When will the corrupt police be held accountable?
There are many more police officers, politicians, social workers, and others in public positions of authority and influence that have partipated in the genocidal rape of white kids in Britain. There are also those who are complicit who must face justice, that purposefully facilitated these foreign hostile peoples invading and occupying our homelands, those who covered it up, those who refused to act, those who returned victims to abusers, those who refuse to investigate or prosecute, those who purposefully mislead the public and deny what is taking place and those who habe abused their powers to persecute the victims and/or their family members for seeking justice. All of these people should be behind bars or in an ideal world, and the death penalty should be reinstated to deal with such criminals.
One of my WIRA team on here found they had been unsubscribed for the third time from this channel and chat. Its not me removing people it's happened repeatedly for years. If you get removed without any reason, do contact me. I did say I would film an update but unfortunately had a death in the family at the end of the week and also after completing one set of documents ahead of the PTR deadlines to do so and having to prepare disclosed documents for inspection I am rather busy.
If you are waiting upon me to reply to requests to participate in online activity or for other collaboration, it will likely be some point next week.
If you are waiting upon me to reply to requests to participate in online activity or for other collaboration, it will likely be some point next week.
I advise that unless you are able and willing to do the work of a whole law firm by yourself and be willing to engage in years of litigation proceedings to not attempt to be a LiP in complex cases pertaining to discrimination of race, belief, harassment, victimisation and human rights. The workload and level of knowledge required is extremely difficult. I hope by the end of March that this work will have been worth it and we see a win against anti-white agendas but I am not doing it again for at least a year after this because its incredibly time consuming and high pressure activity. Can't wait until this has all concluded and I can focus on studies and CIC launch instead.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:

मीडिया सामग्री तक पहुँच नहीं हो सकी
Please share and attend. Ty.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Traditional Britain Group

Reported the crimes against them. Instead the police raided their homes and arrested them.
A group of decent British men are fundraising to apply to the High Court of Justice to force the Government to open a national statutory enquiry into the racially and religiously motivated foreign rape gangs that have targeted White kids across Britain for decades.
The legal application has been drafted and is ready to be filed subject to funding. The case is urgent and time limited.
This is to open doors to possible further action for Justice for the victims of grooming gangs:
The money goes into the legal fund of the law firm to take direct action and help to bring about justice. It's not going to grifters looking to personally profit or people wanting you to buy car or a holiday. It's to take real action on behalf of all our native peoples especially those directly affected by these crimes agaibst White kids.
So please do donate if you can:
The legal application has been drafted and is ready to be filed subject to funding. The case is urgent and time limited.
This is to open doors to possible further action for Justice for the victims of grooming gangs:
The money goes into the legal fund of the law firm to take direct action and help to bring about justice. It's not going to grifters looking to personally profit or people wanting you to buy car or a holiday. It's to take real action on behalf of all our native peoples especially those directly affected by these crimes agaibst White kids.
So please do donate if you can:
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Nick Griffin

The Muslim-run archery clubs bringing the sport to everyone - Hyphen
मीडिया सामग्री तक पहुँच नहीं हो सकी
Comments under this on X are awesome. Angry white unity.
I do hope that the current explosion in outrage about the racially and religiously mass targeted genocidal rape and torture of white children in Great Britain by organised gangs of foreign hostile imported men results in demands for the harshest justice.
My primary motivation and reason for doing all the work I have done over the last decade and continue to, has been to obtain a great justice for the genocidal acts being perpetrated against my people. It's motivating to see that these crimes are now being widely recognised for what they are, racial and religious acts of genocide against the White Indigenous peoples of the British Isles.
I got heavily persecuted and denied justice for seeking to have crimes committed against me as a child investigated as racially and religiously motivated and for wanting an investigation into the scale of the mass rape and torture of white kids on the basis of it constituting an act of genocide.
Now, these crimes against us are being publicly acknowledged as such, and it pleases me to see it as once again what I have been stating for many years which the majority of people denied was the reality of what has happened and is still happening, has been vindicated and validated. Just like police beating, stripping and sexually assaulting female victims that they unlawfully detained as a means of intimidation and to try break them. Which many did not believe or denied was taking place until it was exposed and admitted as a reality, and the police issued apologies.
The fact a very large portion of our population and prominent peoples in possitions of authority are now calling for all those responsible to also be held accountable, not just the vile foreign child rapists but also the civil servants, politicians, social workers, high ranking porosecutors,CPS employees, and police who have been complict and facilitated these crimes is incredible to see. We appear to be making progress towards collectively implementing a great justice.
I do not think that this great justice will come immediately or in the near future however this idea of accountability and justice on this broad scale of holding all those responsible for their actions being in the collective consciousness of a large number of our peoples is a significant leap forward that I warmly welcome.
We will, in our lifetime, get the great justice we rightly deserve, especially those who have suffered the worst of these crimes, such as the family of those killed by foreign invaders and the survivors of these foreign peadophile rape gangs.
These crimes of murder and rape of our people are truly the greatest injustices of our time, nothing else compares or even comes close to the horror, pain, the lifelong and intergenerational suffering those crimes cause the victims, their families and communities.
We are on course to ensure that those responsible will face our wrath in the coming years. The righteous rage of our people will bring about the justice we deserve.
My primary motivation and reason for doing all the work I have done over the last decade and continue to, has been to obtain a great justice for the genocidal acts being perpetrated against my people. It's motivating to see that these crimes are now being widely recognised for what they are, racial and religious acts of genocide against the White Indigenous peoples of the British Isles.
I got heavily persecuted and denied justice for seeking to have crimes committed against me as a child investigated as racially and religiously motivated and for wanting an investigation into the scale of the mass rape and torture of white kids on the basis of it constituting an act of genocide.
Now, these crimes against us are being publicly acknowledged as such, and it pleases me to see it as once again what I have been stating for many years which the majority of people denied was the reality of what has happened and is still happening, has been vindicated and validated. Just like police beating, stripping and sexually assaulting female victims that they unlawfully detained as a means of intimidation and to try break them. Which many did not believe or denied was taking place until it was exposed and admitted as a reality, and the police issued apologies.
The fact a very large portion of our population and prominent peoples in possitions of authority are now calling for all those responsible to also be held accountable, not just the vile foreign child rapists but also the civil servants, politicians, social workers, high ranking porosecutors,CPS employees, and police who have been complict and facilitated these crimes is incredible to see. We appear to be making progress towards collectively implementing a great justice.
I do not think that this great justice will come immediately or in the near future however this idea of accountability and justice on this broad scale of holding all those responsible for their actions being in the collective consciousness of a large number of our peoples is a significant leap forward that I warmly welcome.
We will, in our lifetime, get the great justice we rightly deserve, especially those who have suffered the worst of these crimes, such as the family of those killed by foreign invaders and the survivors of these foreign peadophile rape gangs.
These crimes of murder and rape of our people are truly the greatest injustices of our time, nothing else compares or even comes close to the horror, pain, the lifelong and intergenerational suffering those crimes cause the victims, their families and communities.
We are on course to ensure that those responsible will face our wrath in the coming years. The righteous rage of our people will bring about the justice we deserve.
Of any campaign I have seen raising money for a cause, this one by far is the most worthy and legitimate:
The money raised is going to a legal fund for an appeal to reduce the sentance of a family man who has been given a eight year sentance plus two years on licence for so called "terror" offences which the vast majority of the population wouldn't even consider an offence, these were "possession of documents that maybe useful to a terrorist (s58 TA 2000) and membership of a proscribed organisation (which was because he stayed in touch with some friends who had been previously been members of a group that had been proscribed because of their nationalist ideology and actions of one idiot).
Ben had subsequently moved on with his life and settled down, had a family with his now fiancée Alexandra before the state decided to use him as an example to install fear within the nationalist community that publicly expressing white nationalist sentiments, forming groups or organisations may lead to heavy state persecution through their vaguely written and selectively applied legislation.
Ben and his nearly 4 year old daughter have never spent a Christmas together. His daughter has never seen her Daddy on her birthday. Benjamin was moved some 301 miles from his family to HMP Frankland. Which has made visiting for his fiancée with their two children, one of which is a disabled child, extremely challenging and costly. Ben has faced hostility and violence during his sentance because of his race and nationalist views, he has been physically attacked in prison with his jaw broken even though he keeps to himself and his head down to avoid trouble so he can get out to his family as soon as he can. TACT prisoners and their families have less rights and more restrictions than any other type prisoner which makes life much harder for them and their families than non TACT prisoners.
The state continues to harrass his family and even the wider family of his fiancée while Ben is in prison even though none of them have ever been convicted of any offence or suspected of committing one.
Communication, video calls, and visits are regularly cancelled without warning due to issues not related to them but with prison operations causing great distress to the family. Police randomly turn up at their houses without due cause to harass them under the guise of it being for their "welfare." They refuse to move him closer to home even though the long travelling distance is incredibly hard on their disabled child and by extension his fiancée and their other child dispite him being a model prisoner .
The decade long sentance is excessive, and the lengthy imprisonment under TACT restrictions in a prison hundreds of miles away has a huge negative impact on the lives of his young family, others convicted of similar or the same offences have successfully appealed and had their sentances reduced.
They are not asking for tens of thousands for holidays or for spending money.
They are only asking for a small fraction of the legal costs for an appeal that could bring about getting a man back to his young suffering family.
There is no grift. The money goes to a legimate aim of legal proceedings, not into inviduals back pockets.
By donating, you help give a family the opportunity to be together again, and if successful, this may also help other nationalists to return home to their families sooner by setting further precedent.
If you are going to donate to anything I would urge you to donate to this as it is for a legitimate and worthy cause.
The money raised is going to a legal fund for an appeal to reduce the sentance of a family man who has been given a eight year sentance plus two years on licence for so called "terror" offences which the vast majority of the population wouldn't even consider an offence, these were "possession of documents that maybe useful to a terrorist (s58 TA 2000) and membership of a proscribed organisation (which was because he stayed in touch with some friends who had been previously been members of a group that had been proscribed because of their nationalist ideology and actions of one idiot).
Ben had subsequently moved on with his life and settled down, had a family with his now fiancée Alexandra before the state decided to use him as an example to install fear within the nationalist community that publicly expressing white nationalist sentiments, forming groups or organisations may lead to heavy state persecution through their vaguely written and selectively applied legislation.
Ben and his nearly 4 year old daughter have never spent a Christmas together. His daughter has never seen her Daddy on her birthday. Benjamin was moved some 301 miles from his family to HMP Frankland. Which has made visiting for his fiancée with their two children, one of which is a disabled child, extremely challenging and costly. Ben has faced hostility and violence during his sentance because of his race and nationalist views, he has been physically attacked in prison with his jaw broken even though he keeps to himself and his head down to avoid trouble so he can get out to his family as soon as he can. TACT prisoners and their families have less rights and more restrictions than any other type prisoner which makes life much harder for them and their families than non TACT prisoners.
The state continues to harrass his family and even the wider family of his fiancée while Ben is in prison even though none of them have ever been convicted of any offence or suspected of committing one.
Communication, video calls, and visits are regularly cancelled without warning due to issues not related to them but with prison operations causing great distress to the family. Police randomly turn up at their houses without due cause to harass them under the guise of it being for their "welfare." They refuse to move him closer to home even though the long travelling distance is incredibly hard on their disabled child and by extension his fiancée and their other child dispite him being a model prisoner .
The decade long sentance is excessive, and the lengthy imprisonment under TACT restrictions in a prison hundreds of miles away has a huge negative impact on the lives of his young family, others convicted of similar or the same offences have successfully appealed and had their sentances reduced.
They are not asking for tens of thousands for holidays or for spending money.
They are only asking for a small fraction of the legal costs for an appeal that could bring about getting a man back to his young suffering family.
There is no grift. The money goes to a legimate aim of legal proceedings, not into inviduals back pockets.
By donating, you help give a family the opportunity to be together again, and if successful, this may also help other nationalists to return home to their families sooner by setting further precedent.
If you are going to donate to anything I would urge you to donate to this as it is for a legitimate and worthy cause.
Final filing today. Bundles are huge, I am going to require a wheeled suitcase to get everything to the court each day of the trial next week. So glad this is finally reaching its conclusion. Litigation is so incredibly drawn out and work heavy. It will be nice to just have the baby, studies and the company launch to worry about.
My Grandads funeral was on Friday. He lived to 95. When organising his funeral, we had some family meetings where we discussed his life and legacy along with a group chat where old photos were posted to pick out which would be displayed.
It got me thinking about how quickly our homelands have changed. In the course of one lifetime my Grandad lived through the second world War and then did his national service in Palestine where he was shot at by Jews. When he returned he married and moved into the house where he would live for over 70 years of his life in an inner city area of Manchester that was when he first moved in a fully white area as most of Britain was. By the time he died it was a white minority area occupied by foreigners who turned the area into a crime ridden, rubbish filled foreign occupation zone most white people say they are too scared to enter on foot.
Looking back at the old photos it was once clean, the streets had no litter, everybody dressed in suits and elegant dresses, houses were large, there was no over crowding, parks were safe placed you would want to take your family to, there were community pubs and shops on the local High Street that sold decent healthy produce, English butchers, green grocers, no supermarkets and bakers. Now its all foreign take aways, dodgy barbers, halal food stores with rotting vegetables in crates outside, shops selling burkas and Islamic clothing.
Although my Grandad lived a long healthy life most of it with the woman he loved and surrounded by a large family I can not help but think how sad it is that he grew old watching the utter destruction of his home, how neighbours died or moved to be replaced by foreign hostile people that destroyed everything good and British about the area. How the increase in African origin peoples lead to high crime rates, gangs and street violence. How the mass invasion of Islamic people made the area unrecognisable, turned into a foreign third world shit hole where he would have been the odd one out. He never felt intimidated by the foreigners as he had a very large local family known to be aggressive themselves when required but he shouldn't have had to see everything his father and older brothers fought for destroyed by corrupt anti-white shabbos goy politicians.
I often see nationalists talk about how they "want to secure a future for white children" which of course is a primary objective but I also seek justice for the betrayal of older generations of our people and what they have taken from us.
What they did to our forefathers must also not be forgotten and the betrayal of them must not be forgiven.
We must ensure they are held accountable for what they have done, with the wars and to our homelands after the world wars.
It got me thinking about how quickly our homelands have changed. In the course of one lifetime my Grandad lived through the second world War and then did his national service in Palestine where he was shot at by Jews. When he returned he married and moved into the house where he would live for over 70 years of his life in an inner city area of Manchester that was when he first moved in a fully white area as most of Britain was. By the time he died it was a white minority area occupied by foreigners who turned the area into a crime ridden, rubbish filled foreign occupation zone most white people say they are too scared to enter on foot.
Looking back at the old photos it was once clean, the streets had no litter, everybody dressed in suits and elegant dresses, houses were large, there was no over crowding, parks were safe placed you would want to take your family to, there were community pubs and shops on the local High Street that sold decent healthy produce, English butchers, green grocers, no supermarkets and bakers. Now its all foreign take aways, dodgy barbers, halal food stores with rotting vegetables in crates outside, shops selling burkas and Islamic clothing.
Although my Grandad lived a long healthy life most of it with the woman he loved and surrounded by a large family I can not help but think how sad it is that he grew old watching the utter destruction of his home, how neighbours died or moved to be replaced by foreign hostile people that destroyed everything good and British about the area. How the increase in African origin peoples lead to high crime rates, gangs and street violence. How the mass invasion of Islamic people made the area unrecognisable, turned into a foreign third world shit hole where he would have been the odd one out. He never felt intimidated by the foreigners as he had a very large local family known to be aggressive themselves when required but he shouldn't have had to see everything his father and older brothers fought for destroyed by corrupt anti-white shabbos goy politicians.
I often see nationalists talk about how they "want to secure a future for white children" which of course is a primary objective but I also seek justice for the betrayal of older generations of our people and what they have taken from us.
What they did to our forefathers must also not be forgotten and the betrayal of them must not be forgiven.
We must ensure they are held accountable for what they have done, with the wars and to our homelands after the world wars.
We should have our own archery clubs. I've enjoyed archery for many years. It's a very calming sport and almost anybody can participate in archery. My baby will be doing archery as soon as they are old enough to, along with a range of other sports. Best thing is they will be able to do so with me because I'm not one of those non-active, non athletic mums. However it would be great to see native community sports clubs where our peoples of all ages can come together to get fit and learn new skills, especially ones with such a historical and cultural connection to our people. Now I want to get my archery gear out. Just one more day of legal work, tomorrow at uni then Friday I think can be a day where I get to practice.
What a productive day. PTR listed for the 7th of February and Trial shall be from the 10th to the 15th of March. I have a lot to do between now and the end of the week then Saturday I will try to quickly film an update (the first one in over a year) in regards to these matters and the progress of other projects.
In other news as much as I'm not a huge Trump fan I am very pleased the Jan 6th protesters being released I know a few Americans who had been affected by that attack of lawfare so am happy to see them have their freedoms returned or anxieties over their futures alleviated.
Also, here in the UK, it seems hostile grifting fake nationalist entities are getting another dose of karma, which after their attacks using the persecution of victims of racially motivated rape gang as their basis, porn spamming, rape threats and ongoing exploitation of nationalists and encouragement of activities and behaviours that put them in danger of persecution I think it's hard to sympathise with.
I'm supposed to be on daily chaos this week but I am unlikely to have the time until the end of the week to return to regular online activity.
I'll be back soon with official updates.
In other news as much as I'm not a huge Trump fan I am very pleased the Jan 6th protesters being released I know a few Americans who had been affected by that attack of lawfare so am happy to see them have their freedoms returned or anxieties over their futures alleviated.
Also, here in the UK, it seems hostile grifting fake nationalist entities are getting another dose of karma, which after their attacks using the persecution of victims of racially motivated rape gang as their basis, porn spamming, rape threats and ongoing exploitation of nationalists and encouragement of activities and behaviours that put them in danger of persecution I think it's hard to sympathise with.
I'm supposed to be on daily chaos this week but I am unlikely to have the time until the end of the week to return to regular online activity.
I'll be back soon with official updates.
Also what's with the chain around her neck that looks like the type people used to use to handle dangerous dogs or to lock gates together, why is that around her neck doesn't look like jewellery.
Just don't let your kids go in
Another loss for the Open University with their rabid enforcement of far left extremist political ideology through use of harassment and victimisation. My case is based on racial discrimination and discrimination of belief but not ones related to gender ideology, along with racial harassment, victimisation and contraventions of the Education Act and Human Rights Act. I gather I am the only Litigant in Person in proceedings against them. Just preparing the final parts of the Skeleton Arguments, preparing for opening and closing statements, oral submissions and cross examination of witnesses. I am quite looking forward to the Trial and concluding this matter so I can focus on studies and WIRA. I am certainly going to be deserving of a nice quiet spa weekend away and a holiday by the time this is done.

Decent Pre-Trial review. Most issues were resolved prior to the trial.
The Trial schedule is set starting from the 10th of March to the 14th of March.
I have a lot of work to do with skeleton arguments, authorities lists, bundles, witness prep, cross examination prep, on top of mid term exams, TMAs, and coursework for Uni, full time looking after a baby and keeping up with WIRA prep launch activities.
For the sour idiot cultists who like to pretend this case doesn't exist because they are incapable of any action beyond boring streams to echo chamber audiences, banner drops in the countryside, begging for money, writing WLM in flour and other assorted low effort 0 chance of tangible change activity done purely to post to social media to keep the grift going ....the listing for todays PTR is publicly available on Court Serve in the Manchester Listings.
The trial will be listed on each day of the trial.
The Trial schedule is set starting from the 10th of March to the 14th of March.
I have a lot of work to do with skeleton arguments, authorities lists, bundles, witness prep, cross examination prep, on top of mid term exams, TMAs, and coursework for Uni, full time looking after a baby and keeping up with WIRA prep launch activities.
For the sour idiot cultists who like to pretend this case doesn't exist because they are incapable of any action beyond boring streams to echo chamber audiences, banner drops in the countryside, begging for money, writing WLM in flour and other assorted low effort 0 chance of tangible change activity done purely to post to social media to keep the grift going ....the listing for todays PTR is publicly available on Court Serve in the Manchester Listings.
The trial will be listed on each day of the trial.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Nick Griffin

Imagine if Rudakubana was white, had attacked a room full of black children, gloated about killing three of them, expressed malice towards black people, was obsessed with the genocidal murder campaign being waged against the Boers, said that Britain needed ethnic cleansing, had a father possibly linked to a genocidal murder gang, and had been caught with a terror manual published by a white racist organisation which had beheaded thousands of people.
Would Starmer, the BBC, the CPS and the police try to claim he was not a racist killer and a terrorist?
The Southport Massacre was, indeed, not the work of an Islamist (as touted by the counter-jihad Zionist sock puppets) but it was the worst racist attack in British history, even more ghastly than the murder of Kriss Donald.
Would Starmer, the BBC, the CPS and the police try to claim he was not a racist killer and a terrorist?
The Southport Massacre was, indeed, not the work of an Islamist (as touted by the counter-jihad Zionist sock puppets) but it was the worst racist attack in British history, even more ghastly than the murder of Kriss Donald.
I expect the official court orders will arrive in the next 7 days confirming the listed dates of the PTR and Trial. I've already been given them via email but we are waiting on the Equality assessor to confirm they are available. This case has been ongoing since 2021 so I will be most pleased to see it concluded in the near future. Get ready for those claiming that the case doesn't exist to cry about the fact others actually take real action against anti-white discrimination while they just complain online and beg for donations to do nothing of worth.
Evil bitch trying to play herself of as scared. It's because of invasion supporting scum like her that the native peoples of Britain fear for their kids saftey. They don't have personal security or any form of protection not even from the police. The native peoples of Britain are being raped, robbed, extorted and killed by imported hostile foreign invaders and this bitch who has private security, paid for by the state wants to pretend that she's in danger? The average indigenous person just trying to go about their quiet life is at 100x the risk of being violently attacked (by some foreign origin import) than she is by anybody.
Went to the TBG conference on Saturday. Some fantastic speakers. Great networking. Met some very interesting new people and also was lovely to see those who I already am acquainted with once again. One gentleman I spent a lot of time speaking to is part of a group of brilliant gentlemen who are on a mission to gain justice and accountability for all those responsible for the grooming epidemic. Got to meet Edward Dutton in person and chat for a while, was most enjoyable. Homeland men were there and were all very pleasant as usual. Met Jim Lewthwaite of the British Democrats in person who seems an intelligent man who is enthusiastic about achieving shared objectives. I also met a representative of White Papers. I got to meet up with a highly valued member of my team who always supports all in person court attendances for Fanning v The Open University.
I did not take any photos, which was a shame really as I have not been in suit dress for some time and I may not get to meet some overseas people again or for some time so I may not get opportunity to in future. Its just not high up on my agenda to get photos or film my activities and interactions at such events. I prefer to be present in the moment and attentive rather than getting everything recorded to post about it. I don't really think about posting until later on.
I am most pleased that it was highly productive as since having a baby along with my live projects, there has been no time or opportunity for me to attend such events. There should be some great collaborative work for our people that takes place from the interactions of the day.
I did not take any photos, which was a shame really as I have not been in suit dress for some time and I may not get to meet some overseas people again or for some time so I may not get opportunity to in future. Its just not high up on my agenda to get photos or film my activities and interactions at such events. I prefer to be present in the moment and attentive rather than getting everything recorded to post about it. I don't really think about posting until later on.
I am most pleased that it was highly productive as since having a baby along with my live projects, there has been no time or opportunity for me to attend such events. There should be some great collaborative work for our people that takes place from the interactions of the day.
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