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Whale Chanel
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Репосттарды жасыру
天地英雄气,千秋尚凛然!祖国不会忘记!Heaven and earth hero gas, Qianqiu still awe-inspiring! The motherland will not forget! #AmazingChina
就喜欢王毅部长的霸气!I like Minister Wang Yi's domineering! #Great #Power #Diplomacy
这蔬菜排列得横平竖直,简单就像阅兵的方队!想不想投个圈?The vegetables are arranged horizontally and vertically, as simple as a parade! Do you want to buy it immediately? #AmazingChina#Shanxi
还是机器狗略胜一筹啊!Robot dogs are still slightly better than real dogs! #AmazingChina
嗯,怡然自得、腾云驾雾…关键这音乐配的恰当!Well, I'm happy and happy, and I am... The key to this music with the right!
这才是我们要追捧的巨星,国家的栋梁之才!This is the SuperStar we want to pursue, the pillars of the country! #AmazingChina
人不可貌相,海水不可斗量!Man is not what he looks like, the sea cannot be measured! #AmazingBeijing
山西的醋,尝了一尝,味道还不错!Shanxi vinegar, tasted, taste good! #CIFTIS
开水+液氮=人造云,喜欢这样的物理老师!Boiling water + liquid nitrogen = artificial clouds, like this physics teacher! #AmazingJiangXi
乌克兰夫妇到中国看望女儿,回国前的心愿是看一眼毛主席!国家安宁永远都是百姓之福!The Ukrainian couple went to China to visit their daughter and family, and their wish before returning home was to see Chairman Mao! National peace is always the blessing of the people! #AmazingChina
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