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रिपोस्ट छिपाएं
The BAP network of Jews defends Jewish Mossad agent Epstein and Jewish sex trafficking.
European liberals are in a Catch 22. If they remilitarize their countries, there's a strong chance nationalists can take back over the continent and end Liberalism.

If they don't re-arm, Liberalism will slowly fade from the Earth.

So far they've been taking the route of slapping suicidal sanctions on Russia and destroying their own economies for the benefit of America while gaining nothing. The rise of parties like AFD shows many Europeans won't put up with this shit any longer.
Young White Americans dying for the Jewish dictator Zelensky. Unbelievable stupidity and Zelensky's laughing his ass off. I blame all those who pollute Western discourse with anti-Russian hysteria.

The rats are fleeing the sinking ship.
Did Trump think the C in BRICS was Canada? 😂😂

से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Pax Tube avatar
Pax Tube
Clip of an interview with one of Epstein’s victims, Maria Farmer, who lays out exactly what the background of the people who abused her was.
I will add that as a Catholic, I am personally more inclined to figures like Francisco Franco and other Catholic heroes and movements who fought liberalism and Jewish power throughout history. Still, I think National Socialism deserves its due, and deserves to be defended from false accusations levied against it.
If you really pushed a Western Ukraine fanatic on their beliefs, pointing out how Ukraine has no chance and extending the war only kills as many Ukrainians and Russians as possible, they would reveal their true position:

That this is a battle of Liberalism vs Authoritarianism. The goal isn’t to make Ukraine successful, but to damage Russia as much as possible. That even if Ukraine loses, it will have less people and industry for Russia to take over. “The less Ukrainians are left when Russia wins, the better.”

I’ve always said the motives behind this war are much darker than people realize, and it’s still true. It was never about the Ukrainians, it was never about sovereignty, it was always about keeping the Western Gay Disco going at whatever cost. And thank God, they lost the war.

For the first time since Germany unified in 1990, a third party has achieved higher results than one of the duopoly establishment parties.

AFD, despite being only 12 years old, doubled its vote share to 20% and finished well ahead of the establishment SPD. My congratulations go to them.

AFD ran on a platform of drastically cutting immigration, supporting traditional families, dismantling LGBT, and re-establishing a friendly relationship between Germany and Russia.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Warren Balogh avatar
Warren Balogh
This is a historic humiliation for Zelensky that ranks alongside the King of Prussia being told to stand on the shore and wait while Napoleon and Tsar Alexander met on a raft in the river at Tilsit in 1807.

Only this time, Russia's position is reversed: in 1807, Russia lost at Friedland and was forced to deal with Napoleon; this time Russia is winning and the U.S. is forced to deal with Putin. No matter how ZOG tries to spin it, this is sending a message to all U S. puppets and proxies that the empire is no longer able to defend you.
Trump isn't talking about himself here, he's defending the war criminal Netanyahu.

The same people who hate Russia, hate Palestinians, and hate Christians now defend Jeffrey Epstein. They do a great job of showing why I'm on the right side of all these issues. 😁
Any kind of serious White nationalist movement today needs to address the Jewish issue. That is, that there is an extremely rich, well-connected mafia ruling over White countries that hates us, wants to destroy us, and believes in a morality antithetical to all classic virtues. Nationalism that doesn't directly confront this issue will face serious problems.

In this sense, modern nationalists should indeed learn from German National Socialism, since it was one of the first mainstream movements to politically confront and defeat Jewry. Weimar Germany was a country in a very similar situation to the United States today. Rampant degeneracy, society falling apart, Jews holding a stranglehold on key industries. Yet the Nazis successfully overthrew it.

Now, does that mean every single Nazi leader was a saint worthy of praise? No. Like any political movement, there was good and bad. But modern nationalists would be braindead to not study the Nazis and see where they struck a chord with the public and where the movement went right.

The mainstream narrative about the Nazis is also riddled with lies, mischaracterizations, and exaggerations which should be debunked.

This is hopeful news. One big job for faithful Christians today is to reinvigorate orthodoxy and fight off threats of liberalization. The number of Christians won't mean much if they're twisting the religion into a pretzel.

New Pax Tube video is now live!

Join me as I explore how Liberalism corrupts Christianity.

Since Liberalism was created as a political philosophy, Catholicism has been stuck between two wings - an 'accommodationist' wing that sees working with Liberalism as a way to avoid persecution, and an 'intransigent' wing that rejects Liberalism due to its inherent nihilistic and anti-Christian nature.

With Liberalism losing ground across the world today, and its ideals being exposed as morally bankrupt lies for all to see, the Church would be foolish to keep going the accommodationist route as Pope Francis has done. Catholicism should revive anti-Liberalism at every level.
A little late but happy Valentine's Day ✝️
"Epstein only trafficked teens who were above the age of consent"

May these people burn in Hellfire.
Any time a Jew or Judeophile calls you an anti-Semite, bring up Gaza. Any time they accuse you of hate speech, bring up Gaza. Any time they insult your character, bring up Gaza.

Jews and their lackeys have zero moral leg to stand on. Never let them forget that.

I will be releasing a new Pax Tube video this Friday at 1 PM EST! 🚨

Title: How Liberalism Corrupts Christianity

See you there.
Pope Leo XIII on the glory and virtue of Christian Europe:

"There was once a time when States were governed by the philosophy of the Gospel. Then it was that the power and divine virtue of Christian wisdom had diffused itself throughout the laws, institutions, and morals of the people, permeating all ranks and relations of civil society. The religion instituted by Jesus Christ, established firmly in befitting dignity, flourished everywhere, by the favour of princes and the legitimate protection of magistrates. Church and State were happily united in concord and friendly interchange of good offices.

The State, constituted in this way, bore fruits important beyond all expectation, whose remembrance is still, and always will be, in renown, witnessed to as they are by countless proofs which can never be blotted out or ever obscured by any craft of any enemies.

Christian Europe has subdued barbarous nations, and changed them from a savage to a civilized condition, from superstition to true worship. It victoriously rolled back the tide of Mohammedan conquest; retained the headship of civilization; stood forth in the front rank as the leader and teacher of all, in every branch of national culture; bestowed on the world the gift of true and many-sided liberty; and most wisely founded very numerous institutions for the solace of human suffering.

And if we inquire how it was able to bring about so altered a condition of things, the answer is-beyond all question, in large measure, through religion, under whose auspices so many great undertakings were set on foot, through whose aid they were brought to completion." - IMMORTALE DEI, 1885 Encyclical on Church-State relations
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