved.

© Goldilocks
For our Canadian friends.
As I was curious and did some research.

One might look at;
Which Canadian bank has the best private wealth management?

BMO Private Wealth (BMO Nesbitt Burns)

They don't just offer wealth planning services either. They also offer banking services from what is considered to be Canada's best private bank. These private banking services can be organized along with your wealth management and investment banking

But do follow the process it is proven to work.
A healthy relationship with money means having a balanced approach to managing your finances, including budgeting, saving for goals, spending responsibly, and feeling comfortable discussing your financial situation openly, without excessive stress or guilt about spending or not having enough.

Key aspects of a healthy relationship with money:

Awareness and understanding:
Knowing your current financial situation, including income, expenses, debts, and net worth.

Budgeting and planning:
Creating a budget that outlines your income and expenses, allowing for both necessary spending and savings goals.

Emergency fund:
Having a readily accessible savings cushion to cover unexpected expenses.

Debt management:
Managing debt responsibly, paying down high-interest debt first and keeping credit utilization low.

Saving for goals:
Setting specific savings goals for the future, like retirement, a down payment on a house, or a vacation.

Mindful spending:
Spending money intentionally and avoiding impulsive purchases.

Positive mindset:
Viewing money as a tool to enhance your life, not as a source of anxiety or pressure.

Open communication:
Discussing financial matters openly and honestly with your partner or family members.

Signs of an unhealthy relationship with money:

Excessive spending: Spending beyond your means, often using credit cards to cover expenses.

Ignoring finances: Avoiding checking bank statements or discussing financial issues.

Compulsive saving: Hoarding money to the point where it impacts quality of life.

Financial secrecy: Hiding financial information from loved ones.

Using money as a coping mechanism
: Spending excessively when feeling stressed or down.

Remember, the choice is always yours. Essentially, using money as a tool to achieve your life aspirations without letting it control your life. 

© Goldilocks,reasonably%20content%20with%20the%20relationship.
Why is it important to have a relationship with a Wealth Manager before the RV? Answer: It helps you enter into a healthy relationship with them when your money arrives.

You see, you want your relationship with a Wealth Manager to be driven by a mature understanding of the wealth you have obtained, and not, how can my wealth manager make me richer. Even though the latter is important, if it becomes an important aspect of who you are and gets embedded as an identity, you lose the essence of how you obtained this wealth to begin with losing the joy of giving and receiving.

Let's just stop for a moment. If you are not in joy, where are you? Once a person loses their joy spiritually, the joy for living is a dead end street. It is a road to nowhere, and all that you possess will be given away to have it return. When all along, these things can be avoided through a steady step toward what is highest within you now.

Anytime we procrastinate, this is a signal that a form of depression is setting in and what we are looking to achieve will always be beyond our reach. This is where many people begin to lose the feeling of abundance. When the feeling goes, you find yourself trapped by money rather than freed from it.

No matter how much money you obtain in this RV, learn to be proactive now, and this will heighten for you the moment you step into the Wealth Manager's office. Remember, if you are not in charge of who You are, someone else will be.

It is in our giving and receiving knowing that all of life is a gift that we connect ourselves to our highest source of abundance that has no end itself. This reference of understanding leads us to an eternal relationship with our money that puts us on a path that has no end.

© Goldilocks
From the garden of @islandartist

Let it brighten you day , enjoy 😊
Why is it important to have a relationship with a Wealth Manager before the RV? Answer: It helps you enter into a healthy relationship with them when your money arrives.

You see, you want your relationship with a Wealth Manager to be driven by a mature understanding of the wealth you have obtained, and not, how can my wealth manager make me richer. Even though the latter is important, if it becomes an important aspect of who you are and gets embedded as an identity, you lose the essence of how you obtained this wealth to begin with losing the joy of giving and receiving.

Let's just stop for a moment. If you are not in joy, where are you? Once a person loses their joy spiritually, the joy for living is a dead end street. It is a road to nowhere, and all that you possess will be given away to have it return. When all along, these things can be avoided through a steady step toward what is highest within you now.

Anytime we procrastinate, this is a signal that a form of depression is setting in and what you are looking to achieve will always be beyond your reach. This is where many people begin to lose the feeling of abundance. When the feeling goes, you find yourself trapped by money rather than freed from it.

No matter how much money you obtain in this RV, learn to be proactive now, and this will heighten for you the moment you step into the Wealth Manager's office. Remember, if you are not in charge of who You are, someone else will be.

It is in our giving and receiving knowing that all of life is a gift that we connect ourselves to our highest source of abundance that has no end itself. This reference of understanding leads us to an eternal relationship with our money that puts us on a path that has no end.

© Goldilocks
More corporate treasurers are becoming involved with cryptocurrency, particularly Bitcoin. This trend is still early, but it's reshaping how businesses manage assets. 

Why are corporate treasurers getting involved?

Inflation and currency depreciation

Companies like Tesla and Block see Bitcoin as a hedge against these risks.

Diversification: Bitcoin can help diversify corporate reserves.

Shareholder pressure: Some shareholders are advocating for Bitcoin treasury reserves.

Fiduciary responsibility: Treasurers have a responsibility to manage risks and ensure long-term stability.

How is Bitcoin becoming more accessible?

Bitcoin ETFs: The launch of Bitcoin ETFs has made Bitcoin more accessible for corporate treasuries.

Institutional-grade custody solutions:

These solutions have made Bitcoin more accessible.

Regulated exchanges: These exchanges help address liquidity concerns.

Notable corporate adopters

MicroStrategy, which adopted Bitcoin as its primary treasury reserve in 2020

© Goldilocks,for%20widespread%20adoption%20to%20occur.


Дәйексөз индексі
1 жазбаның қамтуы
Жарнамалық жазбаның қамтуы
Цитата индексі
1 хабарламаның қаралымы
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SEP '24OCT '24NOV '24DEC '24JAN '25FEB '25MAR '25

Goldilocks QFS Dialogues танымал жазбалары

My suggestion. Is that you will be receiving some money that you are not at liberty to disclose at this point and timing is out of your hands. You want to begin the relationship so that when it does come you will be ready.
@CWA you see this ?
Freedom Fighter ©️

Iraq moves up in the ranks of Gold purchases at #7 GLOBALLY , two months ago they were 9th
Қайта жіберілді:
Goldilocks QFS Dialogues avatar
Goldilocks QFS Dialogues
For those new and old alike, if you are just stepping out to build a relationship you have time. Regardless what you are hearing in the community this is not happening this week.

STEP 1: Find a tier 1 bank
“GOOGLE” tier 1 banks in your area, make a list, with phone numbers

STEP 2: Do they have a currently exchange currency?
call the list of banks an ask "do you do foreign currency exchange?"

“If and only if” they ask what currency tell them Mexican pesos or Vietnamese Dong. As these are both traded currencies that the bank has ISO codes for within their computer systems they can exchange currently. People travel and use them for vacations abroad now. 

let them answer, thank them and hang up.

Don’t mention anything else about currencies.

You have now completed the first three steps; then come back to the room and we will assist and help 

STEP 4: Open a simple no fee account (checking or saving)

Please take the process we have laid out seriously folks. This process information has been hijacked and traveled outside of here and others are attempting to go to bank with this information and not having the background of what to do and say or not say.

They are busy mucking up the banks lobby with guru baited breath nonsense and getting the cold shoulder. Banks are wise to this. Some people have had to start completely over again with an entirely new bank.

If you go in half cocked with nonsense talking points you will be seen as just another internet currency investor who’s done no due diligence or serious research. Banks do not talk like the gurus would have you believe.

The feeling of being dismissed by the banks does not feel good and it will take some effort to walk it back and go in to try again, once you have regrouped and become more knowledgeable in your approach and with what works to start that dialogue.

Understand that under no circumstance should you talk about   RV, Jamie Dimon, rates, dates, dinar, dong, contracts, tiers, bonds or anything you think you may know about his investment. Oh and most importantly do not bring up the so called ZIM bonds. This is a fast track to get told you have wasted your time. You have been scammed and the conversation will end there.
Believe it; don’t believe, honestly I don’t care.

Folks from this room who have done just that very thing and found this out for themselves.

You are simply building a relationship, see where it goes. You force it and it will end before you ever got started. And absolutely under no circumstance bring up any political talk. It kills deals before you ever hit go.

We sincerely want everyone to be successful. Follow these steps and you will be on your way; then and only then will you be ready for the questions to get with a Wealth Management/advisory individual. That’s where the real information is at.
Not with internet currency gurus.

Bank corp offices are honestly telling people when they expect to be legally able to exchange their foreign currency holdings.
You have to have a true relationship with them if you want to have this kind of information.

Only you can do this for yourself.
No one will do this for you.

It’s happening for others just like you everyday.
“Every step in a process serves a purpose—skipping one can compromise the entire outcome.” And another tip of advice, you don’t need to follow someone else’s bank story to be successful. Follow the steps and create your own successful bank story. It’s doable!!!!!
A healthy relationship with money means having a balanced approach to managing your finances, including budgeting, saving for goals, spending responsibly, and feeling comfortable discussing your financial situation openly, without excessive stress or guilt about spending or not having enough.

Key aspects of a healthy relationship with money:

Awareness and understanding:
Knowing your current financial situation, including income, expenses, debts, and net worth.

Budgeting and planning:
Creating a budget that outlines your income and expenses, allowing for both necessary spending and savings goals.

Emergency fund:
Having a readily accessible savings cushion to cover unexpected expenses.

Debt management:
Managing debt responsibly, paying down high-interest debt first and keeping credit utilization low.

Saving for goals:
Setting specific savings goals for the future, like retirement, a down payment on a house, or a vacation.

Mindful spending:
Spending money intentionally and avoiding impulsive purchases.

Positive mindset:
Viewing money as a tool to enhance your life, not as a source of anxiety or pressure.

Open communication:
Discussing financial matters openly and honestly with your partner or family members.

Signs of an unhealthy relationship with money:

Excessive spending: Spending beyond your means, often using credit cards to cover expenses.

Ignoring finances: Avoiding checking bank statements or discussing financial issues.

Compulsive saving: Hoarding money to the point where it impacts quality of life.

Financial secrecy: Hiding financial information from loved ones.

Using money as a coping mechanism
: Spending excessively when feeling stressed or down.

Remember, the choice is always yours. Essentially, using money as a tool to achieve your life aspirations without letting it control your life. 

© Goldilocks,reasonably%20content%20with%20the%20relationship.
Freedom Fighter ©️

🚨New Podcast Alert
February 8, 2025

🟢Redeem Yellow Dragon Bonds

🟢VND rate higher than IQD - XRP

🟢XRP takes IQD International

🟢U.S Banks connecting XRP
Why is it important to have a relationship with a Wealth Manager before the RV? Answer: It helps you enter into a healthy relationship with them when your money arrives.

You see, you want your relationship with a Wealth Manager to be driven by a mature understanding of the wealth you have obtained, and not, how can my wealth manager make me richer. Even though the latter is important, if it becomes an important aspect of who you are and gets embedded as an identity, you lose the essence of how you obtained this wealth to begin with losing the joy of giving and receiving.

Let's just stop for a moment. If you are not in joy, where are you? Once a person loses their joy spiritually, the joy for living is a dead end street. It is a road to nowhere, and all that you possess will be given away to have it return. When all along, these things can be avoided through a steady step toward what is highest within you now.

Anytime we procrastinate, this is a signal that a form of depression is setting in and what we are looking to achieve will always be beyond our reach. This is where many people begin to lose the feeling of abundance. When the feeling goes, you find yourself trapped by money rather than freed from it.

No matter how much money you obtain in this RV, learn to be proactive now, and this will heighten for you the moment you step into the Wealth Manager's office. Remember, if you are not in charge of who You are, someone else will be.

It is in our giving and receiving knowing that all of life is a gift that we connect ourselves to our highest source of abundance that has no end itself. This reference of understanding leads us to an eternal relationship with our money that puts us on a path that has no end.

© Goldilocks
Why is it important to have a relationship with a Wealth Manager before the RV? Answer: It helps you enter into a healthy relationship with them when your money arrives.

You see, you want your relationship with a Wealth Manager to be driven by a mature understanding of the wealth you have obtained, and not, how can my wealth manager make me richer. Even though the latter is important, if it becomes an important aspect of who you are and gets embedded as an identity, you lose the essence of how you obtained this wealth to begin with losing the joy of giving and receiving.

Let's just stop for a moment. If you are not in joy, where are you? Once a person loses their joy spiritually, the joy for living is a dead end street. It is a road to nowhere, and all that you possess will be given away to have it return. When all along, these things can be avoided through a steady step toward what is highest within you now.

Anytime we procrastinate, this is a signal that a form of depression is setting in and what you are looking to achieve will always be beyond your reach. This is where many people begin to lose the feeling of abundance. When the feeling goes, you find yourself trapped by money rather than freed from it.

No matter how much money you obtain in this RV, learn to be proactive now, and this will heighten for you the moment you step into the Wealth Manager's office. Remember, if you are not in charge of who You are, someone else will be.

It is in our giving and receiving knowing that all of life is a gift that we connect ourselves to our highest source of abundance that has no end itself. This reference of understanding leads us to an eternal relationship with our money that puts us on a path that has no end.

© Goldilocks
I’m popping in with a little tough love. When “interviewing” WM It is your responsibility to be the one controlling the interaction. They WANT your business. And you want the best possible manager of your wealth. Don’t go begging or feeling intimidated It’s all mindset people. Be coy with your amount and when. They certainly don’t want to lose a big fish 🐟 but may act like they are the prize. You want to build a relationship that you trust. If you don’t get that from them. Move on.
Freedom Fighter ©️

🚨New Podcast Alert
March 6, 2025

🟢New Banknotes Being Prepared for the RV ?
For our Canadian friends.
As I was curious and did some research.

One might look at;
Which Canadian bank has the best private wealth management?

BMO Private Wealth (BMO Nesbitt Burns)

They don't just offer wealth planning services either. They also offer banking services from what is considered to be Canada's best private bank. These private banking services can be organized along with your wealth management and investment banking

But do follow the process it is proven to work.
One last thing on Wealth Managers.

If they don't have the time to meet with you until you have money, they are not the kind of Wealth Managers you want working for you.

Why? They will never get to know you. You will be seen as a means to an end.

This my friends, is a one-way relationship that does not belong where YOUR Big Money is involved.

© Goldilocks
Ripple Is Now Integrated Into SWIFT.

© Goldilocks
Көбірек мүмкіндіктерді ашу үшін кіріңіз.