How the Anti-DPRK elite of the West try to control the narrative and brainwash people .
A couple of different incidents within the last few days which illustrate how the ruling elite in Western countries , control and manipulate the narrative about the DPRK ,create false talking points and bombard people with fake news about the DPRK to turn people against it .
There was recently the case of the US state sponsored and south Korean based propaganda front NKNews . These prize munchkins found themselves in hot water because they were caught out extensively using material from the DPRK news media . NKNews even tricked some people into thinking that they were a DPRK website or news agency ,which of course they are not , by creating a site called "KCNA watch " . This was one of the more subtle and craftier ways that NKNews, which was founded by a former employee of the CIA linked German Marshal Fund , attempted to hijack and control the narrative around the DPRK . Another one has been to create fake talking points or gossip about the DPRK by publishing irrelevant materials such as " X has not been seen in public for a few weeks " or " such and such was seated behind such and such " . Less subtle are numerous fake news stories in NKNews which are then carried in the mainstream media .
About 80 to 90 per cent of the stories in the mainstream media about the DPRK are sourced from south Korea which is hostile to the DPRK and is a sworn enemy of the DPRK .
Recently , the mainstream media quoted hostile reports from 'tourists' to the DPRK . Probably such tourists were from privileged , middle class ,bourgeois backgrounds so not well disposed towards the DPRK and unable to see the vast advantages of Juche-based socialism . Sadly , many KFA UK members would like to visit the DPRK but cannot afford to do so .
Last year our KFA UK Chairman Dr Dermot Hudson was actually the first British person to visit the DPRK for 5 years but the media (apart from one Japanese journalist and a Belarussian lady journalist},did not interview him . A lengthy interview was given to an ethnic Korean journalist of the "Wall Street Journal " but was never published .
So the mainstream media adds to its barrage of propaganda and fake news about People's Korea by ignoring reports of genuine and honest visitors to the DPRK and instead publishing material from 'defectors' (ie traitors to the DPRK ) and hostile tourists from privileged backgrounds . This is how people are brainwashed against the DPRK.